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MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 3:17 PMToday is the first time I've read this article on The Myths that are alluded to in Prometheus, I'm sure some of you have read it but in case you haven't it is a great summary and breakdown of mythology used.
[url=]Click here for Whatculture! Article[/url]
It gives credence to some of Mala'kaks musings.
6 Replies

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-25-2012 7:34 PM@Sentinel. Yeah, i've seen it and saw the other part a while back. For me, it made the Prometheus connection to Mythology, even more confusing. Prometheus (the Film) is a mixture of different influences, from Greek mythology to Samerian mythology and a mixture of Films.
The thing that interests me the most about Greek Mythology, is that, the Gods would swollow their children, for whatever reason. That reminds me of the Engineer, in the opening scene, drinking the Goo.
The poster was good though!

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-25-2012 8:02 PMAlso, in Greek mythology. The earth or planet, usually represents the female or mother. Maybe the Temple on LV 223 is the mother? Incubating the eggs or Ampules.
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 12:38 AMPerhaps all the mythological references,Freudian,Darwinian and religious concepts are all thrown into the pot to give this movie a sense of believability in that all bases are covered. Like he's giving credence or allusions to the myths and concepts to draw you into the real reason of the movie. To tell the story. To use the characters to flesh out some possibilities.
This movie is a Rorshack test. You will see in it whatever your mind connects with.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-26-2012 11:07 AMYeah, i think so too. It does actually make sense that they would make it into a mythology from a mixture. Also, i was looking at another site, a while back, in which it showed that H R Giger had been influenced by, the Egyptian book of the dead, when working on his Necronomicon. Because i love gigers work and credit him with the success of Alien, it made alot of sense that the Prequel would be completely based on ancient myths, from our history.
Here's a Link that shows how egyptian art work inspired Gigers Space Jockey
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 1:26 AMWell, I'm glad they established all of that in the movie.
Oh, wait...
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