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MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 1:27 PMHere is what I found from eBxy...
Looks awesome!
20 Replies

David 1
MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 3:40 PMIsn't that the one one of this Foum member has done?
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 11:11 PM@David 1...No, that is not the one that forum member ZETARETICULI did. His version is about 1000 times better imo. No offense to the sculptor of that version.

MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 11:53 PMI am taking down my comments, @Engineering if you want to do the same so people don't have to see us squabbling that would be cool.

David 1
MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 8:15 AMEng:
ah, all explained. Zeta hasn't put any more of his fine work here. Sad.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 1:29 PMThat link didn't work for me, but just typed in Prometheus head on Ebay and found it. Thanks for that Engineer, but I think it's superb in a more 'inspired' way than mine. It's kind of Oceanic or Ancient South American with the spooky eyes and that rough looking surface texture.
David1 - a sculpt of the Deacon will be ready soon and pics will be up here, look out for it.

MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 10:33 PMI have every right to state my opinion and in my opinion Zeta's is better-as in more accurate. I can become critical all I want as long as I do it in a respectful manner.
More to the point, I never meant to come across as saying that version is bad. Just that I felt Zeta's is way more accurate. That artist might not have been going for full-on accuracy. It seemed Zeta did and his version impresses me 1000 times more. Doesn't mean the other version didn't impress me. In fact, it did.
I'm sorry, Patch Cat whatever your name is today, but I find your statement pretty silly. Criticism is an indispensable tool for some artists. Some artists need criticism to get better and thrive. To have something to strive for. If you're an artist that can't take a little criticism then I would suggest you hang it up or grow some thicker skin.
I understand that criticism is useless unless constructive but as I never meant to criticize the artist work I didn't state anything constructive.

MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 10:58 PM[img][/img]

MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 11:44 PMi agree patch.... i mean "sir" lol.
i am an artist and i had people walk up when i was a teenager in school and they would insult sketches i was working on and tell me i needed to change stuff and that it wasnt any good and that was very hurtful.
i could be drawing.. i dunno a bird or something and someone would say crap like "oh i know someone else that draws birds and they look WAY better then that".
if you ASK peoples opinion then you are asking for criticism, but
i never did but people went out of their way to look over my shoulder and play roger ebert uninvited.
i actually stopped drawing for many years until 2 people went completely out of their way to motivate me recently, and it took A LOT of motivation on their part, since i am extremely self conscious.

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 12:40 AM@patch kat...Consider me whatever you want. I can take criticism. No matter how misguided said critisim is. Wont see me cower in the corner at a little criticism. No
Just to show how hypocritical you have been here, here's a quote where you "criticize" someone's art. If by "criticize" you mean state which version you like better.
[b][i]Still waiting for my Cinefex magazine.... thanks for sharing. I really liked this version compared to the caveman look...[/i][/b]
Whadda ya know?
Somebody worked extra hard on the version of Fifield used in the film. Scott liked it better. Yet you just crap all over them and say you like the other version better?
Yeah, that's sarcasm. And if taken seriously it sounds pretty "uniformed" and very hypocritical in this context.
Should I go find other examples of this from just about every member of this site? Because I can. This site is full of your so called "criticizm" of art and artists. By you and everyone else.
See why I felt your reaction was "silly"?
So post things, call me "uninformed", delete the post then post something else, then post again but don't be the pot calling the kettle black. It's not becoming of anyone.

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 12:46 AMWow, so irritated I spelt "criticism" and "criticize" about 1000 different ways and can't edit it.

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 12:47 AMI am taking down my comments, @Engineering if you want to do the same so people don't have to see us squabbling that would be cool.

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 12:51 AMUrm...that was a comment.

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 12:52 AMYou're spot on there Bella - those fellow students are the type that have very shallow artistic merit bordering on Philistine and only see a superficial veneer on art. True artists draw on a core impulse of self-expression, completely devoted to an unshakeable instinct - a bit like automatic spirit-writing - it 'feels right' when you're sculpting/drawing/painting/singing it.
I remember once a fellow student said why waste time with art, study something more productive like science, engineering or maths and I felt like smacking him right across the classroom.

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 1:15 AMhey guys, let's try and get along, there's no reason to not remain civil and understanding here; we are all in it for the same reasons, thanks. Now hug!

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 1:36 AM@ZetaReticuli those are some very interesting comments. I will copy and paste in my writing notes I have started. These notes are to remind me that I am not a piece of crap and have a knack for this writing stuff... sometimes when your motivation is low and you just feel empty... these notes help restart your creative engine so to speak.

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 2:11 AMgreat points zeta!!!!
i always got bad grades in art class because i tried to do my own thing and they did NOT appreciate anyone with creativity. i drew a space scene with an alien on a large poster i stayed up many nights finishing... C-
my sister slapped out a painting of a couple flowers with no thought and didnt care and no effort, just wanted to get the project done in one day... A
i noticed later everyone that did still lifes always got A's no matter what they looked like. i always did sci fi and fantasy... C's meh!!
my mom even told me when i asked why she had one of my sisters class projects on her wall and none of mine "you draw pretty well, but i dont like anything you draw... why cant you draw something nice and normal? then i would put something of yours in our house"

David 1
MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 8:14 AMZeta:
looking forward to.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

David 1
MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 8:14 AMZeta:
looking forward to.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]
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