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The urns in prometheus

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MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 4:01 PM
Ok so before Prometheus came out, a lot of people (including me) kept thinking that each urn contained different organisms, not just the black goo. after watching the film I'm assuming that every urn contained the black goo or do they each have different life forms? sorry just wasn't sure need a bit of confirmation here.

[img width=351 height=150][/img] "Frostmourne Hungers"

24 Replies

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 4:27 PM
who knows? But they all have goo. Now, if there is different kinds of goo in them... speculation only.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 4:29 PM
There is a surprise in every urn... staff: Weyland Corp. Snack Foods and Toys distribution Division, EuroCorp. State.

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 4:33 PM
Like a Kinder Egg????? I want a toy!!!
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 5:36 PM
Like an UnHappy Meal.

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 5:42 PM
Nobb: lolololol.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 5:52 PM
@King: lots of questions about those urns: Do they contain sinister God juice that expands when excited? By.. Huuumans? Mmmm...HUMANS. Do they contain samples of God itself ( you'd think a better container would be indicated)? There appeared to be different sizes, too. What's up with that? Some form of sentient and profoundly irritable nanotech gets my vote. Suspended in a viscous neutralizer that senses.... Huuumans.


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 6:27 PM
The urns.....?, I've pondered the idea that the black goo in the urns are primative used condom containers from the Engineer's, hey why not ? The black goo is the the fertile seed from the Engineers awaiting a fertile egg, watch in the sequel it actually turns out to be exactly that.......
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 6:33 PM
Fader: ahahah, another subject for DR. Phil?
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 8:06 PM
Fader that's great. The best yet.


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 8:49 PM
Not to get all serious on ya, but I think that the film eluded to the answer. The room has a mural that depicts the alien lifecycle. So it would stand to reason that the goo in the urns in that room was somehow directly related to the Alien. If not, why the mural?
ALL generalizations are WRONG!

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 9:13 PM
It does seem as though everything that comes from it is excessively crabby. I assumed its a hostile variant of what we see in the beginning. I think Svanya said Africa is visible on the planet we see in the opening, so I assume it's Earth. But long ago, or long from now? Was that the first act, or the last? If it was Pangea, Africa wouldn't have been visible? Ahg I need a new hobby.


MemberXenomorphAug-27-2012 11:29 PM
Major noob Like your theory: "Some form of sentient and profoundly irritable nanotech gets my vote. Suspended in a viscous neutralizer that senses.... Huuumans." It goes quite well with david saying:"impressive" about the slime on holographic recorder. (Disclaimer-this is just an opinion - humble or otherwise until stated otherwise)


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 1:26 AM
That slime was funky and kinda green. The temple room or what ever it's called was programmed (as the eagles put it) "to receive, you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave" The whole place is an expression of different levels of technology that can manipulate matter and DNA. The mural is much like a postcard telling us that these ancient humans laid with the biomorphic beast in the bottle and they just opened it. BUT WHY didn't anyone ask DAVID what the writing was saying?


MemberDeaconAug-28-2012 10:04 AM
Well its hard to be 100% sure. My theory is that those Urns contain a broken down material that the Engineers obtained from the Xeno Organism. The method they used to obtain the substance via similar way that the Sacrificial Engineer had used to break down his genetic material that then seeded life. Goo + Engineer = Broken Down Engineer Genetic Material/DNA that then reacted with basic organisms on Earth to then evolve and mutate into Mammals etc and maybe all complex life.... Hence they (Engineers) shared DNA match with Humans. Goo + Xeno = Broken down Xeno Genetic Material/DNA that reacts with organisms it comes into contact with and mutates/evolves them into new organisms that contain Xeno DNA. The only difference is the resulting broken down material from the Engineer was released into the Water. But i feel the broken down Xeno Material is stored into the Urns. The purpose? To provide a safer way to store the Xeno Bio Weapon and also allow more uses. Thats my hunch and i could be wrong.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 12:14 PM
All kidding aside, after seeing Prometheus so many times, I think the black goo comes from the Engineers seed/dna, not the dna from the Xeno's. In the beginning of the movie an Engineer sacrifices himself to seed a planet, a rather crude way to seed a planet nonetheless. With the abilitiy to travel light speeds across a galaxy over billions of years ago, yet they need to sacrifice a Engineer to seed a fertile planet??? All of a sudden it's around the year 2079-32, humans land on LV-223 and find these urns full of black goo/dna.... the popular belief is the goo comes from the Xeno, uhmmm??? What if the black goo comes from the engineer, and that they use that to seed fertile planets instead of an Engineer's self sacrifice.... Also, not every fertile planet out in the universe is exactly like earth, so with that in mind each planet would produce a different being per planet, and perhaps one planet seeded gave birth to the Xenomorph, another planet gave birth to the human, so on and so forth..... just a thought... just can't see an Engineer extracting dna from a Xenomorph to create a boi-weapon when it clearly looked like the Engineers were creators, not destroyers..
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....


