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Proto xenomorph

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MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 2:45 PM
Hey all its been along time since i have been on here... Anyway i have been thinking about prometheus agen dont know why but the last cuppo of nights i have been thinking about the hole story.. Anyway i was thinking about what R.S was saying about the last 10mins of the film or so that would tie into the alien world or on they lines. At the last 15 - 10mins we see the engineer struggling agenst the huge facehugger then a little bit latter the proto xenomorph pops out. So i have been thinking why is this proto xenomorph where dose it fit into this crazy world we love "alien universe" isit the 1st of its kind. Isit a queen?! Anyway going back to what R.S was saying that MOMMY METS DADDY.... and there will be 4 stages to the monster or what ever cant really quote what he said it was a while ago. But what i take form that is this is indeed the 1st xenomorph, Shaw being mommy & Holloway being daddy. we all know david8 for some reason infects Holloway. Holloway sees a worm like thing in his eye. Step 1, Holloway has sex with shaw step 2, Shaw finds out she is pregnant & has the squid like alien, step 3 the squid attacks the engineer, Then proto xenomorph the 1st of its kind. The queen if you like anyway. If this is what R.S was planing for us all to know then what is the black goo?! Is it indeed xenomorph DNA the engineers have been to there home world and harvest there DNA? You mite ask though i thot you where saying the proto xeno is the 1st. Well in the form we know it?! The xeno takes the form of its host the 1st alien movie it stood up rite like a MAN. kinda the same as the second film ALIENS. but then we get ALIENS 3 a shit movie in my book but anyway. It mutated with the dogs DNA and had a hole different look! Maybe there is a planet out there with something like dark matter or what ever. The engineers went there for one resson or another and fond the black goo. Put it in the urns and studied it. Only the goo turned on them mutated any living thing it touched as it being worms Fifield or hollaway... Shaw seemed to have been a different form of blackgoo maybe this is what it looks like before its turned into liquid so the engineers can studie it. So shaw was infected with the PURE form and this inturn brings life to the xeno?! ill add more to this its a thot in the works :) any comments are appreciated
4 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 3:03 PM
A xeno type form and facehuggers are visible, in the movie, on the mural. Not to mention Ridley hinting that the derelict was older than what happened on LV 223. I can't logically justify that the deacon was the 1st. It was the introduction of xeno DNA into the human sexual cycle, the classic alien is human DNA introduced into the xeno sexual cycle. and welcome back. :)
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.


MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 3:53 PM
I agree with genjitsu. the deacon isnt a proto-xeno (imo). The ampule chamber contains a lot of information (visually). Not only are we shown the bass relief that genjitsu has referred to (contains xeno-esque figure, facehuggers, and humans), but there are other pieces of artwork shown to us in the ampule room as well. One of the frescos on the ceiling depicts a traditional xeno egg (analogous to the ones seen in Alien) and the very same fresco also shows us a traditional xeno hand and arm. The aforementioned hand/arm looks NOTHING like the hand/arm of the deacon. Without doubt, the hand/arm in question belongs to what we have termed the Alien or xenomorph. I dont think the deacon is a proto-xeno. I think the traditional xeno pre-dates the deacon (at least thats what the information at our disposal indicates). In addition, its clear that the traditional eggs, at the very least, pre-date the adventures of shaw and company. I think the deacon is a genetic bastard/cousin to the traditional xeno...the deacon just gave us a chance to see how one form of the bio-weapon acts when it encounters the various entities that it encountered in the film (ie: holloway, shaw, cuddles, engineer, deacon etc).


MemberDeaconSep-05-2012 10:59 AM
This would be similar to my thread. But slightly different as we are talking here purely does the Xeno Evolve from the events of Prometheus? We cant be 100% sure. In context of the movie and ignore what Ridley ever says, then its possible but how does the Mural pan out as it shows Face Huggers unless it is a prophecy that predicts the future? We would next have to figure out how does the Deacon get to LV 426? Does it suit up as a Space Jockey? If so then why would it become Chest Busted unless this is a sacrifice the Deacon must make to procreate its species. Funny enough the Mural is in a Sacrificial pose like Christs and it depicts Face Huggers on Humanoid Hosts and the Mural Xeno looks more Deacon than Traditional Xeno. Does the Deacon lay the Eggs but then some other way the Derelict gets from LV 223 to 426. This would mean either. 1) Some Engineers are still on LV 223 in other ships that the Deacon lays Eggs on, but then why was these Engineers not awoken by the Last Engineer before he went to go to Earth? 2) Does Weyland Yutani set off another mission and land on LV 223 and then at the end one of them fly off in the Derelict carrying the Eggs laid by the Deacon? But this would mean if they covered this in a movie, that this movie would be basically a cross between Prometheus and Alien/s. 3) Or did the Deacon get to Shaw and Davids Juggernaut? This leaves not much scope for Prometheus 2, as it would be oh dear look a Monster, bye bye Shaw then David quickly sets the Ship down on LV 426... not much idea for a movie Prometheus 2 run time 25 mins. These theories would take into account Ridleys comments of Mommy meets Daddy (Shaw and Holloway or even Baby Cuddles and Bob the Engineer) and Lindelofs the movie is about the Progenitor. But then a lot has to transpire from 2094 to like 2122 or 2137 for Alien.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconSep-05-2012 11:06 AM
But then if we take the other comments made by Ridley, then it contradicts the events that would lead the Deacon to be the Proto Xeno. And thus make the Xeno the Proto Deacon. You see Ridley hinted prior to Prometheus the Derelict on LV 426 in Alien was a) Carrying a Cargo of Bio Weapons b) Carrying Eggs that one got to the Pilot c) Was some kind of Bomber d) That the Derelict had been there for a long long time prior to Alien. He had then gone futher after he started with Prometheus to then sugest. a) The Derelict had been there for prehaps thousands of years. b) The Pilot was a brother to the one in Prometheus c) He had to make a unplanned landing on the closet planetoid after being infected with one of his Cargo. d) Again the ship was carrying a Cargo of Eggs. e) The ship had been there either within a few hundred years of the events that wiped out most of the Engineers on LV 223 or a few hundred years prior. This puts the Derelict that carried Eggs landing on LV 426 between 1700 to 2200 years prior to the events of Prometheus 2093/94. Thus this statement suggests that the Xeno predated the Deacon by at least about 2000 years and potentially much longer.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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