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MemberOvomorphSep-06-2012 1:58 PM"As someone who was connected to the "Alien" legacy, what did you think about "Prometheus"?
I enjoyed "Prometheus"; I thought it was great. I thought it was Ridley returning to science fiction with gusto, with great tactical performance, beautiful photography, great native 3D. There might have been a few things that I would have done differently, but that’s not the point, you could say that about any movie.
Did it make you feel like you wanted to revisit the world of "Alien" at all?
No. No, I feel that I’m too far away from it right now, too much other work has been done -- too thickly layered, a palimpsest of other talents from Fincher to everybody that’s come along since. "
9 Replies

AdminEngineerSep-06-2012 2:06 PMThanks for posting! I like Cameron, really enjoy his films, but I'm glad he's not interested in taking over Prometheus 2. He took ALIEN in a different direction, and I want the mythology to remain like how ALIEN was.
So this is good news, thanks! :)
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

MemberOvomorphSep-06-2012 2:22 PMReally like James Cameron, i think he is great! I completely agree with Chris! If one of the biggest names in cinema liked Prometheus thats gotta be a sign haha ;)
Its a robot...ash is a goddamn robot!

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-06-2012 2:22 PM^^^^ what Chris said ^^^^
He did a very good job with Aliens, but he took it in a different direction to what Ridley intended it to go in, but i suppose that is Ridleys fault for not jumping on a sequel before anybody else had the chance to. Also, i really don't want to see a Aliens, Avatar interpretation of the Prometheus sequel, full of obnoxious marines!
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-06-2012 2:26 PMAgree with all above. :)
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.

MemberOvomorphSep-06-2012 2:43 PM@necronom4 Actually, Ridley was passed over by Fox when it came to doing a sequel to Alien. Fox only green-lit Aliens after reading Cameron's treatment.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-06-2012 4:16 PMI didn't know that, thanx. I don't think even Fox would be so stupid as to pass on Ridley again though, now he's such an influential film maker.
The poster was good though!

MemberFacehuggerSep-06-2012 5:31 PMYer cameron has gone the way of all old directors including Ridley - down hill! Sorry to say it these guys are some of my favourites ever! But I am not saying they cant make classics - anythings possible - fingers crossed!
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D
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