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Engineers seek their god

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MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 8:50 PM
Just throwing a broad thought out there. What if? just as we went looking for our gods"engineers"... I,m sure at some point the engineers looked from where they came from. In their vast search of the universe they came upon this black goo which had similar characteristics as them...after studying it, and possibly manipulating, hence the different types of it...they believed it to be god in its purest form. By seeding planets or experiments etc...they are trying to recreate the god that was the original form of the goo?...similar DNA and its endless mutative powers, etc. From this stance you can plug in a lot things like why wipe us out ...maybe we didn't end up being the true gods, so erase and retry experiment #5,789...etc Like a I said just a broad thought that crossed my mind...I'm sure a ton of details would have to be worked out but I was just generalizing as to why make such complicated scenarios, when I'm sure they have/had same desires, curiosities as us.... I'm sure at this point a lot more advanced.
30 Replies


MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 1:53 PM
@Rubirosa Do you understand that since the first alien in 1979 there has been a lot of progress in visual and audio effects? I was born in the 80s and comparing the pc games I played then (Amiga,Atari, Amstrad) with the ones modern kids play today, I can say that there has been a tremendous progress. Of course if RS made a remake of the original alien, there would be some huge differences. I will also tell this once more, I believe that Alien 1 is a total different movie than the alien sequels, one big difference being of course the fact that they were directed by different persons with different backround in movies. When speaking about alien world from now on, according to my opinion of course, Alien 1 and Prometheus will BE the movies.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.


MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 11:59 PM
Interesting post, it makes sense to me, maybe we were looking at GOD the whole time, i.e. the black liquid/goo? who knows....?


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 4:18 AM
It's a sound theory. As to whether the black goo may be an actual God of biomechanics or an agent of said God is another matter... It's often believed that there is a supreme being of good (God) and a supreme being of evil (Satan). What if there's only one? And he's a nasty f***er? Or is this kind of genocide ultimately for the good of us all, and the "one true God" moves in the most mysterious of ways?
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 7:36 AM
    ParkerN, zzplural:, I had a conversation with my uncle years ago about synapses, that a person like Einstein for example had an abnormal quantity of them, and that any being that had may times THAT could very well be Godlike. The moral framework, if any, that such a being hung its actions on would be very alien to our own, and it would quite likely not be anything you'd want to hang out with in your yard.     This all started with the notion that announcing our presence to the universe was not necessarily a good idea, as was posited by Steven Hawking at some point. But it's human nature to do so, a sort of idealistic naiveté that I think was amplified as a plot device and informed the actions of the Prometheus crew, hence their "stupidity". They simply didn't get it:    Black Goo: BLOOD OF THE GODS    

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 7:41 AM
Apologies, Macdeath, this is your first post? Welcome! Great post, thank you.


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 8:10 AM
Thx major...finally crawled out of Another idea that passed my head was what if there are more races that are semi-equally advanced searching for the same thing ie. engineers or elders or some unknown being we have not seen yet. They could go about it different ways but all to the common goal, sometimes even having Infights between each other....I just keep coming back to them being of same/DNA as they must also have faults as we do albeit much more advanced etc. Seeing as how DNA effects us in so many has to somehow effect them also. Of course this is all opinion based on nothing...I just feel there is a simpler behind the seen plot than we are thinking. Sort of looking too deep for something that's looking us right in our face.

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 9:00 AM
It makes sense. Great Post Macdeath
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 11:00 AM
Yes I wonder if RS and DL are reading all this, snickering and rubbing their hands together like sinister houseflies. Prolly not. Then again...


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 11:08 AM
That is a fantastic and chillingly soulless notion Macdeath. The 'theory of everything' being a sentient black liquid itself borne of the stars and cosmos. Superb. As you more or less say, from that stance the possibilites would be literally endless - life and intelligence being created, torn asunder, and hybridised (the Alien?) at will by a flowing, silent, primordial chemical entity - and the Engineers played around with it followed by us humans - monkey see, monkey do - VERY frightening.......


MemberDeaconAug-23-2012 12:06 PM
I think your on the right line.... I think the Prometheus aspect links the Engineer Race as the Prometheus and not mankind. I think that Prometheus 2 will show us that the Engineers and maybe Elders have taken and used the black goo to create and do things that was never intended to be used for. And they got burnt..... this could be the outbreak.... Or it could be that Mankind creation was stealing of the fire and the series of events that ended with the Deacon was the Last Engineer getting burnt for stealing the fire.....

