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MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 6:45 AMOK so nobody will probably even read this but as a fan of Aliens and Ridley Scott I have to post my HOW YOU COULD HAVE MADE THIS A CLASSIC IN 10 SIMPLE FIXES! I hate editing movies in my head to make them enjoyable but it seems that nowadays you really have too, OK I'll try to go in order of the film as best as I can remember.
1. Cave paintings, make it uncertain why they are there, invitaion maybe? but debate the other reasons they may be there, like to let us know of other life, or maybe even as a warning, just leave it open to debate until later in the movie when motivations become more clear.
2. Scan from ship sets up a reason for landing where they did, power/life signature, unnatural formations, just something to set a sense of discovery not blind luck. EDIT: They had a good reason for this flight path, memory was a bit foggy on this one.
3. Readings from ship and scientific equipment clearly indicate that it's safe to remove protective gear, or set up a reason why he takes it off, suit malfuntion, could even be latter tied into if David tampered with it.
4. Two guys who want to leave, not because of some 2000yr old alien, but because Davids pushing unknown buttons and crazy things are starting to happen, have whole group more concerned with Davids motivations at this point.
5. Guys get lost, Have some signal disruption going on, make it unlear why, could it be whatever Davids doing, have ship lose signal with crew at this point, sets up not only our lost scientist but the approching storm that they have little warning for.
6. Back in Main chamber have Alien Worm suprise attack them (did you see something moving in there) and the resulting struggle causes the acid spray, this would make more sense and could be a much needed tense moment at this part of the film and it sets up how dangerous the goo will become later.
7. Surgery scene, two things here, one cosmetic and one fix, make the squid monster a little more classic alien looking at this point, make the surgery process make more sense, show tissue reconstruction not staples.EDIT: Creature design here really has no bearing and may be explained later. EDIT 2: what I mean is that she would not be able to function after this operation with way the surgery ended, use sci fi to make her future actions more believable.
8. When the alien ship crashes, set up a reason why the Engineer hunts her down instead of finishing his mission, like what looks like a piece of the debris that lands close to her turn out to be a ejection capsule that opens to reveal the Engineer.
9. in the final fight again have a more classic looking alien squid looking creature that attaches to the Engineers face with a resulting more classic looking chest buster alien come out of his dead body. EDIT: see above edit.
10. When David contacts her about another ship set it up that he can get it to work but that like the first ship it has a pre destined flight path but it's to an unknown star and it's there only option for leaving, I find it wierd that she doesn't want to warn mankind of this impending doom, this would also set up many more theories as too what was really happening on this planet and leave it more open ended for the sequel.
Well I hope you like my ideas/thoughts on this and if you have the imagination I do it may help make your memories of this film more enjoyable, lets just hope that Scott ditches that hack Lideldork or whatever his name was and makes a proper end to this beloved franchise tie in.
43 Replies

