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Tv series questions

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MemberXenomorphAug-20-2012 3:21 PM
Can anyone tell me: 1) Did sumarai jack ever get back to his time and defeat aku ? 2) Why was the pretender series cancelled and why was there never a third movie ? 3) Why was firefly cancelled ? 4) Why did earth final conflict end so poorly ? (Everybofy dies) 5) Why do people hate star trek so much ? 6) Why was airwolf changed and become so crappy after series 2 finished. There was only one string fellow hawke! - know its a lot to answer. Have been looking for answers for a long time but don't trust wikipedia anymore. It seems there are people in this forum/blog site that have very close ties with movie and tv production industry. Give me the skinny on the above ! Long live prometheus !! My condolences RS on his loss.
13 Replies

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 4:22 PM
1) Did sumarai jack ever get back to his time and defeat aku ? R: Dunno... but I think so. 2) Why was the pretender series cancelled and why was there never a third movie ? R: Maybe people got tired of it. I never liked it. 3) Why was firefly cancelled ? R: I only watched one episode of that show and for all I know It got canceled after airing 5 of them here. People didn't like it. I thought it a bit childish and the cgi was crappy [IMHO]. 4) Why did earth final conflict end so poorly ? (Everybofy dies) R: Never seen that show but thank you for ruining it for me . 5) Why do people hate star trek so much ? R: Some people have a very uninteresting imagination and a boring life of their own. So, they hate everything that reminds them that they aren''t nothing special. 6) Why was airwolf changed and become so crappy after series 2 finished. There was only one string fellow hawke! R: Never seen it, but now I know that there was only one string fellow hawke. Thanks again.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberXenomorphAug-20-2012 4:51 PM
Thanks david 1 These questions have lingered with me for many years. I simply don't trust what I read on the internet anymore. What fascinates me about american television is how quickly audiences can change their mind as to what they like. For years now I have tried to figure out what makes an audience like a series as opposed to a movie. For instance cheers was at one stage the biggest comedy series of all time. What made people watch the same series for so many years. I can't really find a middle ground that would explain this. These series mentioned provided great entertainment and then they got cancelled. What is currently the biggest tv series in america as to sci fi or otherwise ?

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 5:00 PM
I'm not from the United States bro, can´t speak for them. One thing I can say, though: after some time the entertainment becomes dull and unimpressing. That happens a lot either in movies, in music, in TV Shows... well, in everything really. As for the why, I guess peeps have a lot to choose from. There is a lot of entertainment media and that kind of numbs people; as opposed to those who don't watch much tv. I find a person who doesn't care much for media entertainment to be more easilly entertained than those who watch tv in a dailly basis.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 8:07 PM
I will have to disagree with David 1 about Firefly.......It's not that people didn't like it. In fact, it had and still has a very passionate, tight knit fanbase that launched a large effort to save the show. The following is from an interview with a former Fox Executive: With Firefly flaring up in the news lately thanks to comments made by Nathan Fillion and re-airings of the show on The Science Channel, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette got a chance to sit down with former Fox Entertainment President Gail Berman to discuss why she had to pull the plug on Firefly. “Canceling ‘Firefly’ was as difficult as anything I’d ever been involved in because Joss and I had been creative partners at one time,” she said. Indeed, I remember seeing Berman sitting with a script and headphones on the set of a season two episode of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” “I worked with him very closely on this particular show and when it didn’t perform [in the ratings], having to cancel it was very difficult.” Yes, the ratings. And what about that absurd decision to air the show out of order? “If I had to do it over again, I might have reconsidered it but I’m not sure it would have changed anything,” she said. “It was a numbers things. It was a wonderful show and I loved it and I loved working with him on it but that was a big show, a very expensive show and it wasn’t delivering the numbers.” Of course, many Browncoats would blame the fact that it “wasn’t delivering the numbers” on her decisions to air the episodes out of order, bury it in the “Friday night death slot”, and the fact that they only gave it one season. Meanwhile, Dollhouse and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles both got two seasons to try and develop an audience.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-20-2012 10:14 PM
@ Oduodu. I can't give you any Answers to any of the questions. Airwolf was my favourite programme when i was younger and even i don't know the definative answer. But i did hear that Jan Micheal Vincent, who played String Fellow Hawk, was having drug problems, so he left the programme? I don't know how true that is though.

The poster was good though!



MemberXenomorphAug-20-2012 10:55 PM
Thanks craigamore. That takes care of firefly. So its about numbers. So at that stage there simply were too many people viewing other series and the network decided not to pursue it anymore. David 1 - it doesn't matter to me if you like firefly or not (because you are your own person with your own personal taste and likes and I respect that for any person). What matters to me is that you find something that grabs you as a person. That for 30 or 60 minutes takes you into their world as opposed to your own - without leaving the safety of home. What decides how that works for one person to the next is interesting. Its almost like some force at work here. I liked sarah connor chronicles. Just thought firefly deserved at least another season. The dialogue between the crew was brilliant and back story was plausible. And the alliance was always trying too make you believe that everything they do is for your best and if you don't agree they kill you. In the real world its always works like that. We the government want the best for you. Here is you're options for the political parties you can vote for. But I never have any say in what they stand for and ultimately what they do when and when they are in power they simply forget about you. Democracy ? My arse !!! Oh yes craigamore what is this death slot thing ? David 1 yes there is definitely numbness from all the available media out there. Its not a simple world anymore.


MemberXenomorphAug-20-2012 11:10 PM
necronom 4 (R.I.P TONY) Thanks. That takes care of airwolf. Always loved the music and when hawke and santini went to the lair and started her up it was always unbelievable the anticipation. The sound effects, the sound of the engine, etc and the music from sylvester levay was brilliant. Then in series 2 suddenly BOOM !!! Everything changes. What's this now ? Every series I liked either got cancelled or they changed it or the series never got to properly answer that specific thing I wanted resolved. Guess that's the way it is.

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 7:48 AM
Craig and Oduodu: I said: "for all I know It got canceled after airing 5 of them [b]here[/b]. People didn't like it." Firefly aired 5 episodes as a trial in my country. Had no viewers. Got canceled. Not everybody enjoys the same shows I guess. Either way, I also said: "I thought it a bit childish and the cgi was crappy [IMHO]"
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberXenomorphAug-21-2012 10:51 AM
Sorry david 1 I stand corrected. Thanks !!!


MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 11:49 AM
Firefly was cancelled because Fox executives are royal ass-hats.

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 3:52 PM
Oduodu: Cheers mate.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 7:37 PM
A death slot is a time slot that is occupied by a show going up against a smash hit on another station. A good example would be when Fox put The Simpons up against The Cosby Show in the same time slot back in the early 90s. The Cosby Show was a mega-hit with massive veiwership and at the time, before it was moved opposite of Cosby, The Simpsons was a top 10 show in the ratings for its first time slot. Once moved against The Cosby Show, it dropped to a top 50 show for its time slot. Fox was smart enough to keep The Simpsons, but the show did struggle ratings wise for a few seasons as a result. That, my friend, is a death slot.....a slot destined to kill fledgling shows that lack an established fan base.


MemberXenomorphAug-30-2012 12:03 PM
Thanks craigamore
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