MemberDeaconAug-29-2012 3:41 PM
Well my theory about the Goo being Xeno is that the effects are different to what happened to the Sacrificial Engineer. Now the movie shows that Shaw finds the Engineers DNA a match and predates ours, this combined with the Sacrificial Scene is meant to lead us to conclude that the Engineers broken down DNA or what ever material/substance is left after the Engineer is broken down at a molecular level, some how evolves or maybe mutates some lifeforms on Earth to then produce mankind and maybe all other complex life. None of this life or the Engineers look like a Xeno, or have Xeno traits. Now we know the Xeno was used as a Bio Weapon and as a Weapon it is very hard to contain and control as the Engineer who ended up on LV426 found out and as Weyland/Mankind had found out in Aliens and Alien Resurrection. And who knows maybe as some of the dead Engineers on LV 223 found out. We see that the goo in the Urns seems to affect and mutate/evolve what ever life form it comes into contact with, these lifeforms seem to mutate to be stronger hybrid life forms that enhanced certain traits of the original organism and also have traits from the Xeno. The Hammerpede was able to grow its head back like a Worm only it did it faster, and it also had a Xeno ish look to it and Acid for Blood. Fifield well if we look at the other concept works the idea seemed to be that he also mutated to a creature that had a larger amount of Xeno DNA. They decided to go for the Toxic Avenger look Fifield in what i can only assume was a attempt to reduce the Xeno DNA in the movie and save it for Shaws Baby and its life cycle. Holloway we did not see what he was changing into, it could been like the Sacrificial Engineer but at slower rate, or he could have started to mutate like Fifield we simply never saw what the end product would be. What we do know is some parts of his body had become affected by the Goo and mutated and we saw this with the organism in his eye, and also that he made Shaw Pregnant with what then turned to be a Embryo that grew into a Squid Looking Organism which grew large and had Face Hugger attributes that then after Face Hugging the Engineer led to a Deacon Chest Buster. Thus the Squid Baby had a lot of traits of the Face Hugger and the resulting end product the Deacon Xeno had a lot in common with a Xeno. Which again makes me think the Goo carries Xeno DNA and mutates lifeforms to Evolve into new lifeforms that carry Xeno traits and DNA. Maybe similar to how the Engineers DNA that got broken down, Evolved or mutated basic lifeforms to become complex ones that carry Engineer DNA. Therefore i conclude that i believe that surely the Engineers could have captured the material and substance the Engineer broken down into a canister instead of letting it dilute into the water, then in theory they could release this substance gathered from the Sacrificial Engineer and put it into Water on other Worlds and it would again start a similar Evolution Cycle. Now consider the Xeno being a hard to contain and control Bio Weapon, surely breaking down its DNA just as they did with the Sacrificial Engineers and then containing the resulting broken down material in Urns would now give them a substance that can mutate and evolve many types of life form into deadly killer Bio Weapons that can perform similar task that was intended by the Xeno, but also adapt better to the Host Organisms Habitat without the whole process of the Face Hugger implanting the Embryo that then takes on the Hosts Attributes in resulting Chest Buster. In theory you would then have a better way of containing the Bio Weapon that has more easier way of storing and more different and easier ways to deploy them. Thats not to say i am correct. Looking at the Mural its shows a Xeno type Organism in a Sacrificial pose like Christ, does this imply the Xeno or Deacon is God/Creator? Or does it simply imply some kind of Sacrifice of the Xeno. Surely using Xenos in a similar process to the Sacrificial Engineer to create a new Bio weapon would indeed be some kind of Sacrifice. We never got to see what was behind that Mural, there is so much that we never saw about the temple. The temple was based of the Giger Dune Harkonnen Temple. This temples purpose was to transform the soul and flesh of living organisms into a fluid used as fuel. could this had been passed on also in concept for Prometheus? or is it purely the atheistic look they used and not the Harkonnens purpose. If they indeed used the full ideas or most of the Harkonnen Temple then indeed there would be some kind of process/sacrifice where some living things are transformed into a substance used as power. Maybe not power, but certainly my theory is the temple was like one big slaughter house where Xenos was shipped in, broken down into matter that was then stored into the Urns. Maybe this explains the sarcophagus that have holes at Chest Height? Could this be from some escaping Face Huggers that got lose during the process of breaking down their DNA into the Urns? If not then maybe the Black Goo and Urns then predates the Xeno and the Xeno was a creation made via the Black Goo?