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-05-2012 5:05 PM@KrazedMadMan. Let me have a crack at answering:
1. Cave paintings, make it uncertain why they are there, invitaion maybe? but debate the other reasons they may be there, like to let us know of other life, or maybe even as a warning, just leave it open to debate until later in the movie when motivations become more clear.
[b]I agree.[/b]
2. Scan from ship sets up a reason for landing where they did, power/life signature, unnatural formations, just something to set a sense of discovery not blind luck. EDIT: They had a good reason for this flight path, memory was a bit foggy on this one.
[b]I agree.[/b]
3. Readings from ship and scientific equipment clearly indicate that it's safe to remove protective gear, or set up a reason why he takes it off, suit malfuntion, could even be latter tied into if David tampered with it.
[b]I agree.[/b]
4. Two guys who want to leave, not because of some 2000yr old alien, but because Davids pushing unknown buttons and crazy things are starting to happen, have whole group more concerned with Davids motivations at this point.
[b]Not sure what you mean here?[/b]
5. Guys get lost, Have some signal disruption going on, make it unlear why, could it be whatever Davids doing, have ship lose signal with crew at this point, sets up not only our lost scientist but the approching storm that they have little warning for.
[b]I thought that scene was clear. Capt Janek knew where they were but thought it would be funny to leave them alone overnight with the dead engineers.[/b]
6. Back in Main chamber have Alien Worm suprise attack them (did you see something moving in there) and the resulting struggle causes the acid spray, this would make more sense and could be a much needed tense moment at this part of the film and it sets up how dangerous the goo will become later.
[b]I agree.[/b]
7. Surgery scene, two things here, one cosmetic and one fix, make the squid monster a little more classic alien looking at this point, make the surgery process make more sense, show tissue reconstruction not staples.EDIT: Creature design here really has no bearing and may be explained later. EDIT 2: what I mean is that she would not be able to function after this operation with way the surgery ended, use sci fi to make her future actions more believable.
[b]I thought that scene was brilliant. I agree with you about showing the tissue reconstruction and i defo agree with you about making the squid more classic alien! But the story couldn't have progressed in the way it did if they would have made the effects of Shaws birth more realistic because in reality she wouldn't have been able to even stand up. I'm sure of it.[/b]
8. When the alien ship crashes, set up a reason why the Engineer hunts her down instead of finishing his mission, like what looks like a piece of the debris that lands close to her turn out to be a ejection capsule that opens to reveal the Engineer.
[b]Maybe he would have completed his mission after he'd finished with Shaw? But he didn't get that chance.[/b]
9. in the final fight again have a more classic looking alien squid looking creature that attaches to the Engineers face with a resulting more classic looking chest buster alien come out of his dead body. EDIT: see above edit.
[b]I agree to a point, but not too much like the original alien.[/b]
10. When David contacts her about another ship set it up that he can get it to work but that like the first ship it has a pre destined flight path but it's to an unknown star and it's there only option for leaving, I find it wierd that she doesn't want to warn mankind of this impending doom, this would also set up many more theories as too what was really happening on this planet and leave it more open ended for the sequel.
[b]I agree and it would have also been better if they didn't show them taking off in it.[/b]
The poster was good though!

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-05-2012 6:34 PM[quote][b]Yer I am not sure what patient is on about half the time either not sure if he was trolling either its all a bit incoherent a bit like promethues eh heh :D ! That idea of...[/b][/quote]
And [i]I'M[/i] incoherent??? I know basic grammar and I use punctuation. It's not difficult and it make posts more pleasant to read. Feel free to actually POINT OUT what is unclear (instead of just being d-bags, the two of you) and I will be happy to reword (i.e. dumb down).

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphSep-05-2012 7:02 PMI like what you've come up with...only a Krazed Mad Man could get it right. I would like to add though that the archeologists should have found evidence of ancient aliens Oh sorry Humans on other planets as space travel and mining expand into the galaxy and this evidence should have lead them to LV-223. Like what happened in the LV-100's? I was also hoping for a visual trip through space to the planet so it wouldn't seem like suddenly they were there. Throw in some more space ships too like a I mean whole armadas

MemberOvomorphSep-05-2012 7:52 PM:P I would like to have seen the Xeno-Vickers of one of the fake script

MemberOvomorphSep-05-2012 8:19 PMbut also I don't think that Cuddles was to be too much like a classic Facehugger, I think it's time for new monsters and on this point I would have liked a more longer battle in the hangar of the Prometheus and a more mutated Fifield. Maybe in the temple He could attack any member of the crew when they were looking at Milburn (with the appearance of the angry caveman) and finally since mutated into something more monstrous in the Hangar.
A more credible reason with this two guys who are stranded in the structure.
Regarding the characters I would have liked more depth in Weyland and Vickers and it would be good to change the death of Meredith and the scene of the two girls running in the same direction when the Juggernaut was rolling toward them.
And finally a more epic battle between the squid and the Engineer.
With the mysteries I agree because it makes the movie generates more food for thought and the way we left for the sequel and materials to make this an expansion of the original mythology, in fact it seems more original the idea of a spin -off than a direct prequel and btw a better soundtrack would have been nice. I think that the atmosphere of a film depends heavily on this point.