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 12:28 PM
Yes, this is scary. I'm loving it. Could that mean then that the Goo ( I'd like to start a petition that we call it Eitr moving forward) leaked from the ampules because it was excited by the presence of humans? Not like the Blob, per se, but it just kinda...expanded.


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 1:37 PM
Hierarchy of Gods. That;s how it is supposed to be there.
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 4:20 PM


MemberFacehuggerAug-23-2012 4:54 PM
Sorry if someone already posted this but Ridley explained this to us already! The basic hierarchy was: engineers then elders above them and above them a god like being which he said was not the true god or creator of the universe as such just extremely advanced and he mentioned it would be very nasty! So yer good theory but its from Ridley and its not new!!! I thought you guys knew about this and what it means to the story?! Thats if he doesnt change his mind of course!

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 5:39 PM
Sorry I guess I'm behind, can you post link? Actually never mind I'll take your word for it.


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 6:15 PM
That's why I have a suspicion the goo is "what we call god"...and our interpretation of what god is could be all someone said it could be a singularity it's just how we use it. Also I find the whole hierarchy thing good in our sense, not dissing RS, but in the vastness of the known/unknown universe there is only a single vertical line of existence...just on our planet there is such a diverse range of people, black, white, Asian, Indians,.etc....all believing in something like 200 or so different religions ....expanding it to encompass the must be mass chaos...controlled or not Or it's just the engineers/elders/unknown higher god/even more higher god....they discovered some black goo and are trying to reverse engineer it's basic components to find the true god "probably doesn't exist"...but being of all the same similar DNA....having similar carnal desires...they seek and seek and seek Blind as we are now....they are just a million years ahead of certain explanations....all but the same? Like I said just a working to debate....I just see a simpler explanation than what I've been reading

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-23-2012 7:31 PM
Macdeath. Thanx and welcome! I personally think the Androids are the Gods! (stop giggling people) They created the Engineers, the Engineers are grown in Labs, like Replicants! (Stop laughin). Read my Thread 'A Robot God' it's very interesting! (ok people, it's not funny)

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 7:43 AM
Else, if the head in the alien ship is David's head, then David is the real creator of the black goo in the future or stole its technology from a super race i.e. Xenos, or maybe helped the engineers wipe out an "enemy" of humanity (engineers can be considered human). The "keeper of knowledge" still unknown to us in the present, like the Titan "Prometheus" stole the fire from gods and gave it to humanity. In the end Dr. Shaw takes the only remnant of his body, his head and maybe that's why they depicted him as a head sculpture, because they only saw his head when he arrived to their home world to communicate with them, but in which fragment of time did the alien ship take them? There are many clues that may imply time travel abilities of the alien ship and judging by the guy who wrote the script, maybe David and Shaw will be "Lost" in parallel universes. @necronom4 The scenario you describe reminded me of a "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" 1979 scenario.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-24-2012 8:52 AM
@geopap. I thought the Giant Head sculpture was in the Temple, not the Ship? The Ship was underground, in a different area to the Temple. The Giant Head would be a Depiction of their Android Masters, not David. Or maybe it is a depiction of David, if you're right about the Time Travel thingy? But the Time Travel thingy isn't very "Alien Universe" is it? It's more Star Trek.

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-24-2012 9:08 AM
Ive just had a thought. I remember Ridley saying, in an interview, that he doesn't want to meet God in the First one. That rules out the Black Goo and the Engineers being God. I think it would be great if they eventually do meet the real God and it turns out to be one of the Space Jockey Race that Giger intended! Meaning, they are not dressed in the SJ suits, they actually look like that. Even greater would be if, God turns out to be the Little, round headed, goggled creatures that we see holding seringes, in Gigers Necronomicon! But then that would rule out my Robot god theory unless the Little goggled fellas are Androids. God, i need a Holiday!

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 9:21 AM
@necronom 4 Read the plot I am talking about [url=]here[/url], you will find it interesting if you haven't watched the movie. :) Star Trek 1979 is not about time travel, but about an advanced computerized alien world which captured Voyager 6 and came to Earth to meet their maker!
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-24-2012 9:36 AM
Thanx. Yeah, i think i've seen that. They touch down on a distant planet and meet, what they think is God? Is that the same one? I'm not really into Star Trek but that one was quite good. The Wrath of Khan was quite good also. I was thinking of the one where they Time Travel back to 80s Earth.

