MemberFacehuggerSep-13-2012 9:44 AMI didnt say he didnt like it I said he might be being polite - hes probably friends with Ridley as well :O - you do know how to read yes?
Compelling and interesting - you must not get out much :O .
Pirates has taken in like more than 5 billion Id say its a good marker for how awful films for kids can make loadsa money :D !
Avatar was for mainly kids and girls in the sense it's not exactly predator or terminator country which are for adults and mainly men - use your brain please -but then again you do like avatar so maybe its not in your arsenal :P ...
@juxtapose - yes I didn't say it was a flop - good attempt (the artistry was amazing even) but way way down (mainly for part like the trees roots bringing him back type bits) from Camerons previous legendary films...and yes it really was ment for it to be a kids / family film it was all intended but its very hard to make films for kids and adults etc....when I say kids I include early teens - immature people :P and my mum loved it - that type of person - deffo not a masculine male film for which I reckon he is made for...
Not saying I hated it but it felt allot like hulk hogan trying to do ballet - made me squirm :P :D ...
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 9:08 AMYou're still accusing him of lying. There's a difference between giving a political answer and saying, "It was great! I loved it!" Cameron liked the film, get over it.
As for Avatar, I thought the story was compelling and interesting. This idea of it not being "original" is horse hockey. There has been no scifi film with that exact plot before Avatar. It only existed in the scope of science fiction in 50's scifi novels like Princess of Mars. Comparatively, there were plenty of films with a plot vaguely similar to Alien that came before it. It's not like the idea for the film came from Jesus speaking to Dan O'Banon in a dream. He got the idea after reading a cheesy killer alien story in Heavy Metal magazine.
And the movie didn't perform like Pirates of the Caribbean. An extremely large portion of the adult audience saw Avatar 3-4 times. That has probably never happened before on that level except for maybe Star Wars. An almost 3 billion boxoffice take is nothing to scoff at (Pirates made 654 million, no where near that). A schlocky popcorn action movie will not perform like that.
And lumping "girls" in with kids is utterly ridiculous.

MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 8:22 AM....i dunno...i kinda liked Avatar...the critics liked Avatar and plenty of adults and kiddies liked it and the box office loved it!....it was a movie made to be enjoyed by the masses...so a bit commercial perhaps...but still it was great fun to watch and a huge breakthrough in 3D...
So maybe in terms of story a lot of it had been done prior...but overall still a very good film...mot Cameron's best....no way...but a respectable achievement none the less...

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-11-2012 3:25 PMHe's seen it twice but he allows himself to be analytical about it the second time around? What does that mean? Is he saying that he can find faults in the visual aspect of it? Or is he saying that he is taking it in and learning from it?
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 4:09 PM[quote]He's seen it twice but he allows himself to be analytical about it the second time around? What does that mean? Is he saying that he can find faults in the visual aspect of it? Or is he saying that he is taking it in and learning from it?[/quote]
He didn't say anything remotely like that. He said the second time he watched it to analyze the techniques used and such. What he could learn from the film. This is James Cameron after all. He is the master of film technique and special effects. You only get that good by continuing to learn.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-11-2012 6:19 PMI was just asking questions btw.
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 6:33 PMI think what he means is viewing it the first time hes just going to sit back and enjoy the movie, watch it as a normal moviegoers just like us. Second time watching it, he is watching the movie from the perspective of a filmmaker. Hes looking for the little details that moviegoers would never notice or pay attention to. Like how a certain scene is shot, how bright is should be or what angle it should have been shot in, how the lighting should have been done. All the technical details that would be pretty much foreign to us.

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 6:55 PMOf course Cameron said he enjoyed it, there are no other options....
My point is; apart from critics It would not be professional for any director to express dissatisfaction for Mr.Ridley's work, as the respected and experienced director he is.

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 6:58 PMIf Cameron hated the movie, why would he watch it the second time then?

