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MemberOvomorphSep-09-2012 11:23 AMFirst of all there are so many things to love. The lushness of the look of the movie and the technology within, David 8 and not forgetting Shaw in her bandage bikini.
But the one thing I love most of all is that there are so many plot lines (or potential plot lines) that we will be kept amused by the movie well until the sequel. There are so many different threads to this movie that it is almost impossible to list them all.
Almost anything could happen in the next movie or two and in working out how (or even if) it links up with Alien it seems practically anything even halfway sane that any one of us suggests could possibly happen.
Movies don't often come along that surprise and perplex you in the way that Prometheus does (I'm looking at you, You Me And Dupree) and its the most talked-about sci-fi movie that I can remember.
There is simply no definitive answer when you ask yourself what its really about. Or at least no universally-accepted definitive answer.
Roll on the DVD release so I can watch it again. And again. And again...
1 Replies

MemberDeaconSep-09-2012 2:51 PMThats correct there are so many things left in Mystery with no clear clues to 100% say what happened in each event.
This is the Ambiguity that Lindeloff may had been aiming for and it certainly opens up a lot of debate as without such holes or potential explanations... well there would certainly be far less to debate on here about the movie.
I am fond of all the Mystery..... Felt the movie need more length to do the story and plot justice..... just a shame some Characters was not done well or covered correctly.
Seemed most was their for no reason but to push the plot from one scene to the next.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
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