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Is there anything else we can take from the deleted scene video? - Is it filling

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MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 8:05 AM
So for those who've not seen it, FreePlanet has just linked THIS VIDEO OF DELETED SCENES [url=]NEW LINK ADDED FROM IO9.COM HERE[/url] 10 minutes from the 40 promised. The one thing i've noticed was at 8:10 "Maybe you should look at the thing squealing next door" So the huge, huge gap where we thought Shaw had this somehow secret pregnancy to Cuddles, with everyone elses totally unawares WAS addressed. Be intereting to see how and why this may have been cut at the expense of the continuity that stuck out like a sore thumb. Anyone else garner more from those deleted scenes?
38 Replies


MemberXenomorphSep-10-2012 3:28 PM
Thanks HAL 9000 Erratra: "I believe that prometheus is a "sequel" to alien happening in the future." Should have read: "I say this just to keep record: I believe that prometheus is a "sequel" to alien happening in the PAST." Thanks for questioning it. Apologies !!


MemberDeaconSep-10-2012 3:32 PM
"What I mean is : isn't it stupid to release an online downloadable version of the movie a few weeks before the DVD is released" Not really because you can legitimately download copies from say places like Itunes and the like. A legit downloaded and paid for movie can be pirated and spread on the internet just like a pre screener DVD, sometimes some video shops etc get a copy sent to them prior to DVD retail, some who receive legally these DVDs then copy them and distribute them on the net. So i dont think companies allowing digital downloads for a price, is going to have much greater effect than the usual means that someone would use to pirate a DVD release.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconSep-10-2012 3:32 PM
The thing is though while these scenes add to and cover up some so called plot holes... They now also open up more lol.... So Vickers knew about Shaws C-Section prior to Weyland setting off down to the Temple. Ok i would assume they wanted it locked in the room so they can take it back as a sample. But then so many of the other crew seem oblivious to it. Also it is now hinted that the Engineer who lost his head was infected. Why did the others let him get so close then, as he nearly made it through the door and inevitably those who made it may not have been saved anyway as its hinted there was no Engineers left apart from the one and yet we see the others piled up, so something got lose or more than one Engineer was infected. The other thing this opens up is, well Shaw seems to figure that some kind of a outbreak occurred and the Engineer got infected. However as part of the examination where they determined his genetics not only matched ours but also predated ours, it appears they never found in those test any abnormal in his genetics that confirmed a infection or mutation. Again thats maybe reading into it far too much, and the scenes was simply a plot device to tie up ends and explain things.... such as how Janek says the place was a Military Outpost.... on what evidence? None really its just said with so much stuff so we get to know roughly whats going on.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 4:45 PM
I've updated the link to this one [url=]here[/url]

HAL 9000

MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 5:56 PM
@MVMNT: Cheers for updating the link, good work. From now on it will be over the net like mushrooms in autumn! @BigDave: I reckon the other crew was convinced that keeping the squid in the medlab was safe enough, if they even knew about it. Remember it was still trapped in there after the life boat had crash landed on the surface of LV-223. Weyland/Vickers on the other hand probably had enough other things on their minds. Not sure if the whole 'conspiracy/bad intentions' attitude from either Weyland and/or Vickers has been established at this point, especially without any involvement from Yutani. I mean in context of bringing back the organism and wrap it up nicely for the bioweapons dpt. Hmm, but now I'm thinking why was Vickers in such a rush to leave? Darn! Furthermore, think about the dead Engineers, didn't either Milburn or Fifield say something like they all looked like they exploded from the inside? To stir things up even further, what were they so desperately trying to get to anyway? Those rooms stored all the black goo 'bioweapons' to begin with, or might there have been an anti-serum in there, too? Or something inside the big head that maybe could have saved them? Jeronimo! Anyway, I always assumed that they simply used too much energy or whatever wrong settings on their synapse reestablisher thingie, it never occured to me that they simply also brought back to life an existing infection or mutation process. I really thought they simply blew his mind. Very interesting indeed! Regarding Janek's evidence, I think there was plenty. First, all things that happened to his crew members, then the huge amount of ampules in the temples as well as aboard the Juggernaut's cargo bays. And the fact that they had set course/navigation for Earth says enough on its own, no?


MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 6:56 PM
Just watched the 10 mins of deleted scenes...all I can say is WOW! The Shaw/Holloway and the Vickers/Weyland scenes are fantastic...why theses scenes were cut is beyond me. This movie begs for a directors cut...or extended cut. Hopefully some one will assemble one soon after the Blu- ray release.


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 8:16 PM
I liked seeing more of the characters for sure, Janek had a lot of dialog cut which I find unfortunate. For sure will go down being my favorite Captain of Prometheus!
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MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 2:07 AM
PS: I actually like the [url=]NEW (cuter, cuddlable, concerned*) HOLLOWAY[/url]. *if still drunk
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