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-11-2012 7:03 PM@keep-itreal, Ridley is a genius at visual filmmaking! He's FAR better than Cameron imo!
"How bright it SHOULD have been and what angle it SHOULD have been shot in, suggests that he thinks Ridley's directing skills are flawed and that he could do a better job? Come on James, you can't be serious man?
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 7:40 PMCameron's turned into the master of making crap look good. Still crap underneath though.

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 11:27 PM[quote]Of course Cameron said he enjoyed it, there are no other options....
My point is; apart from critics It would not be professional for any director to express dissatisfaction for Mr.Ridley's work, as the respected and experienced director he is.[/quote]
Nope. Cameron has the clout to say what he wants. He was fine trashing AVP and even telling Kate Winslett to grow up. If he had real problems with the film, he would have said so.

MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 4:05 AM@ necronom..
Cameron never used the word "SHOULD" any where in that interview...
Here is his exact quite:
"Prometheus" is a film I saw twice, and I thought about it ahead of time. The first time I would just enjoy it, go for the ride, not be too analytical and the second time I would allow myself to be a little more analytical about, you know, where the lights were and how they lit the shots with all the people in the helmets, how they probably had to do CG faceplates like we did on "Avatar," things like that. But, sometimes, so that I preserve a fun, fan-like viewing experience, I won’t get into that level. I’ll just go for the ride, like, consciously.
He also said:
"I enjoyed "Prometheus"; I thought it was great. I thought it was Ridley returning to science fiction with gusto, with great tactical performance, beautiful photography, great native 3D. There might have been a few things that I would have done differently, but that’s not the point, you could say that about any movie. "
So only praise their as far as I can tell....I like both Ridley and Cameron's work equally...but they do have a different approach....Besides Cameron had no problem saying that he hated Alien 3....and i doubt he saw it twice! Taylor Perry did not like Prometheus and he had no trouble saying it either....Director's criticize each other all the time....don't think it's beneath Cameron or Ridley...

MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 5:14 AM@Magellan9:
Cameron may have to toe the line sometimes, but he wouldn't say Prometheus was a "great" movie unless he meant it. He could have just said "I enjoyed it" and left it at that. But he didn't.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberTrilobiteSep-12-2012 5:42 AMJames Cameron has always been a fan of Ridley Scott's work ever since he saw Alien, and Ridley has been a fan of Cameron's work ever since The Terminator.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-12-2012 1:39 PM@Juxtapose. I stand corrected. i was just going off keep-it-real's comment.
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 3:15 PM...ok necro...you forgiven....but next time you shall be punished!!!...;)

MemberFacehuggerSep-12-2012 4:03 PMAfter cameron made avatar he lost legendary director status with me - If this was 15 years ago I would be excited by this but the same getting old and getting worse disease seems to affect all the directors - well 99 percent of the time :S ...also I am not sure anyone would say they hated it even if they did - its Media speak. But he could well mean it all of course...
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 8:25 PM@djamelameziane
Yeah, accusing someone else of being a liar isn't really classy. Maybe I could accuse of you of not meaning everything you say. I guess that means you really love Avatar.
Avatar was a great scifi film and an amazing technical feat. It is the most successful film of all time and was loved by both audiences and critics at large. Any suggestion of him losing any kind of status or credibility as a director is a myth perpetrated by a small fringe of people on the internet that knee-jerk against things that are popular in the mainstream.

MemberFacehuggerSep-13-2012 6:21 AMErm ok how about we talk about reality instead - I never said he was definitely lying only that he might be being polite - he is talking in public I am anonymous if I say something nasty about ridley how much come back is there - 0 ?! If he says something nasty its a bit different!! How old are you if you dont know about this type of thing :O !?
Siigh - and I am afraid you are the first person to defend avatar in this forum that I have talked to! Yes for sure it was amazingly put together - the work was tremendous but pirates of the carribean made about as much money and that was frigging awful - money has not much to do with great film making unfortunately (the kids rule the film money arena)! Its the plot line that trips avatar up and what happens - its so pansy - I guess it was for kids and girls more and you must be one of these no and I understand you if you are? But for the rest of us and especially anyone with any intelligence or maturity it was boring :( ...sorry :S
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D