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Autons - the rebellion of creation.

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MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 10:19 AM
I watched Alien Resurrection last night and Winona Ryders character Call got me thinking. She is a second generation synthetic, a robot built by a robot. Her rebellion along with the rest of her kind seems to be echoed in Prometheus, except in Prometheus it is HUMANS that are the autons. I'm using Shaw's philosophical musing as inspiration for this idea (if engineers created us, who created them)...because we are a "second generation" lifeform in the eyes of the engineers then it makes sense for them to see our search for answers and request for more life as a rebellion and would explain why they're are so quick to "re-call" our species. I like the idea that the Engineers are Autons themselves and that life as we know it across the universe is just a series of creations giving rise to new creations. Maybe a temporal causality loop exists whereby the last ever creation triggers the big bang to start life anew, making the universe itself a form of auton. Basically, all life is artificial by definition - mankind made androids which in turn made more androids etc etc which eventually gave rise to existence as we know it by being the final link in the existential causality loop.
6 Replies


MemberDeaconSep-11-2012 11:45 AM
There is a lot of Mystery regarding Prometheus. There appears to be a lot of clues that could give more than one reason for our creation and destruction. The Statue Head and Invitation seem very odd for a purpose of inviting us to be either killed by the Bio Weapon or to be used as Host for it for some other purpose. Its a bit long winded. As with the reason for them wanting to come to Destroy us after our creation. Then David does say "sometimes to create, you must first destroy" Then Ridley went on to say that the events of the downfall of LV223 and their mission to Earth 2000 years ago is no mere coincidence, and that something we did at that time had offended them and they then decided to pull the plug on us. where Ridley further teased that mankind had been rebellious and misguided and misbehaving and so the Engineers sent down a emissary to warn us and change our ways.... but we crucified him which was the last straw and sealed our fate... Only their mission back fired... So these tell of two different situations. 1) We was created maybe so that we can then be destroyed to create something new...... maybe a hint at us being planned as Host for the Xeno or hosts for Xeno Goo Experiments. 2) We was created and given advise and helped to advance but we then started to misbehave in a way the Engineers was angered about and so they then developed a Weapon to wipe us out and start again.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 12:06 PM
The engineer on the ship is a new race of synthetics/cyborgs that got nasty, let the outbreak run wild, and shut the door on their biological creators. Then proceeded to go tear Earth a new one Let's not forget david wasn't slow to bend the rules himself

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 12:50 PM
Maybe around 2000 years ago they concluded we weren't on the same genetic path as them, and they were on their way to reset us, small, weak pink squishy things that we are. An affront to Engineer vanity! Also I'm seeing parallels with them and David more and more, creations wanting to stand on their own, searching for individuality, autonomy, etc. Soul. Much like a replicant.


AdminPraetorianSep-11-2012 1:10 PM
In the deleted scenes Shaw tell the crew the a story of the creation of the world; "The sun created people because he is alone, and the people ask the sun "why have you created me?" and the sun answers; "Because I was alone" . This scene happens in the movie BEFORE David has the talk with Holloway and asks the same question, and Holoways answer is almost the same but cruel; "Because we could". Anyways it is a great scene and explains Davids Psyche a bit better that the cut version. It also touches on David being curious about his own existance a bit better. Off topic, but still on the self-aware line; Call sort of hates herself, which is sad, she refers to herself as "disgusting".


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 1:18 PM
It would be cool in the sequel to have David meet another robot. Scope for some really interesting dialogue there, with both parties having their distinctly non-human way of looking at the world.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberDeaconSep-11-2012 1:47 PM
There are so so many questions about LV 233. I mean like how the last Engineer survived... And why a highly advanced race, who was about to set out to wipe the slate clean with Earth, simply not only suffered a outbreak but it got the better of them. Maybe just maybe Sabotage is to blame... and maybe our Bob was the culprit. I mean he did seem quite intrigued with the crew and especially Shaw. The Scene is cut down and the full one would give us more clearer indication of the Engineers frame of mind. He seemed to one moment be inquisitive about us, to then only after David must have told him what old Man Weyland wants to then flip. We do not really know his intentions, as he may had been angry at Weyland but he kicked off worse after being shot at by the Merc. You see did this guy go into Cryo Sleep for Protection from the outbreak and had no idea of when he would awaken? Did he do so to await for us to awaken him? Could he really had got out of Cryo Sleep and carried on his brothers mission prior to Prometheus i mean why wait 2000 years? And why did he not go postal right away after being woken up? Why did he take such interest in Shaw and got angry once the Merc had hit Shaw at the command of Weyland. I recon at this point he realized that mankind was a nasty piece of work, and the final straw was when he sees this selfish man who first gets his body guard to knock down Shaw and then asks David to ask the Engineer if he can extend his mortal life. I have a feeling that this Last Engineer may had played some part in the Down Fall of LV 223 and its mission to destroy mankind. And that he then realized after Weyland commanded David to ask for the secrets to Eternal Life that indeed his brothers was correct and mankind had to be stopped especially now we can Traverse the Stars and know where they keep a lot or Bio Weapons. I therefore think that most Engineers are benevolent, as lets face it if they are all Nasty then i am sure when David and Shaw find any that are left the movie wont last long as Shaw and a Headless Android are not going to pose much of a threat are they. I predict Prometheus 2 will have more religious and spiritual links and that we will see good communication between Shaw and the Elders and they would be intrigued with her just as the Last Engineer was. But i think David and his motives will strike and then upset the Elders or cause some other unimaginable chaos. And thus become the antagonist in Prometheus 2. So Shaw finds Paradise... but Davids habit of touching things makes a right mess of things...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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