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MemberOvomorphSep-07-2012 12:53 PMHello wild prometheus community !
Yesterday night I was going crazy reading a good theory about the nature of the juggernaut. Some of you speculated that the ship could be a living organism or even be the female "form" of the engineer. Today it seems that this thread has disappeared or I'm too stupid to find it back !!! So I would like to apologize but I'm going to published a second time the picture I wanted to share with you.
This is an engraver on an old egyptian tomb and it shows "Nout" the goddess of the
sky. Doesn't this remind you of a famous giger painting ?
I found it in a book about archetipal symbolism (taschen editions).
So let's talk about egyptian mythology and prometheus !
17 Replies

MemberFacehuggerSep-07-2012 8:57 PM[img][/img]

MemberFacehuggerSep-07-2012 8:59 PM[img][/img]

MemberFacehuggerSep-07-2012 9:02 PM[img][/img]

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-07-2012 1:53 PMYeah, i was looking at a few sites about a year age (i will try to find them) they were showing the probable influence on Gigers work. Giger was heavily influenced by 'the egyptian book of the dead' when working on his necronomicon.
The poster was good though!

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-07-2012 2:05 PMHere's another one.
[url=]Alien Explorations[/url]
In my opinion, it shows a clear inspiration for his space jockey and seat.
*Link made clickable by Svanya
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-07-2012 2:16 PMNice observation my friends! I made an observation yesterday while watching the opening credits for the film THE SHINNING..I know Ridley Scott has been inspired by this film & Kubrick..while watching I noticed the mountain shots..The Last Mountain resemble the Mountain Pyramid in Prometheus ( side view).
In PALESTINE no one can hear you scream..

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-07-2012 3:16 PMIn that link that i posted, the Egyptian version looks like it's part snake and part goat, which both symbolize the manifistations of the Devil. Also, eggs symbolize resurrection of the dead.
The poster was good though!

MemberFacehuggerSep-07-2012 8:57 PMSo let’s talk about Egyptian mythology and Prometheus.
First of all you seem to be the kind of person who likes to do their homework. So, all respect to that because what I am going to show you, you can cross reference and check out for yourself and see what you think.
I think you were bang on to look at Egyptian mythology, and what you have found does reveal something about the artistic input behind Gigers work and also Ridley Scott’s approach to Prometheus in general.
Just one itsy bitsy problem. What I’m going to show you is going to be odd and also open to your own interpretation of what you feel is right. So it is down to you.
If this way off the mark or if you come to a similar conclusion that you feel you want to expand upon. At the end of the day the choice is yours.
Once upon a time their was a God called Ptah. This is the Egyptian god of craftsmen and builders. One day some dude called Jesus came along and wanted to sell the teachings of Ptah to the Jewish community of that time.
OK, at this point we are in some dodgy territory, but check this out if you are inclined and you will find that this is actually fact ( I know this is really gonna go against the grain with some folks, but this is just an opinion, so bear with me). As well as being the start of Christianity, Jesus is also considered to be a Mason. After all he was an engineer of sorts. He was a carpenter.
So, back to the Egyptology. Most Masons consider God to be the Great Architect/Engineer. This all starts with the Egyptian God Ptah. Now I know at this point someone, somewhere, will want to quote Hiram Abiff as temple builder. Well go ahead, but that does’nt really accomplish anything. Certainly not in this argument/discussion.
As long as I have not offended anyone up to now, and not come across as some New World Order conspiracy theory idiot, I will get on with putting some meat on the bones of what I have been leading to. So, seeing is believing and here we go.
Ridley and Giger have looked at both Masonic and Egyptian art work because the two are unavoidably linked. That is just the way it is . Although many will cite Giger works of art, there is not much reference to his jewellery design. There is the design for the symbol for the secret society. This is the Masonic link to part of Giger’s inspiration. Once you take that on board and look at the sceptre of Ptar you can see the origins of the Xeno design. One of the things explored is the guardian angel which bears a strong resemblance to the cobra hugger.
The themes in Prometheus have a duality. They are one foot in he Masonic world, which is well illustrated in the star charts at the beginning of the film and also in Egyptology which is there in Giger’s work.
I’m not going any further with this for now, as this can pan out into a lot of different threads.

MemberOvomorphSep-09-2012 8:01 AMThanks a lot for your explanations Batchpool. I didn't know the link between masonic/egyptian art and Alien/Prometheus movie. It's good to see how Ridley and Giger went deeply into old Myths to get all these great concepts and designs !
(and doing something very far away from stargate !!!)

MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 3:23 AMthat ALIEN LIFE CYCLE might actually be one of Giger's best paintings, ever.
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MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 1:34 PMgranola boy, that is an amazing find. I'll make sure that I update my alienexplorations site since it deals with the issue and I'll credit you of course with coming up with that image

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 6:05 AMNow I am having a look at this "sceptre of Ptar", well it does seem to be a normal was-sceptre and Mia Bonanziga did have an idea for an Alien was-sceptre which Giger did have a design for but it doesn't look as if it was ever made, however they seem to be mostly Anubis heads and Set heads, so it does appear as if the Alien head resembles the head of a was-sceptre in its most simplified form. For me so far the alien creature appears to be like a horrific manifestation of Anubis and the mummification rituals.
In the design of Necronom IV, I can see elements of the design mummification lion couch, the idea of the lion itself and the layout of the mummification ritual image being used as a sort of a template for the Necronom IV, but the head of the Set was-sceptre in its most simplified form as a hieroglyph looks enough like an alien head but then it looks like an anteater.
I can't comment about anything that seems like Masonic imagery but Giger had one of the best people in Switzerland to turn to for esoteric symbolism, Sergius Golowin who did inspire Giger with a lot of his ideas and even gave names for many of his paintings

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 6:13 AMThe idea of the head though could have made its way through Dali's artwork, he did a sketch of a Egyptian humanoid with a stretched elongated skull back in 1972 and Ernst Fuchs created some strange humanoids with elongated heads stretching horizontally back in the 50s, but it does seem as if Giger was aware of Egyptian was-sceptres

MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 5:51 AMHmm, the beasts which adorns the Was-sceptre have not specifically been identified, but are symbols of Set. Okay!

MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 6:58 AMOkay, I've added a section about the Was-Sceptre to my Alienexplorations blog mentioning that it was Batchpool from this forum who brought forth the image of Ptah holding the was-sceptre. ( [url=][/url]). I haven't mentioned anything about possible masonic theories about the whole thing because that isn't part of my exploration but I presume the images will speak for them selves here whatever it is that they're saying. I'll continue to take a further look at the origins of the head of the was-sceptres when I find good enough material but on my page at present there's the Wikipedia's paragraph about them.
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