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MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 12:09 AMmy first time on this page and the only thing i notice is the huge countdown lol what is it for?
7 Replies

MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 12:22 AMThe end of the Mayan calendar, and this whole quadrant of the galaxy!

MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 12:23 AMjust kidding, its the Blu-ray release for Prometheus, i think?

MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 12:24 AMAt the end of the movie 'Prometheus' it says 10-11-12 or something like that. We are expecting some kind of announcement on that date. The DVD is slated to come out a couple of days before.
There is a website related to it:
It's a riddle.

MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 12:24 AMhehe....welcome! Beyond the fact that the counter is counting down to october 11'th 2012, no one knows. 10/11/12 is likely the release date for the blu ray/dvd (in the States) some other reveal (we hope).

MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 12:52 AMwhat if the reveal is just something about the sequel to the movie XD

MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 1:47 AM@oreo: Frankly, i wouldnt be all that bothered if the 10.11.12 reveal was, in addition to the blu ray release, a bit of information/viral marketing etc. pertaining to the sequel. Prior to the announcement of the decision to move forward with a sequel, i was expecting quite a bit from 10.11.12. Now that they have said that a sequel is in the works, i cant really imagine what could be more exciting/relevant than that. I guess im just not all that concerned about it anymore. Assuming that the sequel does indeed get made in the next several years, here's what we have: Prometheus (a very worthy film imo), what looks to be an excellent blu ray release of said film, sexy looking toys from NECA, a colonial marines video game, and a second film on its way. The aforementioned list is pretty sweet. As long as the second film gets made and is as good or better than prometheus, im a happy fan.

David 1
MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 7:46 AMI made a deadly mail chain and a forum member broke it.
The countdown is that member's life time remaining.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]
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