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Ridley Scott did not Make Prometheus for Alien Fans

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MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 3:28 AM
Hello, I wanted to share some personal thoughts about Prometheus, beyond the mass of cinema critics and fans of Alien who - writing in this website discussions - were [u]disappointed[/u] by Prometheus, as much as I initially was. Having seen Prometheus only last week (yes, I live in Japan, where is took VERY LONG to release the movie, don't ask why), my expectations were bumped up more than anyone else's around the world. In July, however, I was puzzled by some not-so-positive comments about people I knew as Alien fans who had seen the movie. I could hardly belive their comments, with all the marketing hype the movie industry was putting together around. This is a message to Ridley Scott's film production team: while you can decide to ignore the quality of the plot when making Prometheus, what you [u]cannot afford to ignore[/u] is the Alien legacy, as well as the xxx number of SF films which,sometimes, have used better SF effects than Prometheus. Although I am a fan of Alien and Ridley Scott, I will not go and watch Prometheus 2, because I don't think it is fair to bring people expectations and then run them down with Prometheus.
17 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 4:30 AM
I enjoyed prometheus alot. The only things that i found disappointing was that creatures where for the lack of a better word s#@t. And secondly there were so many parts taken out (editing) . Also i think ridley scott didnt have a say in the "final product" , it was the studios decision on what the shape of the final movie was. If it was all up to ridley scott the final product would be much different and of course way better. I believe the movie was designed for the wider audience and not alien fans. the expectation of an alien fan ( considering all the alien attributes and understanding of the history of the movies) a movie would have to be especially made for alien fans and not for a a general audience.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphSep-03-2012 5:17 AM
^^^^ What Pulserifle said ^^^^

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 7:40 AM
I mostly agree with Pulse, but I feel that with some thought and creativity, the writers and studio could have cut a film that would appease both the fan and the general audience.
ALL generalizations are WRONG!

David 1

MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 7:44 AM
^^^^^ what Pulse said ^^^^^ I have little doubt as to this point that Prometheus turned out what we saw, because of a lot of meddling with the man's work. A lot of Pressure from Fox to throw in the Deacon and Cuddles the squid. It's a "Seen this, done that" scenario.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 8:16 AM
I don't know how long people are going to pretend that "studio has control and ridley had nothing to do". Let's face it, movie turned out horrible and people are literally finding ways to cover that fact up.
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.

David 1

MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 8:25 AM
Sky: yes the movie turned out horrible and I believe that Ridley was pressed by the money grabbing industry [to which is has to respond to] to show some things he probabily didn't want to include. How can one say other wise? I serioulsy DOUBT he wanted to do the Alien take again and again.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 8:43 AM
David, I don't understand the need for backing up RS when he allowed FOX to use his name for the sales. If you remove the RS bias and rewatch the movie with non scifi person, you'll understand what I mean by that. If anyone saw simple 1 min trailer and watch the movie, all the stuff in the movie other than specific frames, turned out to be filler with nothing interesting. We can't cover this fact by saying, RS had no control. Even if he doesn't movie is piece of bad direction and as RS is attached to it, it's his baby to own. Sorry but if you compare money grabbing movies or say pop corn movies with prometheus, still it gets short on that. Prometheus is not even entertaining like any pop corn movie in the market. So if we are saying it was made to grab money, that's an insult to Marvel and Hasbro movies, which on that scale are much worthy of entertainment.
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.

David 1

MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 8:57 AM
eheheh. Sky, the fact is that even Scott has someone to bend over to. These days the movie maker is not given the "go out there you artist you... and do your art" thing anymore. Not even Scott. Sure he is to blame [and Lindelof] for the sheer oddities and headscratching galore in Prometheus. But I have no doubt that much of what was shot [besides the monetary restrictions] was probabily not his idea to begin qith. look at the Art Work and compare it to the actual movie. It would be better for them to use it instead of the stuff they showed us. I have no Bias towards Sir Ridley [he has made some very shitty movies] and I can't even call my self a true fan of the man. But the stance that he was surely forced to add some stuff for the Fan comunity via FOX makes more sense, at least for what he him self stated [the line "i'm sick of Alien" sort of].
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerSep-03-2012 9:42 AM
This movie is so damn divisive. Damn... I loved the movie. Dark sci-fi is rarely directed so beautifully! Was it perhaps a bit TOO ambiguous at times? Yeah.. But that's Ridley's style. I don't always like his style of "ambiguous sci-fi," but the film was definitely under his control. If it was controlled by the studio it would have been PG-13 and not nearly as ambiguous.