MemberOvomorphSep-05-2012 10:50 PMLeech you just can't help yourself lol, don't need to Dumb down anything for us, it's a case of you needing to Smart up.
I'm not trying to start a fight w/u, you just keep repeating yourself over and over without ever actually addressing the new ideas presented to you, it's like the whole God debate in real life, ppl have so many diffrent reasons why it's unlikely but those who believe seem to only have the same answer, it's faith!, like thats the only answer needed, kindda like if I say the answer to every math problem is 5 no matter what the problem is because I believe in 5, so no other argument needs to be presented in my defense, because if you don't understand or like 5 then you are wrong, it makes no sense man!
So here again I'll debate w/u on you last 3 points.
Faith could have been motivation for Him and even his Wife to remove their helmets but this would have no bearing on the rest of the team, their faith would not be enough reason for highly educated scientist to just throw all their training and experience to the wind and do something so reckless and against logic, the scene needed to happen but Faith is just such poor execution, it could have been handled much better, this is after all Sci Fi, use what you've got and don't make logical ppl suffer due to your lack of creativity.
So 10 minutes after your surgery you were running down halls, dodging cars and fighting MMA fighters right?, dude you probably didnt even know where you were for hrs, again just use Sci Fi to make it more likely, sorry but women have C-sections all the time and theres no way they could do any of the things she was for probably days after, let alone minutes, and the it was powerful painkillers, sorry two problems with that, One doesn't stop the wound from re-opening while running and fighting and Two if their that strong she'd be out cold or so disoriented that she'd be useless, she is after all only Human and not some super drug test subject.
Again you don't even touch on the subject of why would he suddenly care about her, he let her escape the starmap chamber to complete his mission but now he has a special vendetta against her, second point, it would take no extra film time to have a pod in the debris open up, but it would make a cohesive reason why he'd try to now kill her, simply he is in close proximity to her and just had his plans F'd with, it would also explaine how he was not all smashed to pieces after tumbling head over heels ten times in a massive crash, so same flim time use, much better set up and delivery.
I hope you think on it and just don't come back with it's Sci Fi who cares, we care, don't be smart and philosophical one moment and then saturday morning cartoon the next (I'm speaking of the film not you) and expect us to not have a problem with your continuity.

