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Cyber-space detectives

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MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 5:00 AM
Good luck FOX and Ridley scott. People are not paying interest in this movie like they used to. For us old timers on the site we know how absolutely crazy it was in here with all mysteries, viral marketing and trailers. People were dissecting each and every trailer that came out, every statement from Ridley and the studio. People basically worked their asses of for free, out of pure interest for the movie and that entire universe. This site probably had the best Cyber-space detectives in the world. I


13 Replies

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 7:10 AM
"We were creating our OWN universe surounding Prometheus, even before it was out. Even before we knew the actual story of the film, we were making it." and that is why we read so many complaints. High Hopes went down when peeps didn't see what they thought they'd see. "BUT what if we ignore the campaign. Just wash it of, pretend it never happend. What are we left with? Just another sci fi movie? A new era in sci fi? Maby.... That is the question." Even many of those who didn't do their Detective Job would probably prefer to simply ignore the whole thing ever happened. It was a downer even for those who didn't expect anything at all. Had lots of potential, that's for sure. But it went astray.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 8:05 AM
How about you then? David1. What is your toughts on it? is it already dead? Or is there still hope for the future?



MemberFacehuggerAug-22-2012 8:08 AM
I’m not one to normally get too involved with forum debates, but this site is one of those rare exceptions to the rule for me. I, like Korpen, remember the build up and dare I say it, thrill of the chase. I have since read many opinions about the likes and dislikes that people have about Prometheus, but I think something more has happened along the way. What has engaged me the most has been the input from anyone who has expressed an opinion, viewpoint or whatever before and after the films release. Ever since I first set my eyes on this site, I have been more than impressed with the quality of thought from everyone involved. I consider this site to be far superior, in many ways to a lot of other Sci-Fi sites out there. I think that one of its special values, is that the subject matters covered in the threads here, are more often than not, well presented and thought out. I mean this with all due respect, when I say that this site IMO is a bit like a scientific daily tabloid, but without the baggage of over excessive marketing. The big bonus is that any marketing is the sort I want to see anyhow. I’d say this site is like any other community, in that there will be those who come and go over time, and when we all need to gather in the town square again for Paradise, I hope it happens here. I would like to add my praise to the staff of this site, for maintaining the quality of debate that goes on here, as well as other numerous issues needed to be dealt with in keeping this a well run machine. I’d like to think I’m going to be sticking around for quite a while longer, as its not just about the film.

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 8:27 AM
My personal thoughts about the movie are these: - for an all encompassing movie only one to this date was done: 2001. - Sir Ridley is a Kubrik fan and his statement that Prometheus would be "2001 on steroids" sounded quite pretentious at the time, and in fact it was pretentious. Very pretentious. - I went with 0 hopes to see something "wow" and mesmerizing. All I wanted from it was to see the Engineers. I got pleased with it, as well as for the Aesthetics. - but, in the end, all the viral stuff showed all there was in the movie, as well as the traillers. As for the sequel(s): - The only thing I'm willing to bet is that the sequel(s) will be straight-forward, without any complicated matters. Not even Prometheus was complicated. All was there. As to what the movie discussion is concerned: - truly there isn't much to say that hasn't been said before a whole lot of times. So I backed off from posting anaylis. All I do now is to joke around and have fun with some posts. - then there is the AVP "canon" matter that really makes no sense at all, specially when there are no preds in both the Alien franchise as well as the Prometheus one. There was a time I thought of it somewhat funny, now I don't anymore. - Some folks - willingly or unwillingly - take themselves too seriously and that gives little space for the Forum disscussions to be fun. ... and I guess that's it. At least for now.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 4:10 PM
@David1- this is off topic but I wanted to address it: I read  RS's comment about 2001 on steroids early on and was put off by it, not due to his characteristic hyperbole but because it suggested a very different film to the one I was expecting to get. BUT, IMO he delivered just that.     Steroids make me think of preposterous hormonal vitality, not necessarily amplified superiority. From the very first frame of Prometheus we had an homage to Stanley Kubrick and 2001, truly a love letter written in an almost antic, throbbing prose. 2001 as imagined by Geoff Darrow. Balletic high mindedness with a graft of madcap muscular urgency. This, for me, was the genius of the film, this totally unexpected aesthetic, the tension and urgency communicated with fabulous, artful imagery, and many other homages too, even The Ten Commandments, with it's ten ton camp proclamations " so it shall be written, so it shall be done.." / " God doesn't build in straight lines"! Fun! But I digress. Just wanted to put that out there for ya.


MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 5:01 PM
@major noob: well put. @OP: i agree. If a particular fanboy/girl hates everything about prometheus and simply cannot get on board with any future installments, then they should just leave now and try to forget that they ever encountered the film. However, fans who find prometheus at least somewhat meritorious should double down on this new strand of the franchise. Lets provide support enough to allow ridley to finish telling his tale. I really want the narrative to be fully realized. Personally, im in it for the long haul. Once 10.11.12/the blu ray hits, its likely that things will pick up around here (what more is there to really discuss right now?). I hope that we continue to get little tidbits of info/viral marketing as production of the second film progresses.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 5:13 PM


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 9:22 PM
@Korpen, I agree with you, I went in hoping to see how the Space Jockey ended up dead in his chair with a hole in his chest, but was instead exposed to Lost on LV-223. Massively disappointing. And you're right, if Fox and Ridley and Lindelof had bothered looking at this forum and seeing some of the ideas here, they could have made a far superior film to what we got. Looked pretty, sure, but at the end of the day I wanted a good story and an answer or two. But no. Now we may have to wait again for something that will probably never happen I think.
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 9:52 PM
@Cypher: I'm afraid you may be right . My imagination has turned over the mystery of the Derelict for 30 years, and I would love the answers, but Prometheus humanized the story, and I think our film makers knew any story couldn't help but do so, thus wisely taking an alternate view.


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 10:18 PM
The thing that really, really, REALLY gets on my goat Major Noob, is the fact that Lindelof reduced the Alien to a half human half black goo thing incubated in an Engineer. That is truly pathetic and lazy writing on Damon Lindelof's behalf. The Alien was so, well, friggen' ALIEN. THAT was what made it scary. To know they came about because of human interference is just................... Crap.
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 10:38 PM
But Cypher isn't it possible that creature is just a different iteration of the Alien? Remember, it was essentially a chestnurster. Isn't it possible that thing will grow into something unbelievable? Again, we may never see it. Then again... Either way I do think our film makers had some confidence in our ( the Alien loyal ) imaginations, which was the purpose of the Deacon, to finalize the cycle and sort of wink at the fans. For all the wonders it revealed, Alien was largely dependent on our imaginations.


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 12:12 AM
I agree with Major Noob. Your (cypher) interpretation of the events of prometheus, while completely plausible (and possible), is just interpretation. There is plenty of on-screen evidence to suggest that your inference is not objective fact. For one, the murals in the ampule room pretty much guarantee that the xenomorph existed in some form or another prior to the events of prometheus (depicted in the ampule room: traditional xenomorph egg, facehuggers, and a crucified entity that more closely resembles the traditional xeno than the deacon). The most compelling piece of art in the ampule room depicts a xeno egg that is being held by an unknown entity's hand (again, the aforementioned "unknown entity" possesses an arm/hand that is essentially analogous to the arm/hand of the xenomorph seen in Alien. The arm/hand in question is, without doubt, markedly different from the arm/hand of the deacon). Ultimately, we dont know for sure one way or the other, but to condemn a film based on conjecture is, at the very least, premature. Lets let ridley tell his story.

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 9:08 AM
Major Noob › when I saw the movie and later I remembered that Scott's statement "2001 on steroids" I seriously started to think that Scott was referring to the Sacrificial Engineer's body building. And I still believe he was, because that was the only scene in which "on steroids" actually made sense. The rest of it was.... meehhhh...
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]
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