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MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 1:32 PM
374 million worldwide after the china's doing way better than many people expected and it might even reach 400....still even if it does not make a dime more.....I am super impressed!!
12 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 10:56 PMExcellent news as long the writer will be different. . .that is an order >:|
This is my forum signature.

MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 11:41 PMjust shy of 400 million bucks is very respectable for a film like prometheus (meant as a compliment). Im very pleased to see an excellent and somewhat challenging/ambitious film making a little money. Hope this paves the way for more in the same vein.

MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 1:38 PMAnd this coming week end it will open in Italy and Italian speaking Switzerland, so there still a bit more to be achieved.
Ridley Scott will eventually tell us how the Queen was born.
Right now we have the Deacon; coming soon the Mercury, the May and the Taylor.

MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 1:40 PMI doubt 20th Century Fox will turn down the script for "Paradise" now. But I personally think a new writer is needed.

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 2:29 PMexcellent news! Thanks Jux
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Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-10-2012 4:13 PMI'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who's obsessed enough to check up on the Box Office totals for the film... haha. I've been watching it like a hawk ever since I saw it. I use [url=][/url], though. It says over $375 million. And yep, still have Italy and Switzerland to go. I think it probably will reach $400 million. That is amazing. I never would have expected this. I'm psyched for the sequel(s)! I say go ahead and film them back-to-back!! Give the fans what they want, so we don't have to wait so long.. PLEASEEE!!

MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 4:46 PM@ Patient Leech
Yes i also usually check that site first....but they were slow to update today....usually the foreign takings get added late sunday or early's a strange little obsession i have also developed with these box office
But yes it is doing very well indeed....I think fox can finally breath!'s a great risk they lets see if it can crack 400's a bit of a stretch.....but not impossible!

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-11-2012 7:22 AM(the site is super slow for me, double post, sorry.. is it slow for anyone else?)

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-11-2012 7:22 AMYeah, Boxofficemojo is sometimes slow to update. It's pretty much all I check, though. Sometimes I go to IMDb, though. Dear Jesus, I wish they wouldn't waste any time getting the next 2 films out. Skip Blade Runner and go straight to P2 & P3, please.. 8)
And I got no problem with Lindelof as long as Ridley is still behind the camera. Continuity is more important now, I think.

MemberTrilobiteSep-11-2012 7:27 AM@ patient leech, maintenance - should be back up to speed now

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-25-2012 6:36 AMMy jaw is on the floor... It's now at [url=]$398 million[/url]. It looks like it probably will break the $400 million mark. That's incredible. F#cking stoked!!
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