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MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 10:30 AMI loved in the build up to the movie's release all the fan-made poster concepts and pics. This one is my favourite though, from a time when we all assumed it was to be a direct prequel. Sort of a Shaw / Ripley collision in reference points:
3 Replies

David 1
MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 10:33 AMyeah there are pretty neat Fan made stuff around.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-23-2012 12:08 PMI like it. But where's the gold fish?
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 3:20 PMi like it also, i really didn't like the skin tight blue suits at all. i prefer the suits form alien, they look more realistic. of course they were a huge pain, hot as hell and couldn't breathe. i love watching behind the scenes stuff from alien, that was one gritty set!!
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