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MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 7:46 PMYes I also thought Prometheus sucked, and considering how it ended, I can't even imagine a sequel that is nothing but absolutely ridiculous! Just like the flutes!
Here we go;
Shaw, the "believer" decides to find the homeplanet of the pale giants along with the severed head of David, and the rest of his body.... This is stupid already.
Anyway, let's say they land on this new planet, what the ...... is Shaw and a head in a bag going to do?
*insert goofy music*
Seriously, Prometheus is bad as it is, why a sequel? A sign that Ridley was aware of the disappointment among fans and tries to justify the failure? Honestly hope so... but as Ridley is well aware of; cash is king
43 Replies

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 5:27 PMDavid1: agreed. But that's one of the reasons Prometheus worked for me, I could not believe my eyes. I counted two truly corny moments. A lot of camp, yes, but my take is it was wry. These days that's a surprise, given the budget and studio, sad to say.
Magellan9: just wanted to say I expected dark horror too, and would have happily received it. Maybe the outcry here and elsewhere will open the door for some great films in that vein?

AdminPraetorianAug-23-2012 5:39 PM@Magellan9; Yes the Viral videos and the ad campaign really set expectations high. Most people I talk to thought it was going to be the 2001 of our generation. :/

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 6:30 PM@Svanya
Yeah I also expected something like that but "we were so wrong" :D

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 7:14 PMMagellan9: that the marvel of 2001, and it's cultural impact, was due in large part to its time, and the mindset of the film makers AND the studio. I'm questioning if such a thing is possible today. I'm a Beatles fan, so I'll use the fame changing album Revolver as an example: the artists today who produce comparable music are the exception, not the norm. Not so then. I argue that no big budget blockbuster tent pole whatever you want to call it could have the same startling impact. I further argue Prometheus danced with style on the very line between commercial gloss and artful style. IMO, of course.

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 7:23 PMAnd I FURTHER argue it's that very dance that makes Prometheus a masterwork.

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 9:46 PM@major noob: just keep forcing me to "+1" your posts. In all seriousness, i couldnt agree more (with both your assertion regarding the film and the points/comparisons you use to bolster your assertion).

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 10:52 PMTY joeyjoe it's terrible how disappointed Magellen9 and others are, I wouldn't condescend to try to convert anybody but I can't help selling it all the same! You gotta wonder what's gonna happen around here when people get their hands on the BluRay....

David 1
MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 7:50 AMI would defo welcome another Masterpiece such as 2001. But, really, it is such a unique movie/work of Art that the bar was set really high up with that one. Many have tried to emulate it's style and depth and all have failed.
I consider 2001 a unique Master Work of Art on it's own, like the Pyramids of Giza.
There really is no nead for another movie like that. We nead something as important and beautiful but by it's own sake and mastery. Something that differs from it and can stand on it's own.
All in all, we nead another Real Movie, not some crap that is done just for the box office.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 9:01 AM@David1+1 BUT....I just feel Prometheus is too surreal to be labelled a cynical cash grab. I answered a post you made several threads back about the "2001 on steroids" claim. I actually felt THAT was an accurate description. 2001 was balletic, cerebral, and part of a cultural revolution that even the suits (creative ones at any rate) were immersed in. Thus, such a movie got made.
On steroids, we get the brute version, amped up, glassy eyed and ready to go berserk. And perhaps the end product was much better than we could have hoped for, given the corporate desire for big returns on a big budget? Ahg I'm repeating myself. Gettin old, bra.

David 1
MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 3:48 PMNoob:
well, some peeps enjoyed it, some didn't. That is the way it goes for subjective aesthetics impression. Even at the time of 2001 Kubrik was bashed for it's movie; so let's just give Prometheus it's time and see what happens.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerAug-24-2012 6:05 PMThe comparisons to 2001 kind of runs out of relevance after a while. It's got a hint of 2001-esque theory in it, but it's more closely related to films like Sunshine, Event Horizon, or even Pandorum (on the surface at least, with the intense horror/thriller aspects). And as others have pointed out, it's really kind of an ANTI-2001. Instead of finding that eternity, bliss, everlasting life, higher consciousness (whatever you want to call it), we brought about violence and destruction. Kind of Kali as opposed to Jesus. It's a bit more cynical.
And I really don't understand why people don't think Prometheus was a horror film. It just wasn't STRICTLY a horror film. It had elements of fantasy/science fiction/thriller/action/drama etc. And that makes it much more interesting in MY book anyway. I think Ridley prepared people well so that they wouldn't think of it as a direct prequel to Alien. Obviously it IS a prequel to Alien, but he tried to steer people away from that thinking because it has a thicker mythology and requires a much different thought process to interpret (hence the relation to 2001).
And I have little doubt that the death of Ridley's brother will affect how the sequels play out. Prometheus WAS no doubt born out of Ridley pondering mortality, and the death of his brother is a HUGE blow and will likely help shape the sequel(s). Should be good.

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 7:17 PMShaw or someone else will obviously fix David. This thread is rather pointless.
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