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MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 5:51 PMI think that the space jockeys who seeded earth were possibly rebels or revolutionaries who went against orders and seeded earth against the will of the ruling faction of space jockeys. Who have been locked in a civil war with the rebels for a large amount of time and seek to break the stalemate.
This could help explain the hostility of the space jockey towards the humans in Prometheus. Maybe humans are not just reserved for earth but have been seeded on many planets in secret by these rebels maybe to be used in the future when the have evolved and developed advanced technology to help wage war against the ruling factions of space jockeys.
When finding out about the misuse of bioengineering by the rebels to create a race in there image to possibly usurp the rulers the got about to engineering them selves and thus created the black goo that would decimate and re-evolve the humans on the seeded planets to something more manageable to conquer or simpler wipe out, they would properly have a way of wiping out the new species with a gas for example that would totally break down the molecular structure of the beings and leave the planet free of the dominate species whilst keeping intact its thorna and flora, atmosphere and oceans.
There are a lot of ways to interpret the events and the mythos of the alien’s universe, this is but one of my ideas on it. And don’t even get me started about the amount of variants if you include yautja to the situation.
But one thing im sure of is that the xenomorphs are bio-weapons similer to the monster in cloverfield and that they are used to pacify planets. But my question is are the aliens we are accustom to in existence during the events of Prometheus or is it the first step in their evolution you can see why I said predators mess things up cause the timelines don’t make sense.
i would really like to hear any ideas on the orgins of all species including predators if you like, and ways the all are interlinked?
4 Replies

Xenomorph 54
MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 7:20 PMWelcome, joerolo.
Well, my theory is that the xenomorphs were indeed a weapon, or maybe the first step in creating their weapon.
The black goo seems to mutate its host into something xeno-like, so, I think it descended from the xenos, maybe it's some kind of xeno DNA based mutagen.
So, they created the xenomorph eggs (through a unexplained process) to use as weapon but then they used them to create the black goo in LV-223 (in a event that killed them all), probably by dissolving them with the sacrificial goo in the beginning (yes, I am assuming they are two different types of goo).
That's how I think everything relates.
And yeah, the predator doesn't fit very well.
Have you heard of phoenix asteroids?
They glow in every color of the rainbow...they travel endlessly through space...

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-10-2012 8:36 PMWelcome to the site joerolo.
That's an interesting theory! I think that maybe the differences in the engineers ships, ie the ship in the opening scene being different to the juggernauts, is intended to show us a clear difference in engineer society.
The giant saucer ship, in the opening scene, suggested that it was some kind of God ship. It suggested superiority.
Prometheus has very obvious religious connections and where there is God, not far behind is Satan. Maybe the engineers at the beginning are angels of God and the engineers on LV 223 are 'dark angels' who have been cast out of heaven (paradise) for their disobedience? Satan and his gang are best known for their hatred of mankind. They are also known as deceivers of mankind, ie Satan came in the form of a serpent and tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. Maybe that explains the cave paintings and pictograms Shaw and Hollowhead find all over the world? DECEPTION?
I think the black stuff is resurrection fluid (Oh, change the record man lol). The engineers on LV 223 (dark angels) are trying to resurrect the dark lord (Satan) imo.
This is just a theory of course.
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 1:56 AMwelcome to the real world,
this isn't [i]POPULAR[/i] but it bears repetition, Prometheus pilotchair (top) and the Alien spacejockey (bottom) are TWO DIFFERENT ANIMALS, or maybe a better way to put it is they're "two different adaptations of the same technology". And it doesn't matter which chicken-egg'd first, that's just [i]temporal semantics[/i].
Who did THEY (either of them) steal it from? Hyperspace, or transcending the dimensions, looking forward and backward into SpaceTime, for me, is the REAL PROMETHEAN FIRE.
"Paradise" will be my witness, or downfall.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberDeaconSep-11-2012 9:24 AMWell its open for debate and no one can be certain.
I do think that the Urns was a attempt at re-weaponizing the Xeno Organism into a Bio Weapon that has safer storage and application. And thus the stuff in the Urns contains broken down genetic material descended from the Xeno, just as the genetic stuff that created life in the water fall scene was descended from the Sacrificial Engineer.
As far as the purpose, i do think that maybe mankind was created without the consent maybe of the Homeworld Engineers, or that maybe a rebellion of Engineers wanted both their creation and brothers killed off.
As far as Alien/Prometheus Space Jockeys go
Above is the Space Jockey Concept and what is actually hanging on the Walls of just before the control room on the Juggernaut and they also are same as the bodies piled up.
Here is the Alien Space Jockey actual production model prior to finishing touches.
I saw one the other day of production crew working on the unpainted dead engineers and they looked more like the one in Alien.... but i just cant find the image no more just looked last 20 mins nothing..... urhhhhhh
Only this one...
I think the Alien Space Jockey is the same Race just larger....
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
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