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Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphSep-09-2012 3:47 PMGreetings Nostromites,
For 33 long years, I had been waiting and wanting to go back to that haunted planetoid…somewhere in deepest space. I’m still carrying the memories of my first experience of ALIEN, which I first saw at the tender age of 12, back in ’79…when the world was not quite such a sophisticated and jaded place. A world where the average home contained only one or two stationary telephones, and television channels could be counted on two hands.
You know what? I was fairly willing and even excited to go along with Scott’s idea of going in very different direction with the so-called ALIEN prequel. Unfortunately, PROMETHEUS did not deliver. For me, the script/narrative and direction was “Quasimodo,” half-made…a half measure…and therefore unsatisfying. I was definitely not expecting or desiring a rehash of the original, but I did want to be amazed, wowed, enthralled, scared…or even scarred. Alas, I was thoroughly disappointed. It felt like ALIEN-cinematic-masturbation, instead of the real thing.
It’s not my intent sow seeds of hostility or provoke an argument with those of you who sincerely enjoyed PROMETHEUS fully, I would however like to read some responses from those of you who like me, have weighed and measured the film, and have found it wanting.
43 Replies

MemberDeaconSep-10-2012 3:05 PM"The film doesn't have plot holes"
Ambiguity yes, but then you go on to say Alien has plot holes like the Eggs and Space Jockey but they are not plot holes they are Ambiguity.
I am not talking about Prometheus plot holes as the Ambiguous elements, i was on about so many things that never added up.
The all of a sudden outburst by the Engineer is a minor one, but more so are things such as how after Shaw had the Baby Squid removed, the next scene Weyland and Co never seemed bothered. And more so that this thing grew large in the Med Pod room but no one seemed to notice it.
Others like how did the Engineer get from the Juggernaut to the Lifeboat so fast and with no Space Suit?
Some remain plot holes, while others have not finally got some light shred on them thanks to the deleted scenes.
You see you could take a Ambiguous movie and if you then start to edit and cut parts out you are then going to create such plot holes and thats what happened and what i am on about.
For the record i give Prometheus a score of 7.5/10 and thats from a very critical person and thats actually Good as my Average would be 5, a 6 is above Average.
Here is my ratings for some Sci Fi movies.
Alien 9/10 .... Blade Runner 9/10.... Aliens 9/10......
Alien 3 7/10.... Alien Resurrection 6/10...... Predator 9/10
Predator 2..... 6.5/10 AVP 6.5/10...... AVPR...... 4.5/10
The Thing (82) 9/10....... The Thing 2012 6/10
So hopefully you can gauge my Prometheus 7.5 better.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconSep-10-2012 3:18 PM@HAL 9000
Yes very very good point in (1)
This movie and especially with the cuts, is to me not the Movie Ridley is wanting to tell a tale about or Alien.
Prometheus seems to be a Trailer, it is a sample to introduce us to the Space Jockey/Engineer race which is where Ridley will be going in more detail with Prometheus 2
While it gives us subtle insight into some connection with Alien and the Xeno, this is done via the Urns and the Outpost on LV 223 and evidence of the fall of the Engineers on that outpost. This i feel is a area that will get addressed in maybe Prometheus 3 and one that will then connect some of the dots to Alien.
Point (3) The whole Deacon was their idea to show and make a connection that something the Engineers also work with (Experiment/ Bio Weapon) leads eventually due to a series of events to a Organism that is very reminiscent of the original Xeno.
That being Shaws Baby to eventually the Deacon.
I dont think it was rushed as a fanboy pleaser..
Because well the process of Holloway infection to Shaws pregnancy and eventual C-Section are all a large plot of the movie.
The outcome a Giant Squid Face Hugger, and they then went on to show that this organism has some connection to the Xeno, via the Black Substance Holloway had drank, to then go in to create a Deacon Chest Buster and ultimately give us the clues that the Engineer race dabbled with a substance that creates Organism that have Xeno traits and that via that series of events created a lifeform similar to the Xeno and thus making a connection to the Engineers and the Bio Weapon the Xeno.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

HAL 9000
MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 3:44 PM@BigDave: You might be right there and as you know I agree with you that Ridley is about to tell us a much greater story where this was just the beginning of. But I got all that without the end 'Deacon' scene, it was fairly obvious to me all the way long, starting off with the murals, the Hammerpedes, then over Shaw's c-section, the big squid etc, etc... The fact that we saw different rooms and even bases with supposedly different genetic/molecular experiments where something backfired badly gave it all away, don't you think?
I could have done without that scene at the end as I found the ending up to there rather good, although I was a bit pissed off at first since it had so obviously written 'Come back in two years to learn more' all over it. But as soon as it was clear that Scott wasn't gonna give us a 3 hour movie, I came to terms with it beforehand and was sort of expecting something like that anyway.

MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 5:26 PMThere many parallels regarding Star Beast-rewritten for Alien and Prometheus. My opinion of Prometheus being in the same universe as in Alien is spot on..... this morning I watched Alien w/RS commentary, also reviewed all the drawings/sketches/story-board sketches from all involved in the making of the Alien movie. I must say there are many, many parallels with Alien and Prometheus. Also I really liked RS commentary throughout the movie, especially when he mentioned several key items pertaining to the SJ potential story line. He mention that the Space Jockey is 26 feet tall btw, that in the future he wants to explore the SJ race, where they come from, and RS stated he would cover that in Alien 4 or 5. He stated that the derelict was a bomber, actually he said an aircraft carrier to be more exact. The cargo were bio-weapons in its cargo haul, lower level. There were 2 different drawings of pyramids in Alien, yet none were used in the movie of Alien, yet there are several in Prometheus.
Holloway drinks champagne were as Brett is drinking beers down in engineering.... and this is just scratching the surface of both films.... RS calls it his prequel to Alien, but as I compare them, it is almost like watching a newer version of Alien in many ways... Corporate greed still exist, female hero’s, predictable deaths in both movies, 2 very cool ships, on and on.... So I can’t say I really like Alien w/o not saying I really like Prometheus, to me they are the same movie, just at different times and different character with pretty much the same ending.... both hero’s fly off...
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....

HAL 9000
MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 6:14 PM@fader: So far so good, I guess it is very much intentional that there are so many parellels as it is in its widest sense part of the franchise. No surprise to me there! But aren't you forgetting about the major plot element that lies in the very nature of those two very different missions? One is intended and thoroughly planned, the other clearly an accident, at least to the crew (apart from Ash, I'd say).
Unless most of the Prometheus' crew are lead to believe that they're on a scientific mission, but in fact some (Weyland/Vickers/David) already know precisely what they're about to discover. But I think that's pushing it a bit too much, I believe that is a story which will be told later in the sequel(s)...

MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 4:39 PM In my opinion the film deserves to be placed in the Alien universe. More so then all of those AvP films that have come out recently. It was not a perfect film at all. But I did feel the vibe that I was being transported in to Ridleys and Gigers universe of macbre creatures and curious humans. The best is yet to come in my opinion. I also have no qualms when people say that they did not enjoy the film. Or that they were disapointed with the outcome. But like I just stated the best is yet to come.

MemberXenomorphSep-12-2012 11:09 PMI am just wondering ! Are the chairs in alien and Prometheus the same size ? The one one in prometheus looked smaller to me

MemberXenomorphSep-13-2012 1:39 AMI definitely believe that as bigdave says that Prometheus was made with a sequel in mind. And that xenomorphs are a (small) part of their culture that we finally begin to understand as the series progresses to p2 and p3.

MemberXenomorphSep-13-2012 4:41 AMNeurion
My friend (or anyone else out there for that maTter)
I genuinely respect your opinion !
May I humbly request:
What would you consider an alien universe film to consist of and/or be before it would NOT fail as an alien universe film ?
Not trying to be funny.
I am really interested to know what anybody would consider( criteria wise) an alien universe film that hasn't failed as an alien universe film.

MemberFacehuggerSep-13-2012 6:24 AM@oduodu me thinks that's a huge post he may not have 6 hours to put all that down :O
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberFacehuggerSep-13-2012 4:19 PMWell me personally and I think many others dont mind most if not all of the ambiguity stuff (as there is a part 2) - we just dont like the bad characterization and illogical actions in some parts and a few other bits. If prometheus had been with out any more parts I might of been angry :D but thank god part 2 is coming!
But I think allot of people will be happy with answering some of whats going on in part 2 and maybe even leave a few bits ambiguous even in the end as long as it doesnt mess the whole story up of course (like the SJ in alien). I think its a bit like salt - a bit makes the film more interesting allot is hard to swallow :D .
I am hoping it was like that for a good reason and the next 2 parts will show us a mind blowing story (but my gut tells me the end result not going to end well :( ) ...
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 11:39 AMThanks for all of the feedback folks,
As far as a definitive criteria for ALIEN Universe films is concerned, I must confess that mine would be completely subjective. It is often expressed that people create God in their own image, or the way they themselves prefer to imagine him/her/it. I think that the same is true of many hopeful fans, in regard to sequels, prequels, reboots…or any other follow up to a beloved film…or any piece of art. People have different tastes and sensibilities, therefore, their expectations are going to vary.
As for me, ALIEN is my favorite science fiction/horror film. And I’ve developed this love affair over 33 years. So, perhaps it’s not fair to compare my response to PROMETHEUS…to ALIEN, but it’s virtually impossible for me not to.
Member “Patient Leech” responded earlier in this thread as follows:
“I could not disagree more wholeheartedly. I'll even go as far as to say that it's (PROMETHEUS) more meaningful and poignant than Alien. Beneath the ambiguity there is depth and layers that Alien doesn't have. The ideas are much more grand and provocative. I've found that the film is very satisfying in that I find myself thinking about what stuff means all the time. The film sticks with you. And to me the connections to Alien enhanced it. It made the imagery familiar, yet still alien (heh). And Ridley and his team did a superb job with said updated imagery and special effects. Superb direction and a visual feast.”
This is my response: ALIEN is a Science Fiction-HORROR film, through and through. PROMETHEUS is a Science Fiction…Exploration…Discovery…Existential film, with a bit of horror sprinkled on top. In my opinion, ALIEN completed its filmic mission far more successfully than PROMETHEUS did.
It’s probably true that PROMETHEUS’ concepts and artistic goals are more “meaningful and poignant” and “layered” than ALIEN’s. However, in my opinion, Scott and company were not as successful in manifesting those higher concepts onto the screen for PROMETHEUS, as they were with the original, more straight forward ALIEN film.
In short, I prefer an excellent smaller film, to an average or good “epic” film…everytime.
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