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MemberOvomorphSep-05-2012 3:05 AMhey guys just seen some one post about this on here well browsing! My question is what is Fatima's Miracle? I have niver heard of it before untill today. Was it a eclipse of the sun? Ufo? It says that the sun was close to touching the ground ? :S
5 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-05-2012 5:23 AMFatima's miracle was an event in the early 1900's where three children claimed to know a place where the virgin Mary would appear. Anywhere from 30-100k people came to see the miracle which never happened. However, a very large percentage of the viewers claim to have seen the sun do some wild stuff for about ten minutes. They claim the sun spun on its axis and flashed and threw off an amazing light show. Also, many claim that they were wet from rainfall, but following the event, they had completely dried off...very interesting.
Researchers go both ways, but I would agree with idea that there was a weather related event after a storm where the sun and clouds produced a colorful display. The crowd being so interested in the display, they stared at it for many minutes and in turn when they looked away they could continue to see the retinal burn they had just induced by staring a the sun.
For those who believe that somehing deeper and more profound occurred, I mean no disrespect, I just looked it up the other day online after reading about the event on the moon landing hoax thread.
@engineer seanb 1986 I am sure that there are many other resources to read with many options on the event. I just did a quick google search.
ALL generalizations are WRONG!

David 1
MemberOvomorphSep-05-2012 8:35 AMHi Sean:
What Fan told is basically it, except that the theory of "retinal burn" was suggested by a sceptical french doctor who, in any case, was not present at the event and was dismissed as innacurate for the simple fact that there were a lot of people that were still gathering to the spot, including news reporters [both portuguese and spanish], who took pictures of the "two suns" and all of them stated that a few miles away from the place, the sky was clean, there was only one sun in the sky which made the phaenomenon a local thing.
so, "another sun in the sky" was how the people from that time called to the second object zig-zaging, displaying it's "not as bright as the Suns" light and and hovering close to the ground.
The event in it self occured for 6 months, always at the same day of the week, at the same time and at the same place.
Unfortunately those folks from 1917 never heard of a thing called a "ufo" or a "flying saucer" since this events occured before "flying saucers" and "ufos" became words to define such a phaenomenon and the church [remembering that back then Portugal was a very simple, poor and religious country] took advantage of the 3 young Shepherds being "contacted" [in any case it was a contact event] and proclaimed it a "miracle" for the young shepherds said that the person they were talking to was as beautiful as an Angel or as beautiful as Holly Mary. Hence, the religious conotation of "miracle".
However, even the church after canonizing the 3 shepherds has stated that the event may have been misunderstood at the time as a true religious miracle and adopted [not in full words] the "ufo case scenario" instead. Either way a huge temple was built there and the church made its profit.
So, all in all, it was one of a series of events that went across the globe at that períod and following years. The first being in Portugal, then Spain [and that one was video and audio recorded, and I believe you can watch part of the phaenomenon that took place in some Youtube videos] then other countries of the East of Europe.
A classic case of contact with the interesting romanticised twist and with a lot of evidence to state it as a ufo case amidst so many others.
As always there will be ufo sayers, naysayers, skeptics, religious people and whatnot.
What one can not denie is that something rather interesting happened to thee point of gathering 70.000 people from all over the country and spain for 6 months.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

AdminEngineerSep-05-2012 9:29 AMNever heard of this myself. Interesting, thanks for the info guys.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

David 1
MemberOvomorphSep-05-2012 9:47 AMChris:
the one from Spain is even more bizarre when you see the video of the two sisters walking backwards, talking backwards, and being flashed with lights staight in their eyes without any sort of reaction from them. Weird stuff.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

MemberOvomorphSep-05-2012 5:26 PMThe word UFO means unidentified flying object, does not mean alien spacecraft. I think all these people saw an anomalous phenomenon, but there is insufficient evidence to support the hypothesis in relation to religion or extraterrestrial. The stories of the three children are totally subjective evidence, I even do not rule out the Pareidolia, or even hallucinations (relative to the virgin and maybe caused by the phenomenon). The only certainty is that something happened.
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