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Bo Cherry
MemberOvomorphSep-06-2012 2:57 PMTitle says all, guys. Another one of the five icons on the upper left hand side of is now clickable, and leads to a new video titled Mission Transmission.
In my opinion, it's been too long since they updated that site....the anticipation was killing me haha.
6 Replies

MemberFacehuggerSep-06-2012 5:21 PMOk yes it was like 2 months...about time! Well its certainly interesting and i has an actor from the film in it - could mean something big is coming but then again it could be to throw us off the scent. But yes interesting - still waiting for something that got some meat in it like a puzzle to solve - pitty its a bit late now I think all we will get is okish videos which dont really tell us anything bit like prometheus! But anyway heres hoping for something special!...
Weird that it says 1984 could be a link to george orwell? But who knows with all this stuff!
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-06-2012 5:54 PMJanek is not fond of face sensors. LOL
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.

MemberOvomorphSep-06-2012 6:15 PMToday is Idris Elba's 40th Birthday! Probably has something to do with that.

MemberOvomorphSep-06-2012 8:39 PMShort shots of this intercut with some other footage were released somewhere quite a while back. Can't for the life of me remember where but I'm looking. Anyone else remember? Maybe one of the short "making of" or pre-release video ads?
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