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Branded (2012)

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MemberOvomorphSep-06-2012 10:13 PM
Anyone else as excited as I am about Branded? Looks as though it'll go 1 of 2 ways. Seems to me like it'll be a classic or it'll be total shite. For some reason I'm not getting a "this film will be ok" vibe. I'm about to step out to see it. I'll let you guys know my initial reaction when I get home.
8 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-07-2012 9:24 PM
Appreciate the rundown without giving it all away. Yeah, I hate when they edit a trailer in such a way as to make it a bait and switch deal, where you're not getting what they lead you on with. What you mentioned about the humor reminded me of Starship Troopers... How they were all serious and war is hell but then there would be those commercials.


MemberOvomorphSep-06-2012 10:42 PM
I am actually... at first I thought it was a joke but then I went to YouTube and slowly played some clips. Yes, I am interested in your yea or nea. I put down a theory on it but I thought it would ruin it for some so I deleted it.


MemberOvomorphSep-06-2012 11:25 PM
Yeah, looks pretty cool. Will wait for your review.
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.


MemberOvomorphSep-07-2012 2:25 AM
Well I don't know what I expected but this wasn't it. It was original, interesting, funny yet boring as hell and pretty how much terrible. Don't waste your money.


MemberOvomorphSep-07-2012 3:13 AM
Thought this was a film version of the Chuck Connors series. So it's not: “All but one man died There at Bitter Creek And they say he ran away Branded—marked with a coward’s shame What do you do when you’re branded And you know you’re a man” then is it?


MemberFacehuggerSep-07-2012 6:10 AM
Weird. Could be good but looks like it might be one of those great idea but falls down in the end type films :S ...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphSep-07-2012 1:59 PM
I want to say this first as I doubt many people will actually read all of this post... At this point I feel that the film and what the creators were trying to do is a very original, ballsy piece of cinema that is worth seeing. If audiences can appreciate that the creators are ad execs and that the marketing campaign was misleading on purpose-which is obviously a big reason why the film wasn't pre-screened for critics-and can go in being just a bit more informed on what to expect, I think that the film can find an audience. Now, onto the rest... Ok, I posted that short "don't waste your money" gem late last night after working all day then going to see the 12:01 showing. After getting some rest and thinking about the film and everything that surrounds it I can elaborate a bit more. I'll try my best not to spoil anything. First and foremost people who see this film should take note of the fact that the writing/directing team are themselves ad execs. They have done and still do what they somewhat demonize in the film for a living. This is very important especially when it comes to expectations of what kind of film this is. The film is marketed as a sci-fi actioner with a brain. All over the net people were mentioning films like The Matrix and They Live to describe what the film may be. Images for the film show the main character with guns and there is mention of a "battle" in the synopsis on the official website for the film. Think about this. Think about how the film is advertised then recall what I stated above about the creators being ad execs. Then recall or go watch the first trailer for the film. In this trailer there is a commercial for a fast food joint called "The Burger" which is obviously a poke at McDonald's. During the trailer there are intercut messages stating that everything contained in the commercial for the fast food chain is false. It's all BS. Take all these things into consideration and then realize that the film is NOT what the marketing campaign has told you it is. Not to say that it's all false or all bs but this film is definitely not a "sci-fi actioner with a brain" type film. I would say it's a conspiracy drama with some sci-fi elements and even less action. Now, as I said, the marketing campaign kind of promised something that the film is not. So, going in I was expecting something totally different and therefore I found the film quite slow and boring. Thinking about it now, if I had a better idea of what to expect I probably would have not had any problem whatsoever with the pacing and whatnot. I think it was a goo hour and a half before you actually start to see all the cool stuff shown in the trailer. And from the begining your sitting there waiting for it. So, again, if you go in like I did you can get quite irritated. The film has great ideas. It's obviously pretty original and is quite funny at times if you understand and can get the humor. I suppose pretty much everyone that would be interested in seeing this film for the story elements and not the cool looking sci-fi special effects will be smart enough to get the humor. While the humor that is there is great there is pretty big problem cause by it. The film seems to try to walk a line of "take me seriously" and "I know I'm absurd" and does a terrible job at it. It is at it's best when it knows it's absurd but most of the film takes itself and wants it's audience to take it seriously. So, the tease of the humor really leaves you wishing they would have went that way a lot more. There's obviously more to go over but I gotta go now.


MemberOvomorphSep-08-2012 10:25 AM
Your welcome, Sentinel. I'm really glad someone actually read it and appreciates it. I feel that if people can kind of see the whole picture going in they'll appreciate the film a lot more for what it is and what the filmakers were trying to say and acomplish. Please don't think that the film's humor is Starship Trooper-esque though as it's really not. Also, the commercial in the trailer is not in the film. I too hate the bait and switch but it does fit in regards to this film. At least the bait and switch has a point. It fits with the films ideas. The only film I can really think of to compare Branded to is Southland Tales and it's not really a great comparison either. It's just got that future-conspiracy-sci-fi vibe with heavy ideas that most of the movie going public either arent interested in or arent capable of grasping in the medium of film. The film does give you a lot to chew on. Especially, like I stated many times, if you keep in mind that the creators are ad execs themselves and think about the film from the perspective of the characters, the audience and the ad execs. Pretty multi-layered stuff. The more I think about all of these things, the more I appreciate it. But, if you look at it soley as a normal film and from the perspective of a normal audience then I can totally understand how it might seem pretty horrible. You really have to dissect and consider all the elements to enjoy and understand what they were trying to do. I'm not saying it's great but if you find what I've posted interesting it's definitely worth a watch.
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