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MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 2:59 PMDoes this push the supposed 2001 influence more perhaps?
Or a co-incidence?
Link-->[url=]Final Blu-Ray Cover For PROMETHEUS Revealed[/url]
*Link made clickable by Svanya
11 Replies

AdminPraetorianAug-23-2012 3:12 PMThe pic is interesting. Looks a very non typical of what would usually be chosen. :)
Off topic, I did notice a slight mistake in the article. :P
[i]Prometheus stars Noomi Rapace as Elizabeth Shaw, Michael Fassbender as David Guy Pearce as Stannison, Idris Elba as Captain Janek, Logan Marshall-Green as Holloway and Charlize Theron as Meredith Vickers; the film hits Blu-Ray and DVD October 9th, 2012[/i]
Guy Pearce as Stannison?? Really ?? O_o

David 1
MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 3:27 PMSTANNISON!!!!! see? Weyland is not guilty of anything at all. It was STANNISON!!!!!
cool pic.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]
MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 4:16 PM[quote]the film hits Blu-Ray and DVD October 9th, 2012[/quote]
what is going on?!? First they say 10.11.12 now they say 10.09.12

AdminPraetorianAug-23-2012 4:48 PM@keep-itreal; No one actually knows what 10.11.12 stands for. People assumed it was the DVD release.

MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 8:57 AMI admit that I didn't think of the 'star child' when I first saw this pic, but he does resemble it now that you mention it.

MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 9:34 AMOh yeah somewhat. The engineer looks relatively benign here and not the monster that you see him as in the climax of the movie.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-24-2012 5:49 PMI like it. It's like an image of God lurking amongst the Stars. But a Close up of a SJ Helmet would have been better!
The poster was good though!

Giovanni Andrew Roverso
MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 3:41 AMwho is the star child? who is Stannison supposed to be? (I haven't seen Prometheus yet)

MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 1:18 PMGiovanni, the 'Star Child' is a vision seen at the end of the 1968 film, '2001 - A Space Odyssey'. Sort of a stylised baby in the womb.
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