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Stay Frosty
MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 5:26 AMAlrite ppls hope all is well. Quick Q? I remember whilst watching it in cinema at the point where Holloway and Shaw give the presentation as to the planet and moons that orbit it, they show a brief glimpse of LV426 and then quickly shift to Lv4233 (what ever it was called) am i wrong? or was i seeing things? im SURE!!! i saw this in Imax when, they dont dwell on it buit it was shown? why im asking is because on the version i watched last night they did not have LV426 in the hologram, the moon was there but no label...
4 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 8:00 AMNo, you imagined it.
Apart from anything else, the map shows the vicinity of Gemini. Nowhere near Reticulum (where you will find LV-426).
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Stay Frosty
MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 7:22 AMzzplural › - na mate it was DEFO there i saw it and it was mentioned on here a few times...they did show x2 moons and the 1st one was LV426 second being the one the actually land on but on the version iv been watching the LV426 caption wasnt there maybe on the DVD release we will see this as to me it must have been removed to make prometheus less involved with Alien and Lv426
But it was defo there..
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