MemberFacehuggerSep-06-2012 5:45 AMYep true - but I dont think he gets it! Was going to repeat some stuff and hope he answers this time but couldnt be bothered any more!
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-06-2012 7:36 AM[b]I hope you think on it and just don't come back with it's Sci Fi who cares, we care, don't be smart and philosophical one moment and then saturday morning cartoon the next (I'm speaking of the film not you) and expect us to not have a problem with your continuity.[/b]
Look, my frustration is this: Whatever “faults” people try to pull out of the movie just takes a little imagination (starts singing the Imaginationland song from South Park, lol) to look past, which you’ve clearly got, but instead people use their imagination to bitch about the movie instead of trying to delve into the deeper, underlying ideas of the film. It’s gotten rather old.
(Trying my best to read past yet again more goofy grammar errors…)
I’ve already made my point clear on the first point…
[b]So 10 minutes after your surgery you were running down halls, dodging cars and fighting MMA fighters right?, dude you probably didnt even know where you were for hrs, again just use Sci Fi to make it more likely, sorry but women have C-sections all the time and theres no way they could do any of the things she was for probably days after, let alone minutes, and the it was powerful painkillers, sorry two problems with that, One doesn't stop the wound from re-opening while running and fighting and Two if there that strong she'd be out cold or so disoriented that she'd be useless, she is after all only Human and not some super drug test subject.[/b]
Again, use some imagination. She didn’t put herself under with anesthesia. She was conscious the whole time watching it happen, which is of course what made the scene so effective. And what I’M saying is that you don’t know WHAT you’d be capable of if you were really in that situation, with adrenaline and endorphins, etc.. humans are capable of great feats when they are faced with adversity. (especially stubborn women who believe in God, heh).
[b]Again you don't even touch on the subject of why would he suddenly care about her, he let her escape the starmap chamber to complete his mission but now he has a special vendetta against her, second point, it would take no extra film time to have a pod in the debris open up, but it would make a cohesive reason why he'd try to now kill her, simply he is in close proximity to her and just had his plans F'd with, it would also explaine how he was not all smashed to peices after tumbling head over heels ten times in a massive crash, so smae flim time use, much better set up and delivery.[/b]
"So smae flim time..." what?
I truly do not understand your point about the pod in the debris and how that would explain why he’d want to kill her suddenly. But I don’t think it would have been difficult for him to survive the crash seeing as he was well strapped in. I can believe that he left the scene relatively unscathed. And I’ve already made this point, but I’m sure you’ll complain about me repeating myself, but since you never seem to understand it, I will: film editing cuts things out to keep the pace moving along. Filmmakers (especially Ridley Scott) doesn't feel the need to show every line connecting every dot. He expects the audience to fill in the gaps. Get over it.

MemberOvomorphSep-06-2012 9:22 AMFill in the massive plot holes is what I think you meant to say,..
Every post you make seems like the old saying, one step forward, two steps back, the more you talk the more you lose ground lol.
Faith makes it so her tissue doesn't tear back open while fighting and running minutes after a massive surgery, lol, dude seriously your making my sides hurt stop it.
Or better yet go read a book on physiology.
Your like a dog that keeps bitting the sore on it's ass because it's blissfully ignorant of how much worse it's making it.

MemberFacehuggerSep-06-2012 9:50 AMIt does seem to be the ethos of most of the people that thought it was a masterpiece: use your imagination - fill in the plot holes your self stuff like that. Well in that case every film is a masterpiece surely - all you do is fill in the mistakes lol . And when you probe them to what they are making up to fill in the bits they all got different answers or they use ambiguous words like faith and magic lol! So this then begs the question - if there all different then obviously most of them are wrong if not all and there just simply making up stuff that isnt there! Which logically points you towards the fact that it was just a good film great bits and awful clanger bits - strangest film I have ever seen in that sense!
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-06-2012 12:15 PM[B]Faith makes it so her tissue doesn't tear back open while fighting and running minutes after a massive surgery, lol, dude seriously your making my sides hurt stop it.
Or better yet go read a book on physiology.
Your like a dog that keeps bitting the sore on it's ass because it's blissfully ignorant[/b]
Now YOU'RE just being obnoxious, guy. (I suppose YOU'RE a brain surgeon?) That's not what i said. YOU are ignoring the fact that her incision was stapled shut. It's not going to come open when it's stapled closed. This conversation is inane.

MemberOvomorphSep-07-2012 4:17 PMCan't wait to see if the extended/cut scenes tie any of the lost direction or motivations of the characters together in a more believable way.
It's nice that nowadays we get DVD's mere months after a movies theatrical release, not the long years we sometimes had to wait.

MemberFacehuggerSep-07-2012 5:46 PMIm out - cant be bothered this has descended into babble and has almost no interesting debate left in it - I will be back with my fixs maybe after a watch of the blu ray - hopefully with a directors cut if there's any brains left in fox's team behind this!
I am hoping they work on the helmet scene and the hammerpeade part and getting lost amongst many other parts... that type of pants movie making that was out of sync with the rest of the film (that had some great bits!) - just would be nice to at least try to save some bits of it. I know they cant save the awful boring characters that all got killed anyway - phew! But hey ho heres hoping something specials round the corner! :D
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D
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