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MemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 3:07 PM[img][/img]
Would anyone be interested in acquiring a 10' x 15' vinyl banner like this?
PM me for details. Thanks!
9 Replies

David 1
MemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 4:06 PMare you getting rid of your banner??? you should keep it. Even if you disliked the movie. Who knows that in time it may have some monetary value to collectionists?
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Xenomorph 54
MemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 4:19 PMI agree with dave, you should keep it. I love collecting things from movies, specially sci fi ones, and many people do too.
Have you heard of phoenix asteroids?
They glow in every color of the rainbow...they travel endlessly through space...

MemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 4:52 PMDon't get me wrong...I loved the movie and I love the banner. Sadly, I just don't have a big enough wall for it, anywhere. I'd hate to just keep it rolled up and stored away when it really should be displayed somewhere.

David 1
MemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 4:59 PMeheh. I have two mega banners: A Pink Floyd one and a Mandala one. Have nowhere to hang them, but they are so neat I kept them.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 1:55 PMYeah. ebay or etsy.
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.

MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 10:25 PM@Monk...I hear you. I thought about picking one up but it is just too large.
Two of my four walls as of now...
The 6 sheet I have is big enough. It was a pain in the a$$ to put up.

MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 10:29 PMBTW...Good luck with the sale!
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