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MemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 1:22 AMVisually, the movie was excellent.
Michael Fassbender was excellent.
I liked the movie up until the crew awoke from hypersleep (and started talking).
After that, everything went downhill...
8 Replies

Community ExecutiveMemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 1:34 AM
Michael Fassbender was excellent.
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you

MemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 1:58 AMFassbender was the only thing to like about the movie. Rest of the movie was like - watching train wreck script.
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.

MemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 9:04 AM@Xenotron
Your brief review sums it up just about perfectly. I really liked the initial scenes with David aboard the ship.
Why couldn't he put some poisonous gases into certain cryo pods and spare us the pure stupidity?
Another question, how come the crewmembers didn't know each other before signing on for this mission?
Did they just dive into the cryo pods without turning their heads?
Anyway, at least I enjoyed the film all thanks to Fassbender and the visual effects.

David 1
MemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 12:06 PMYou forgot Bob hitting Weyland with David's head. Hilarious shit that was.
oh, and David being able to turn his bodyless head to watch Bob straping on his chair thingy.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 6:07 AMIt was visually stunning as mentioned.
I went to see the movie with a few alien fan friends and at the end when the credits rolled, I looked over at them and started laughing. For the following half hour we discussed the movie in detail and tried so hard to make it a good movie...we wanted it to be a good movie so bad. After a second viewing a few weeks later, I had to admit to myself that it was a mediocre movie...Ridley should have realized its failings.
Regardless, I'm excited for the sequel!
ALL generalizations are WRONG!

MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 9:52 AMSo, David is the Master Race?
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MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 3:27 PMIs David the Master Race? I don't know.
All I'm saying is that the scenes with David by himself on the ship at the beginning were some of the most interesting scenes in the movie.
His character stands out because it was the only one with any consistency. The rest of the time, you had to keep asking yourself why characters were doing what they were doing, especially when they were established to be a completely different character in a previous scene.
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