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MemberOvomorphSep-09-2012 10:55 AMThere's a bit where I just don't get, the bit with the holgram the engeneers run towards the ample room why? David says mortal after all! Got me thinking do they some how use the goo to live longer?! Also the bit with all the engeneers dead bodys looks like there is a door behind them, looks the same as the ample room door!
12 Replies

AdminPraetorianSep-09-2012 10:59 AMI think he was referring to the fact that Gods should be immortal. So the Engineers are not really true Gods as they are mortal.

MemberOvomorphSep-09-2012 11:04 AMThey are clearly running away from something because there's looking over the shoulder going on. We don't know what kind of beast they were running from.
Maybe the ampule room was the only room nearby with an airlock that could provide sanctuary.
David comments on the Engineer's mortality because there was a point where the head showed stirrings of life before it detonated, even after 2000 years in a decapitated state. The goo was doing its tricks in a similar manner to that inflicted on Holloway and Fifield.
Yes, a bunch of dead Engineers were piled up against a different airlock. We really don't have much of a clue what was behind its door, other than it was a potential source of sanctuary.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberOvomorphSep-09-2012 11:10 AMP.s david sends them to earth when he's messing about in the map room! He has earth in his hands then the map dissapears only leaveing earth. The engeneers pod lights up asif he is geting informastion?!

MemberOvomorphSep-09-2012 11:34 AMDestroying earth because we are the perfect hosts for there out of control wepon?

MemberDeaconSep-09-2012 2:47 PMThere is just so many unknowns about the movie.
one of the things we have seen is the Engineers running away from something and heading for the Room that contains the Giant Head Statue.
Its a Mystrey as if i can remember right one of the Ghost Engineers falls over a few times. Why? who knows maybe...
1) He is infected with something that changing him, but then we saw how fast the Goo effected the Sacrificial Engineer and he disintegrated right away so would not had been able to run off.
We also see Fifield in a lot of pain and i doubt after his infection and before he changed he would be running around aswell.
Unless this Engineer had consumed or came into contact with a small amount, but then i would assume the Space Jockey Suit is a Bio Suit to prevent external infection and thus he must have been effected prior to having his full suit or helmet on.
Then we see the Substance is able to apparently mutated and revive dead cells so can it only bring to life or mutated a Organism that has a head and thus once a infected organism is in the Process of changing if it loses his head does that then stop and halt any changes?
You see to me there are a number of holes into the infected Engineer scenario because the points that go in favor are how when revived the Head seemed to show black substance coursing through his veins and his head starting to swell etc.
But once the Head Exploded the DNA matched our own 100% and surely the crew would have detected any anomalies within the DNA.
The other thing in favor is the Engineer was slower than the others he clearly was not as fit as the others and i will have to watch the movie when on DVD to see why he fell over, or did he simply trip?
2) All the Engineers seemed to be running together and maybe it was a case of survival of the fittest and the beheaded Engineer may had hurt himself in his first fall and thats why he was off the pace a little.
As if the others knew he was effected would they not have tried to stop him rather than let him run after them, as remember he came very close to making it to the other side of the door.
And if i remember right he was not the last one, but he fell over and then others overtook him and he could not catch back up. And he was looking over the shoulder as he was running so he was also running away from something else.
This to me implies they was all running from something else.
Only clues may be that they was running away from something in the Juggernaut as we do see the Juggernaut has 3 sarcophagus that appear to have holes in them at chest height.
Then we see the piles of Engineers Dead Bodies with some with Chest Holes near the one door.
At the end of the day we will never know for sure unless Ridley answers what happened either in Interview or in future Movies.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-09-2012 8:04 PMHave any you considered that it was simply the deacon they were running away from? The black goo is just a means to an end. Obvious it contains mutative dna that reacts violently when it makes contact with other dna. We all saw what it did to Fifield and what it was doing to Holloway. Its also possibe that one of the Engineers was mutating like Fifield and Holloway were. Although, my theory on what the black goo does to Engineer dna (not the substance the one drank in the beginning to create life) would probably get me kicked out of the forum so thats going to stay with me.
Any thoughts?

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-09-2012 8:41 PMAs nobody ever considered that maybe "bob" was with those other engineers, in the hologram? Maybe he was the first one in the image, the one at the front of the pack and only he survived? Maybe he caused the event to occure? Maybe they were running into the ampule chamber to get to some kind of antidote to treat whatever it was that they were infected with?
The poster was good though!

MemberDeaconSep-10-2012 3:24 PMlol... Bob is the nickname that seems to be coined with the Last Engineer must like Shaws Baby the Trilobite which was nicknamed on her... Cuddles.
And Milburn well he got the name assclown lol.
Anyway after seeing the deleted scenes well a few, hints are now given that the Engineer who had his head cut off was infected with the Black Goo.
This raises a few plot holes now though....
Why did the other Engineers let him get so close, as if this Headless Engineer nearly made it to the rest of them.
Also something must have killed the others off in the end anyway, so was something else on the lose, or was more than one infected etc.
And why did they not discover any abnormal cells or mutating at the genetic level in their examination of the genetic material they studied from the exploding head? As they did find it was a match for ours and predated ours.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 7:34 AMGood questions. One thing Paradise might introduce is the idea of what happens to Engineers when they themselves are infected with the black goo. What do they mutate into?

MemberDeaconSep-11-2012 8:46 AMIndeed that is a good question.
The other Fifield Concepts are clearly more Alien looking.
And yes the Xeno appeared to be Bio Mech rather than more organic like a Human and Engineer at the start of the movie.
And yes some parts of the Xeno do resemble the Space Jockey suits and the one Mural showed what could be described as a Engineer touching some thing that looked like a cross between the Xeno and a Space Jockey suit.
So maybe yes Engineers could turn into Xenos..... but then if that makes the Xeno a Bio Weapon as such surely they would not sacrifice themselves in greater numbers to create the Xeno Bio Weapon.
Unless the Engineer race was many and by that millions of them and if so, where are they all now?
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 12:15 PMYou don't think that they would mutate into Predators, do you?
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