MemberFacehuggerSep-03-2012 10:03 AM
It was a good attempt but it ultimately failed ridley may be a bit old or have too many yes men what ever it was hes just not been making the classics for a while now. The script really should of been given to someone with great character building cos most of them sucked balls - so boring. Yes it was part studio shit but ridley is too powerful to say he wasnt the main guy in control here! So ridley is number one in the blame tree then lindelof and the studio - for sure! I will be checking out Prometheus 2 but my hopes are lower and I still really hope something special happens!

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 11:57 AM
This is just my opinion, I loved Prometheus! I will say though that things seemed pretty rushed in the theatrical release but I looked at it as a movie that was going to be more of a puzzle than a full on death and dismemberment movie. For me keeping in mind that Ridley is a straight up fan of Kubick fan made this good. For me that is,


MemberDeaconSep-03-2012 4:07 PM
People need to not blame Fox and keep saying oh its not Ridleys fault he was forced. It seems to me that Ridley wanted to do a movie that covered the Space Jockey, [b]who was he?[/b] [b]where did he come from?[/b][b] why that cargo?[/b] And then explore the race that was really behind the Space Jockey. And the original draft with Spaights seemed to touch upon that and explain who they was, what the Xeno was and why? Ridley played ball with this, but then he added Lindeloff who then had some other ideas and when he and Lindeloff explored the idea that the Space Jockey created Mankind as well as other races and stuff, it opened a whole new world of potential. Ridley seems to wanted to use Prometheus as a introduction to his story and not his story, and at the same time drop hints of that the Engineers played a part in the Xeno, that something they did to it or some other experiments they conducted and technology would lead to the creation of similar organisms. Ridley would then go and explore the Engineers. So Prometheus 2 would be about. [b]Who are the Engineers?[/b] [b][/b] [b]Why did they create us?[/b] [b][/b] [b]What else have they created?[/b] [b][/b] [b]What is the Engineers purpose and Agenda?[/b] [b][/b] [b]And are the Engineers the real creators or not?[/b] I think vaguely they will answer why they wanted us destroyed after our creation and some hint of LV 223 would be made. I feel Prometheus 3 would be when we find out really when/why and how LV 223 and the temples was set up and maybe then the connection with the Urns and what the purpose was and how they came to be and any connection with the Xeno and Alien. Prometheus 2 would steer away from the Xeno, Prometheus 3 i feel would tie up lose ends from Prometheus and Prometheus 2 and connect both with Alien.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

David 1

MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 4:15 PM
Big Dave: I completly agree with all of that, though it is becoming very clear how much influence the Industry has over the product they are sponsoring to be sold.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 6:29 PM
I think it's ridley's film and he's happy with it. I am also happy with it. In 10 year's it will be recognised as a classic. Ridley has walked AWAY from the comfortable motifs of the other 5 films.


MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 3:43 AM
[quote]as well as the xxx number of SF films which,sometimes, have used better SF effects than Prometheus.[/quote] Like which movie? As for your post, so the main reason this movie is bad is because it ignored the alien legacy. Which I don't think its true at all. Ripely Scott named this movie Prometheus. He didn't put the word "Alien" in the title, so I think he was trying to tell the fans this movie is going to move in a different direction, but still tying into the Alien Universe. And the "ignore the alien legacy" I don't know what you mean by that. The elements are there. Robot David 8 = Ash Shaw's C-section, Deacon's birth = Chestburster And revealing what the space jockey is, and showing the juggernaut lifting off. Just some off the top of my head


MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 10:13 AM
I will throw this one out there - I think if RS does not direct the sequel - you have your answer regarding control of the movie. I say this becasue RS is very busy and he can pick and choose his projects. If RS did not like the end product (Prometheus) and he had lost control like some suggest it is my guess that he will not follow through on the sequel and walk away. Time will tell if he finishes what he started or he hands it off and walks away.
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MemberOvomorphSep-05-2012 10:07 AM
Wow - I just read that RS is only going to produce the sequel! Is this true? I said it here first folks if the guy does not direct then I think he is sending a message that unless he gets total creative control on this project he is done. So it looks like RS may have lost that control durning Prometheus thus the issues and problems most see with the movie, the story etc.
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