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 9:10 PM
The urns appear to contain the black goo as well as xeno DNA. The black goo seems to be an evolutionary accelerant, and the xeno DNA in the inner ampule. That's just my take.
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.


MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 9:28 PM
while watching the movie my interpretation of the technical nature of the goo was kinda different. When they first enter the room someone says "the mural is changing", though as far as i remember they don't explicitly show how? Anyway, i interpreted it as meaning the goo is programmable, and the mural is showing what it is programmed for. in addition the urns start leaking after everyone enters, so i guess they are triggered to respond to humans


MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 9:30 PM
I think the atmospheric change started to degrade the murals. When i run it in slo mo, it looks like the murals are disintagrating. Also the designers stated the murals depict creation, judgement, etc. The urns reacted to a temperature change, which is why david was forced to freeze with that portable thing and put in in cold storage. The urn room was a storage unit, and they went in and left the door open.
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.


MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 1:58 AM
genjitsu, frozen artworks defrosting, I like it. bigdave, thanks for the extra harkonnen data.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberDeaconAug-30-2012 5:48 AM
@genjitsu17 Yes the Urn does seem to have multiple substances and parts to it. The Frozen Urn David pulls out seems to contain some kind of vial/ampule thats made of a kind of glass or frozen jelly type material that contains the goo that Holloway was infected with. This Urn also had a blacky grey slimmy oil substance inside as well, the purpose who knows maybe yes its some kind of accelerate or maybe something that is able to keep the inner goo contained some kind of material that allows the substance to be stored indefinitely. It could combine both those kinds of materials. The one thing i noticed and concluded is that some part of the Urn contains Xeno DNA and so yes as Holloway was infected that led to Shaws Baby which had the most Xeno DNA in the movie then i would have to assume that the black stuff (well outer blacky slime) mixes with some Alien DNA material and they react with each other to then produce the Black Oil substance. As far as the atmospheric changes well yes that seems to be what triggered the Urns to leak some how, the one that David had did not because he froze the Urn. Could it be temperature changes? If so it has to be from the body heat generated by the crew? Could it be something we breath out maybe CO2 that affects the Urns, as they only seem to leak once the crew had taken off their helmets. Which brings me to the Space Jockey Suits...... The air inside the temple and the Juggernaut was breathable to Humans and the Engineer, so why did the Ghost Engineers and Dead Bodys have the Suits on? The last Engineer did get to Shaw on the Life boat from his crashed Juggernaut with what apears to be no Space Jockey Suit so maybe for short periods he can tolerate the hostile atmosphere outside the temple? Which makes me think the purpose of the Space Jockey suits that those dead Engineers had on was as a Bio Suit, and that it simply prevents contamination with the Urns, it may offer limited protection from the Black Goo etc, but more so i feel they protect the Urns from being activated. As the crew seemed to activate them when they had taken off their Helmets, i can only assume the purpose of the Space Jockey suits was to stop the Engineers from activating the Urns just as the Human Crew did once they had taken off their helmets.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 11:43 AM
@fader I think that there might be a connection, but how do you explain that in the end the engineer "gives birth" to a Xeno? Engineer DNA+Engineer DNA=Xeno? Doesn't make sense. Something else must be happening.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.


MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 12:43 PM
@geopap, from what I gathered from the original script for Alien, previously called StarBeast, it paralles with Alien and Prometheus. StarBeast they find these canisters with the facehugger in them in a pyramid. In the pyramid there a many murals w/strange horrific creatures. I assumed that the canisters contained many different alien type creatures or perhaps dna.... Also when the exployer returns back to their ship, they bring the head of the engineer back to their ship the day before he gets infected by the facehugger in the pyramid. I think that the seed of the Engineer is mixed w/alien dna is what is contained in the urns of Prometheus. If you get a chance, read the script of StarBeast, later rewritten for Alien...
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....


MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 2:00 PM
@fader Thanks I will read this! :)
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.
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