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The timeline for Ridley Scott's future movies

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MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 2:24 AM
I'm just predicting the release dates for his future projects/movies The Counselor-2013 Blade Runner sequel-2014 Prometheus 2- 2015 What do you guys think? Ridley is going to be pretty damn busy these next 3 years then.
10 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 3:04 AM
Soo for Prometheus 2 we gotta wait like. . . 3 years. Meeh is okay and the BR is interesting also.

This is my forum signature.



MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 3:20 AM
Ridley also has ALL SORTS OF [url=]producing[/url] jobs via his (and Tony's) company/s. Super busy....
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 4:17 AM
i also heard that hes making a movie in about someone from the middleeast (iraq) i believe.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"


MemberDeaconSep-10-2012 8:00 AM
Well i know he seems to be most proud of doing a new Blade Runner and he wants his stamp on the Prometheus franchise. He hinted there may be 3 movies by the time the story is told and that the 2nd movie would move away from the Xeno and i also think LV 223 and Urns. But by the time the story is told he said all things would tie in and it would connect the Prometheus movies to Alien. So thats a lot of work and i can only think he may go the way say Back to the Future 2-3 went or like Star Wars Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. In that Prometheus 3 may have a lot of work done or started by the time they finish Prometheus 2... i cant see him making Prometheus 3 say like after 2016 and thus Prometheus 2012, Prometheus 2 2015 and Prometheus 3 2018 i think he would want the story finished before then. As lets face it Ridley is old and the longer he leaves it the more chance he may not be able to have as much of a impact on the plot as far as age and ill health may be concerned.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


AdminPraetorianSep-10-2012 10:30 AM
One thing worries me, his age. He is 74, I hope he lives long enough to finish all these projects. I know it's a terrible thought but it's a legit one.


MemberDeaconSep-10-2012 10:42 AM
Yeah thats my point Svanya I doubt Ridley will want to be like 80 and still have Prometheus 3 to do. I would say he would want to finish his Epic Story by the time he is 80 And at the very least i think that they would have the concept ideas and draft of where they want to go with both Prometheus 2 and 3 by the time they finish Prometheus 2. That way if Ridley cant take a active role in Prometheus 3 who ever takes over will have the foundations and instructions on how Ridley wanted it to be told. And i am pretty sure he would want to be able to see the movie on the big screen and see the reactions of the fans once the movie franchise as then come full circle. So i would say he would rather get it complete sooner rather than latter. Thats why i think when they shoot Prometheus 2 i think they will actually shoot some of Prometheus 3 if it uses same sets and creatures etc. Makes sense to me.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphSep-10-2012 11:36 AM
I've got a feeling that FOX will push for the sequel after he's done with bladerunner (i hope so anyway!) Like a few of you have said, he's no spring chicken anymore and soon he could find it very difficult to direct. He also has a few TV projects to do, but i heard somewhere that during the Filming of Prometheus, he was also working on tv programmes AT THE SAME TIME. One of which was released here (Britain) just after Prometheus was released on June 1st called [b]'Britain in a day'[/b]. So i'm not worried about his tv projects holding Prometheus 2 back. He's currently filming The Counselor and i believe that that isn't released at the pictures till November 2013. I think that he will be working on Bladerunner 2 during the post production of The Counselor, so Bladerunner probably will be released sometime in 2014? So, FOX need to push for it, during the Filming of the Bladerunner sequel, so that he can start working on it during the post production of Bladerunner 2. I really can't see it being released before 2015!

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 2:59 PM
also one thing to consider is his brother's death. Don't know how much it will affect his work mentality


MemberXenomorphSep-13-2012 2:24 PM
I also feel bad for saying that Ridley is 74. He still looks very good for a 74 year old. But I wonder if he will ever really get around to do p3 - that was the one I really wanted him to do. No disrespect RS . I want you to be around for p4 !! P4 ?? Ridleys remake of aliens of course !! LOL !!


MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 1:04 AM
When Ridleys older brother died he had a burning desire to stay working and focused in order to stop himself being overwhelmed with depression, the result at that time was Bladerunner. I know the circumstances with Tony are different and they both shared the Freescott company projects buy i think Ridley will work till he drops he has that mentality i believe, i hope he does, and he sees through at least another three films including a follow up to Prometheus, i just hope his body can take the strain .
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