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 5:17 AM
Here is another idea, what if the engineers hadn't actually created the goo and they were just experimenting with it just like David did. What if the last engineer deliberately infected the crew with the goo just to see what might happen, just like David experimented with it on Prometheus crew? I think that David and the last engineer share many similarities, regarding that they speak the same language and that David could read the alien writings the walls. Also if they actually discovered the goo in another planet, far away from their home and are searching for the creator of it whom they might think is their creator, then the first scene might be an experiment on LV-223 to find out if a goo+engineer=disintegration of DNA can seed a planet with life. Supposing this is true, the phrase "sometimes in order to create, one must first destroy" might fit it the first scene, the destruction of the body of one of them, willingly sacrificed, to bring life to a desolated planet. Regarding the idea of time travel again, if the engineers came from the "future" and somehow David played a significant role in their culture, then the writings on the walls of the alien ship might explain the David-engineer connection, being left there for the David of the past to read. These writings might inform David about the outcome of his actions and the sequence of events that will follow. If David arrives to their home planet is it possible that he might lie about the origin of the goo and tell them that he created it?
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 8:29 AM
The engineers are created by the elders/unknown higher god/unknown even higher god, to do their bidding. They are like what David is to us, and are each programmed through their DNA for specific tasks. They probably do not have souls.


MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 6:29 AM
I have always been of the opinion that the higher gods. Those that are on a higher scale then the elders or the engineers are the elephantine space jockey race. The one alien being we saw depicted in Alien. He or she to me is what it is. It is an elephantine race type being who was on a mission to infect and in the process wipe out the human race. There reason for doing so is that they saw into the future and decided that man was and would become the most dangerous life form in the cosmos.     In the Hindi religion there are gods depicted as half human and half animal. That god goes by the name of Ganesha. It has an elephant head on a human body. We have all the clues and answers right in front of us. All we have to do is brong them together to find out what and who is the creator of the universe. But at what price is this knowledge to be obtained. And will we regret finding out the truth in the end.


MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 6:31 AM
These lined from HP Lovecraft sum up my thoughts on the whole creator matter. -The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. - HP Lovecraft ( The call of Cthulhu ) 1926


MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 7:29 AM
@Rubirosa [quote]Those that are on a higher scale then the elders or the engineers are the elephantine space jockey race[/quote] What elephantine space jockey race? Compare those two photos, these guys are pilots, a crew! [img][/img] [img][/img] They just have a more advanced bio-suit that protects them while their bodies are in hibernation state, when using the central pilot device (the other crew is asleep in the stasis chambers around the pilot device or somewhere else). The pipe that comes out of their helmets and makes them seem like elephants are like the helmets modern fighter pilots have today. The intelligent species are 4, humans-engineers (DNA match), Xenos (although they were presented as intelligent, their capability of creating a civilization is doubtful) and androids (David).
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.


MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 12:19 PM
@ geopap I understand what you are telling me very well. But I just have the feeling that the original Space Jockey is what it is- Elephantine. I am not the only member on this site that has said the same thing. There are many older members on this site besides myself who agree with me. If you know anything about Alien you would know that HR Giger was responsible for the original design of the Space Jockey. He was influenced greatly by HP lovecraft and his Chtulho mythos. In that weird and amazing universe that Lovecraft created all the space giants and elders are described as hedious looking. So it is very strange to me that Giger would not go down that same path into insanity. Also remember that the original Space Jockey in Alien was larger. If you look close at it when Kane, Lambert and Dallas were studying it you will find that the long nose is attached directly to the rib cage. If it was an artificial breathing apparatus it would off desolved long before the Nostromo crew found it. You can even see that the rib cage is blown out, but the nose (made out of bone) remained attached to the rib cage. We do not have to agree on all matters on this site. Different views, opinions and ideas is what makes this site interesting.

Cry Havoc

MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 2:49 PM
If the black goo was 'God' then why would the Engineers fight against it? They run away from someone infected with it in the hologram, Bob the Engineer fights against it's result in Cuddles the Trilobite (wouldn't they know what the black goo becomes?), and does the Engineer at the beginning of the movie really know what's going to happen when he drinks the black goo? Or is he just a participant in a ritual like he got picked for the 'lottery'? If the Engineers are some sort of 'death cult' then maybe it would be a path to 'God' - like a Holy Water type of thing.


MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 5:48 PM
@Cry Havoc Supposing that the big head totem represents an android like David. Androids are unaffected by goo, so it might be reasonable that their immunity to the goo made them gods.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.
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