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Get away from her you b*tch!

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MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 9:33 AM
Just LMAO again with ‘the best anti-Holloway rant ever’. I’m not posting this to inflame anyone, I’d just like to know what you people think. I thought he was already a douche in the theatrical release, but man… I’m somehow glad some scenes were cut out, I might have walked out of the theatre if they left some of it in. Here’s why I dislike the new Holloway even more than the old one: He’s even MORE OF AN ASS than he was before. All I’ve seen from him in the deleted scenes was more yelling (even against his woman), more complaining like a b*tch , drinking like an alcoholic (you really want someone like that with you on the Prometheus?) and calling the most important mission in the history of mankind a complete and utter failure just because they couldn’t talk to their makers. ‘ If we can’t talk to them, honey, it changes NOTHING!’ *sighs, shakes head sideways* Hey, Hollow Way… You just may have found THE ONLY PLANET(OID) IN THE UNIVERSE THAT HAS ALIEN STRUCTURES. The only planet that has BREATHABLE AIR. The only planet with a GIANT HUMANOID FACE inside the temple. There are ALIEN HIEROGLYPHICS on every wall that might explain something about their culture maybe, where they’re from, just ask David to translate it…He can do anything. There are GIANT DEAD ALIEN BODIES everywhere… You saw the HOLOGRAM RECORDINGS from an UNKNOWN ALIEN SPECIES, The place is full of ALIEN TECHNOLOGY such as ALIEN EGG-LIKE URNS that contain some UNKNOWN ALIEN VISCERAL LIQUID…etc. A good start imo, no?? Uuuhhgg… Also, he practically calls Shaw a complete idiot when she tells the story she heard from a woman in Afrika and then he literally GRABS her face in yet another ‘way to go Hollow Way’-scene and forcefully kisses her, (rapes her? I always thought she was going to get raped by an alien, not her lover) even though she clearly didn’t want to. He even says something along the lines of: ‘ All you need to create life is a bottle of DNA…WHOOPS…sorry hon.’ Oh wait… I mean, is he stupid or what? Jesus Christ! Can’t wait to see him get flamethrowered again or infected with ‘worm-eye’. These are the best people/ scientists a world dominating company like Weyland could find? Am I glad I don’t have to live in the future!!! *steps off soapbox* Your thoughts, world.
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!
17 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 1:31 PM
lol I must be seeing things Fan...
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 9:41 AM
Man, could have used a spoiler tag on that post lol.


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 9:47 AM
You know, it's really funny to see someone addressing a (flawed) fictitious character in public. But a little disturbing at the same time.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 9:55 AM
@ZZplural euhm...some dude actually made a 20 min long anti-holloway rant that's on youtube, so I don't get what you're saying. This is a forum, right? And yes, I'm fully aware of the fact that this is a fictitious character and not a real person.
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 10:01 AM
Yeah, but you were having a conversation with him, that's the funny thing. BTW, world+dog knows that he's an annoying and irritating character. But so is Jack Torrance from The Shining.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 10:42 AM
yay hurray.


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 10:55 AM
funny how? What do you mean, like a clown? Do I amuse you? LOL I'm just messing with ya. I had to say it: Holloway is a moron. I wish I could talk to Holloway ZZ, but then again, the conversation probably wouldn't last very long.
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 12:17 PM
Ima take a sec during my lunch break here to chime in. I am with ya on how the cut out scenes to say the least make Holloway look like even more of an ass, but for some reason, I still kinda like his character. His smart assy behavior and drunken stooper does not lend well to perceptions of the guy, but when push came to shove, his character opted for death by flaming knowing that he was in real bad shape and that he could infect the others. So, a dick? Yes, but also a realistic man with an understanding that his life does not supercede the welfare of the rest of the crew. Just sayin
ALL generalizations are WRONG!


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 12:38 PM
@fan I'll tone it down a bit
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 12:54 PM intention of tryin to get you to tone it down. I was just throwing the other angle in there. I do have a unique tolerance to bad characters and b rate scifi after all those years of watching the syfy channel. :)
ALL generalizations are WRONG!


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 12:55 PM
@Gimmeafacehug Completely nailed it there, It's impossible to deny IMO. Holloway is a complete pain in the a$$ and the most incompetent, annoying and immature scientist I've ever seen in a film. He acts like a whining child who can't get along with others, and he sure isn't fitting as an archaeologist on a trillion dollar mission; [u]the most important mission in the history of mankind.[/u] Seriously, getting drunk just because he wasn't greeted by aliens? What did he expect, an alien party? The extended clips sure didn't do the character justice, it just confirmed that he's an even bigger douchebag than I thought. Aaaargh this character....had to vent hahaha


MemberFacehuggerSep-11-2012 1:49 PM
All I really have to say about Holloway is, I would never, ever have expected, in the memory of man, to come across a character more annoying than Barney the Dinosaur.


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 1:49 PM
you know, the New Holloway (in those (enormously illegal) deleted scenes) was okay, he was taking the punches in the face, and all that, in the name of Love for his Prey. Yeah, LOVE FOR HIS PREY -- remember at this point David's experimentally plonked his oily finger in David's champagne -- okay, Holloway was always an ass, but didn't you think (in general) he redeemed himself (post-coitus) with his infected-impersonation of Jesus of Nazareth? I actually [url=]like the new holloway[/url].
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerSep-11-2012 5:00 PM
I don't like the "deleted scene" Holloway either, but I think that's probably why they changed/cut those scenes.. to make him more likeable. He's not all that unlikeable in the actual cut of the film. Just the deleted stuff, and it was good to be cut.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphSep-11-2012 6:38 PM
Holloway is just simply an annoying twonk! He reminds me of those loud mouthed, idiotic university students round where i live. Shoutin and ballin in the early hours of the mornin, waking up people who have to be up early, to go work. They behave like that because they've got zero consideration for others and they can't handle the loopy juice!

The poster was good though!



Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 12:56 AM
I actually wanted to punch Holloway (if I could have) the whole way through the movie. He was a completely un-likeable twerp. Add him to Milburn and Fifield and you have the 3 Stooges In Space.
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 1:01 AM
I know i always put this link in holloway threads, but it's pretty funny and it's from a long time ago, dont [url=]click on it[/url] if you've already read it....
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