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black ooze story published in 2006

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MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 2:15 AM
I'd forgotten all about my 'apocalyptic oil' story that made it into some paperbck anthology in 2006, here's a scene from it: it was all about RUNNING. [i]And when I turned back, I realised that only the pregnant Suzie was staggering after me, her right arm cradled around her burden. Here eyes filled with sheer horror. Her breathing laboured. Hell, even her ankles were swollen, such was her lateness of term. She’d be delivering ‘on the hoof’? Can women do that, deliver on the hoof like caribou? The oily-black tendrils engulfed the new front line of the defensive circle and dragged them back into the already ossified old front line. I saw then how they moved like the parents of some ancient species mankind had torn from the earth, they were a blackness of purest natural revenge. I saw then how they crushed the bodies together into a circle of stone, the frozen screams that were carved into the pre-formed rocks would weather down over time, softened by wind, and maybe one day by rain.[/i] [i][/i] [i]I cradled Suzie under my protective wing. From now on, only our continued existence mattered. How long we could outrun the oily-black enemy of man neither of us knew. But we vowed to push on. Running, always running. Staying one step ahead of our mortal enemy.[/i] [i][/i] [i]How my lungs ache...[/i]
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...
18 Replies


MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 6:26 AM
Cool...can you post a link to the whole story by chance? I wouldn't mind reading a bit further. ;)
ALL generalizations are WRONG!

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 7:40 AM
Free: Your own story? cool.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 7:43 AM
Nrlfetmefan, as much as I'd like to, I can't post a link to a paperback-published book. It was called THE PRIMORDIAL REVIEW (A Journal of Metaphysical Literature) if you can find it, good luck. David1, yes, if you wanna read other fiction of mine just search for "Hertzan Chimera" or "Mike Philbin", in fact I'm not sure if 'certain internet accidents' or 'just plain neglect' have purged the net of my 'particular oddness' as of this date. Oh, and my old/dead free fiction section is still [url=]an apparition on WAYBACK MACHINE[/url].
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberTrilobiteAug-30-2012 7:49 AM
seems this "book" was never actually published


MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 7:52 AM
snorkel, if that's the case - ho hum, nothing ventured, nothing gained. It was fun to write, I thought it'd been published back then in 2006. I don't tend to keep track of which little publishing ventures succeed or fail. I just like having fun creating. :)
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 8:27 AM
try publishing via Kindle. I was told it gives good royalties.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 10:23 AM
Thanks so much for sharing not only that excerpt but also your website/publishing site too. How long have you been writing? I just started as you can tell, and any pointers would be helpful. I am very shy about things I create and often do not show them to the public; ie. sculptures, painting...


AdminPraetorianAug-30-2012 10:45 AM
The X-files also had a black ooze/oil that would transform tissue into an Alien that, ironically, burst out of your chest. It also was very religious faith based. 1-[url=]The X-Files Trailer Video[/url] 2-[url=]Religion in X-files[/url] Taken from the X-Files Wikki: Black oil Purity, more commonly referred to as black oil, and called the "black cancer" by the Russians, is an alien virus that thrived underground on Earth, in petroleum deposits. The virus is capable of entering humanoids and assuming control of their bodies. It has sentience and is capable of communicating. It was revealed to be the "life force" of the alien colonists, which they seemingly used to reproduce their kind, as well as infect other alien races in order to conquer the universe. The Syndicate in cooperation with the alien Colonists developed a delivery mechanism that would be used to introduce the virus into an unsuspecting public upon colonization. Africanized bees, extremely aggressive that would sting indiscriminately, would carry the black oil virus through a transgenic corn crop specifically engineered to carry the virus and to attract the bees. The bees would be released on colonization and the infected human beings would become a slave race. The Syndicate, however, secretly tried to create a vaccine to protect themselves, which they codenamed "Purity Control." While the Purity Control project ultimately fails, a rival Russian shadow group was successful in developing a weak vaccine which eventually fell into the hands of the Syndicate. The plot to cooperate with the alien colonization plan was implemented with the aim of being given access to the black oil for the transgenic corn, in order to perform experiments with it in an effort to develop a vaccine. This attempt was semi-successful, as the "weak vaccine" administered to Scully while in the Antarctic alien ship was able to cure her infection and cause the entire ship to depart its underground residence. After the events of the 1998 film, the Syndicate, as well as Mulder and Scully learned that the black oil can either take over a host's body or incubate within other life forms, including humans. Once infected with the gestational form of the black oil virus, a human host gestates the immature alien form after 96 hours, or sooner if the surrounding temperature is raised significantly, killing the host in the process 3-[url=]X-files Wikki Black oil/Alien Virus[/url]


MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 1:40 PM
Patch, I've been writing 'for a while' - the important thing, for any writer, is to ENJOY what you do. It doesn't matter how long you've been writing, just write. :) Mike
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-30-2012 5:25 PM
Mike, [b]you actually wrote a short story called ZOMBIE FU***R: RELOADED[/b] [b][/b]!!!!! I have to say you just created a new genre with that one. Forget Marquis de Sade, Hentai and whatnot. "Zombie Porn is the New Black..." sums it all.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 2:38 AM
Yeah, it was a co-write with female writer Alex Severin, and obviously it was the follow-up to our earlier effort Zombie Fucker (published in BROKEN, Medium Rare Books, back in 2000 or so) where a lovely young woman teaches the zombies being held at her dad's army base all about the birds and the bees. Those poor innocent souls. :)
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 8:13 AM
ahahah, love that humour.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-31-2012 9:34 AM
Yeah, i've just read most of Zombie F***er. That is definately the sickest story i've ever read! LOL

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 9:40 AM
Svanya, sure, there's lots of 'black oil' stories out there, nothing's truly original. For me, the FOSSILIATION aspect of my (running) story was the one thing that made me post of it here. The original Space Jockey being described as being 'fossilised'. Hmm, black ooze leading to rocklike formations - wonder when that idea was 'floating around the ether'? I'm wondering (out loud, obviously, on a public forum) how much of what we take as 'our own creativity' is nothing more than some sort of Global Message or Channeling (I don't believe in 'channeling' but one never knows)? If we look at the Prometheus production schedule, wasn't there some earlier idea called Paradise that Tony/Ridley didn't take any further mid 2000's? Anyway... :)
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 10:28 AM
Necro, I'd like to say my 'style has become less insane' in recent years but Silverthought Press [i]recently[/i] published my novel Bukkakeworld, so I'm not so sure if 'matured with age' is relevant. I write for fun, and up-chuck!
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-31-2012 6:50 PM
Up-chuck indeed! I'm just glad i hadn't just ate my breakfast when i read it.

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-31-2012 7:06 PM
This morning, i read Zombie F***er. Last night, i was watching something on YT about an Irish gypsie traveller (real life btw) who ate a bit of his sons flesh, while he was lying on the slab, in the mortuary, because he wanted his son to remain a part of him forever. Now, i feel violated by it all! lol

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 12:37 AM
the idea was that, at the end of this part of the story, A STONE CIRCLE was formed by the attack of the black oil upon the defensive line of what remained of humanity. if that helps. :)
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...
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