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MemberOvomorphSep-07-2012 2:56 PM[url=]Here...[/url]
This interview must have been put up before. But having just discovered it for myself, and in light of recent rumours, I think it's an interesting conversation worth a listen for those (like me) that have not come across it before.
Take special note of what RS says toward the end of the interview @ 10.40m.
7 Replies

MemberFacehuggerSep-07-2012 5:33 PMWell he definitely wants to add some stuff to Prometheus and he says never say never for a recut - I am hoping we see one!
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-07-2012 3:17 PM"getting to the next phase...oh definitely." (approximate quote)
what the hell does that mean?

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-07-2012 8:14 PMI'd not seen that before. Great interview! Those who speculate that LV 223 and LV 426 are the same planet, just renamed, have the answer now.
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-07-2012 10:16 PMHis son will directing any and all future Alien/Prometheus movies, watch. He is in his late 70's and seems to have his plate full with future Blade Runners, Prometheuses/Alienss, Moses,Etc..

MemberOvomorphSep-08-2012 7:46 PMI just hope that the sequel to Prometheous is well thought out. I want to see passion and a great script interperted on the big screen.

MemberOvomorphSep-08-2012 7:47 PMI just hope that the sequel to Prometheous is well thought out. I want to see passion and a great script interperted on the big screen.
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