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the queen xeno wasn't ridley scotts idea

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MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 7:22 AM
the Queen xeno wasnt ridley scotts idea . The idea of a queen xeno came from Aliens and james cameron.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"
11 Replies

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerSep-11-2012 7:25 AM
....................................What's your point?


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 8:16 AM
You point is. . ?

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MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 10:21 AM
His point is that there might not be a xeno queen? I've thought about that to.. A kind of facehugger queen might make more sense? I've never liked the idea of the insect kind of alien


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 10:38 AM
lol. gotta love it.


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 10:47 AM
"Teach those grannies to suck eggs, OP," nice one. In fact, let's all say it again, "No XENOMORPHIC or sexually tranformative Alien (as devised by good old Swiss death-porno artist Hands-Ruder Giger in the following image) needs a mommy!" It can just turn living Dallas's into eggs and rehatch itself ad infinitum: [img][/img] NO PESKY QUEEN DEMOTING ALIEN TO GRUNT OR ANT OR HIVE WORKER, these alien beauties have intense sexual identity and an ability to survive any orgasmic inertia.
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MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 11:05 AM
Yes..! I wanted Prometheus to be a wierd fu**ed up alien raping Shaw movie.. Couse that idea really freaks me out! Alien had those moments where you where so fascinated by it and totally disgusted of it at the same time.. Loved that.. Like the hammerpede in Mulburns mouth thing.. More stuff like that in the next one pls.. No queen.. just a wierd totally freaky life cycle.. involving us being raped by aliens and used as eggs somewhat or whatever. cool awesome.. goodbye :)


AdminPraetorianSep-11-2012 12:49 PM
Pretty much everyone knows it was Camerons idea.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphSep-11-2012 12:50 PM
welcome @wiawsnb... I agree whole-heartedly! The Alien was supposed to be a terrifying, mutant humanoid, sex monster, like an alien corpse that's been resurrected from not quite alive, not quite dead, human dna. Straight from the imagination of Giger! @FreePlanet. I second that! Couldn't of said it better. "No XENOMORPHIC or sexually tranformative Alien (as devised by good old Swiss death-porno artist Hans-Ruder Giger) needs a mommy!" It can just turn living Dallas's into eggs and rehatch itself ad infinitum: Spot on!

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 7:17 AM
crikey....sorry i was responding to something and i made my point rather poorly . I was comparing the creatures from alien and aliens in the ways it evolves through its life cycle. 1 in aliens the creature originates from an egg find a host and so on. the queen lays the egg. 2 in the 1979 alien movie the creature originates from an egg find a host , BUT it cocoons its victims and transforms them ( by some means) into an egg ( so I've been lead to believe) . One is so different to the other.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 7:00 AM
Absolutely correct Pulse. Question resolved, thread locked :-D
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberXenomorphSep-13-2012 11:41 AM
OP In the interest of simplifying things: I hope it is still the case .LOL !!
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