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Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-24-2012 1:06 PM"The SJ didn't just open Pandoras Box, he Filled it". I like that.
I don't know if you've all seen this Interview with Jon Spaights and Damon Lindoff but i will provide the Link none the less. I can't help but feel that they're not being completely honest, as they are too busy Slapping each others backs!
[url=]Lindelof & Spaihts Prometheus Interview - Part 1[/url]
There is also a part 2 to this.
*Link made clickable by Svanya
The poster was good though!
17 Replies

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-24-2012 5:11 PMThanx Svanya.
I take it everyones seen it. LOL
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 6:25 PMYes. I saw the above interview a bit ago. I found it enjoyable/interesting. Of course, im a big fan of what Scott and lindelof/spaihts (particularly lindelof) did as far as the execution of the story is concerned. The fact that im on board with the organization and direction of the story probably plays a large role in why i enjoy the interview (id love to just sit down and chat with lindelof and or scott). Im sure someone who didnt enjoy the cinematic/narrative "soul" of prometheus would just find the interview infuriating. Anyways, I also find the fact that the engineers had a role in creating/filling "pandoras box" enjoyable. Aside from a precious few ridiculous scenes/pieces of dialogue, i like the whole ball of wax. thanks for posting the interview. It was nice to see it again.

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerAug-24-2012 6:28 PM[b]"I didn't entirely get it, but I'm fascinated by it."[/b]
-Lindelof on Kubrick's 2001
If that's what Ridley was striving for with Prometheus, I think he succeeded. And that explains a lot (no pun intended). The comparison to Avatar is interesting, too. Avatar is pop entertainment where everything is clearly explained to the audience and Prometheus is left without all of the dots being connected for you. [b]"Hopefully it fires their imaginations..."[/b] Love it, great interview.
I had not seen that interview before. Thanks for posting. Very good interview, and I think people who bitch constantly about not having enough answers with the film should definitely watch that interview.

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 7:39 PMJoeyjoe & Patient Leech: PLUS ONE. I have to say, I found some of the "corniest" lines in Prometheus to be the best. I haven't had that much fun in a theatre in I don't know how long. All that was missing was Yul Brynner being eaten alive by a giant white corpuscle. ( I'm mixing films here, I know. Ten Commandments for sheer camp and Fantastic Voyage for surreal horror).

MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 7:52 PM@major noob: im with ya! i have been a bit shocked by how engrossed in the whole process i have become. The experience (both inside and outside of the theater) has been extraordinarily fulfilling.

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 10:02 PM Joey, as I'm sure you're aware I think DL and JS did a stellar job. I'd love to know what they do about where this sorry is going, because there is clearly more. How does one pull such a thing as this off? The debates here are all the proof we need that they knew what they were doing. These guys have been vilified and for what? Alien was rife with mystery. 30 years worth.
Can you imagine the thrill of being the root of this story? They didn't want to let anybody down. They had a place in history, HAVE one, and I believe they'll be vindicated. Because I choose to believe!

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerAug-24-2012 10:58 PMWhat's with everyone having the same damn avatar? Shit is annoying... i dont like that cover... :/

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 11:32 PMPatient Leech: it's funny because I've got about a thousand images I'd like to use, but I'm too lazy! Yours is awesome.
MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 11:52 PM@ Major Noob-
Donald Pleasence was the actor portrayed as being devoured by the white corpuscle in Fantastic Voyage.

MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 12:54 AMooh. I love the new cover art! It is a bit of a mess...everyone having the same avatar (is that what you call it? lol.) and all. However, im just a bit too half assed to change my image.
@major noob: Indeed! Spaihts and Lindelof did a hell of a job (for the most part). I understand some people not enjoying the narrative from an aesthetic point of view (different strokes for different folks etc.). However, i simply do NOT understand the allegations of: "this was just a poorly/hastily constructed cash crab". I just can’t imagine how someone could arrive at such a conclusion. It seems clear to me that spaihts and lindelof were very (if not overly) concerned with the awesome responsibility that they were tasked with. IMO, a lot of creative blood, sweat, and tears went into constructing Prometheus. Lindelof, in particular, should be commended for turning the film into what it ultimately became. I cant imagine if we had ended up with “alien: zero” instead of Prometheus. It would have been another alien insurrection. The whole sequence with david meandering about the ship prior to the team’s arrival on lv 223 was lindelof’s doing. That’s one of the best sequences in the entire film! Lindelof also flipped the ratio of engineers to xenos in the film from 1:6 to 6:1 (slightly arbitrary numbers. Just making a point). Thank goodness he did! I think the man has been used as a scapegoat (unfairly and incorrectly). Im very glad lindelof was a part of Prometheus. Frankly, im a bit concerned that he likely will not be a part of the sequel (thankfully, it sounds like he and Scott spoke at length about the nuances of the narrative. Surely scott is familiar enough with the whole gestalt (so to speak) to finish the cinematic sculpture they began together). Im going off on a tangent here; obviously ive been sold on the big picture. I truly believe that, when its all said and done (all of the films have been presented), these films will be looked upon more favorably than they are right now (by many). There is just too much to like about Prometheus.

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerAug-25-2012 2:40 AM@Major Noob: Thanks. Yeah, I'm a big Riddick fan, too. And obviously I love Prometheus (maybe even MOREso), so it seems redundant to use a Prometheus image... heh. And it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't like that image!! :( God, I hope the 3D Blu-ray cover is better..
[b]Im very glad lindelof was a part of Prometheus. Frankly, im a bit concerned that he likely will not be a part of the sequel (thankfully, it sounds like he and Scott spoke at length about the nuances of the narrative. Surely scott is familiar enough with the whole gestalt (so to speak) to finish the cinematic sculpture they began together).[/b]
Agreed. Well said. But I think Ridley would steer it in the right direction no matter WHO was in the writer's seat. ;) Dear God, I cannot wait for Part 2...

David 1
MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 8:17 AMLindaLost and Spacks sitting on a tree... wonder where Ridley could be
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-25-2012 8:30 AMI'm slowly but surely, starting to forgive Prometheus for it's shed load of Ambiguity. I mean, it makes this Site even more interesting. I love coming here!
The poster was good though!

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 4:41 PMAircraftfixer: that scene scared the crap out of me as a kid. I was combining references there,

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-25-2012 7:01 PMPatient Leech. I preferred your Riddick Avatar.
The poster was good though!
MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 12:31 PMHakuna Matata Major Noob.
Besides Westworld, I don't recall Yul Brenner being in any other sci-Fi. Which is why It caught my eye.
At the age of 7, Westworld provoked nightmares of burnt up, indestructible & psychotically malfunctioning robots for me. All these years later, I guess its a good thing that Ash and David could be rendered inop by just smashing or decapitating them!!
Donald Pleasance's scene in Fantastic Voyage had elements of reality in it. The slime used to depict the white corpuscle absorbing him was made with some soap in it. His screams were real in that scene due to getting the stuff in his eyes!
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