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MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 10:59 AMDisclaimer: this is mostly speculation on my part...looking forward to hearing your opinions:
Engineers travel to Earth in exploratory vessel
Engineer ingests mutagen to break down DNA; seeds human life out of sacrifice
Engineers terraform LV-223 as "paradise" for when humans are ready
Engineers visit Earth over time to guide evolution; leave humans with artifacts showing map/invitation to paradise
Humans evolve; start misbehaving
Engineers send emissary to Earth to intervene; gets crucified (humanity failed)
Engineers decide to punish humans; decide to weaponize mutagen
Engineers decide to use LV-223 for testing grounds as failsafe; humans will be coming anyway
Bioweapon is developed; gets loose; at least one engineer impregnated
Impregnated engineer leaves with bioweapon cargo in military vessel; crashes on LV-426; sets up warning beacon
Remaining engineers almost wiped out; survivor goes into cryo-sleep to await unknown fate (common in Alien universe)
2000 years later, humans discover latest map/invitation artifact; ask wealthy man to fund expedition to find creators
Wealthy man is dying; sees opportunity for immortality; puts together a crew of mock-scientists to hide true purpose of mission
Human expedition travels to LV-223; discovers remains of testing grounds/tomb of dead engineers (head statue is tombstone)
Humans infected by weaponized mutagen; female human becomes pregnant with bioweapon
Human female administers self c-section; bioweapon removed; no one cares (par for the human course)
Sleeping engineer discovered by wealthy man's pet creation; engineer awakened
Engineer regards humans; is asked questions by female human
Female human stuck by male human; pet creation asks engineer to save master
Engineer pets human creation (good dog, at least you care about your creator) then decapitates it; bludgeons master with head; kills other humans
Engineer decides to carry out his mission (humanity failed again; no better off after 2000 years)
Engineer takes off in military vessel; plots course for Earth
Human vessel takes off on collision course with engineer in order to save humanity (finally a human sacrifice)
Ships collide; humans destroyed; engineer falls from sky; crashes
Dazed and angered engineer goes after human survivor; meets her bioweapon offspring; impregnated
Human survivor and decapitated creation leave LV-223 in engineer military vessel; seek out engineer homeworld
Engineer gives birth to bioweapon
35 years later, human towing vessel re-routed to LV star system; homes in on warning beacon from LV-426; crew mistakes as distress signal
Towing vessel lands; humans discover bioweapon that was made for them; terror ensues
Humans spend the next 200 years trying to bring bioweapon back to Earth (not very bright either)
13 Replies

MemberDeaconSep-11-2012 1:32 PMMonk again a very good point....
"so he puts together a rag-tag group of "scientists" to convince all that this is a mission of profound importance and not just for his own self-interests"
Great point and.... nope..... maybe Weyland got his daughter to draft the crew, and maybe she picked some fruitcakes so as that the mission would fail.
It seems to me that Vickers knows her dad is dieing and from the deleted scene it seems she is fed up of working her ass off in the boardroom when she really wants to take charge.
The impression was she wanted the mission to fail from the get go.
So maybe she signed the crew and made sure that she never got some of the best....
Also about Milburn, maybe he was just very very excited and his excitement basically got the better of his common sense.
I am sure Milburn was just a 2093 version of...
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 11:03 AMYou're saying THE WHOLE SORDID STORY doesn't (somehow) gel together, aren't you?
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberDeaconSep-11-2012 11:34 AMMakes a lot of sense to me mate.
I do maybe think the LV 426 incident is via carrying the Eggs that maybe the Urns are Weaponized from as opposed to the substance in the Urns being used to create the Eggs that were on LV 426.
But then there are so many other posbilities.
Your theory about LV 223 is a good one, it would tie in why the Humaniod Head and the Invitation and also with what Ridley said in that it was something we did that upset the Engineers 2000 years ago and so at the time of the Cave Painting we had not upset our creators.
Also the Tera forming on LV 223 for us to be able to live there when ready i like.
And how when we had in their eyes became a evil and greedy race who are misbehaving and have little regard for each other let alone our creators. And so they use LV 223 to weaponize the Bio Weapon knowing we would come there at some point anyway.
Is a idea i do really like.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 12:24 PMThanks. My other thought is that there [i]may[/i] be 2 factions of engineers: the benevolent ones that created us and the jealous/malevolent ones that want to destroy us...the crucifixion merely provided them the excuse to act. This would explain why the surviving engineer at LV-223 wouldn't just return home (the actions on LV-223 weren't officially sanctioned).

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 1:08 PM1. Why leave maps in various locations on a planet you seed with life that leads the creations there to your MILITARY BASE!?!?! Makes little to no sense whatsoever.
2. Are the Engineers REALLY bad drivers, prone to getting infected with their own bio-nasties, simply idiots, or all of the above? 2 crashed ships on the 2 moons of that planet? And, if we are to believe what we've been shown, both the pilots of both ships BOTH ended up with something nasty popping out of them. Problem I'm having is that I really can't decide which one was there first, 426 or 223............. So, what came first, the Deacon or the Space Jockey? Which was there first Ridley? Lindelof? Either of you have any idea, or are you just rolling around in all that cash laughing at us, because you can?
C'mon, really?
3. What sort of "scientist" tries to pet an unknown Alien SNAKE looking creature? That guy was supposed to be a BIOLOGIST?!?! FFS. Moronic mouth-breather.
4. Vickers seems to simply be eye candy. No real purpose to be there except cry on Dad's hand and get pissed at the android that Dad loves more than her. And torch that really annoying prick. That was the one good thing she did the whole time.
How about some ANSWERS and a GOOD STORY?!? I do enjoy using my brain to puzzle things out sometimes, but this has now gone past the point of utter ridiculousness IMHO.
this should have been made as a DIRECT PREQUEL to ALIEN (yes, that paper HOW PROMETHEUS SHOULD HAVE ENDED nailed it perfectly :-D) and people would have been happier I believe. I know I would have. But no, more questions on top of already old questions.
Poor effort. I liked The Avengers far more than Prometheus I've decided.
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 1:18 PMMy $0.02:
1. It was never intended to be a military base; it was conveniently turned into one.
2. I think the point of Prometheus was to show that the creator is not much better than the created. Yes, they infected themselves...much like we infect ourselves.
3. That was also the point, I think. Weyland didn't care about Shaw's quest to find humanity's creator, he just wanted to safe his own life. Yet, he didn't want to appear like a selfish person (and perhaps tarnish his public image of building better worlds) he puts together a rag-tag group of "scientists" to convince all that this is a mission of profound importance and not just for his own self-interests. Or, think about Jurassic Park...why would a businessman want validation from the science community? Simple...for more public funding.
4. Vickers is there simply to watch her father fail. Period. She's been forsaken for David and she's jealous/bitter.

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 1:39 PMAh, that's a great point...I hadn't thought of that. Vickers could have hand-picked the crew with the intention of hindering the mission...not blatantly sabotaging it.
Good call.
I also agree about Milburn...I didn't think he was stupid or poorly-written. I think he represents real human a kid always wanting the touch the hot stove.

MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 6:54 PMalot of good points, the good/bad engineers is an old rumour spread about..
i doubt vickers had a point in the film, infact, i doubt anyone in the film had a "point". i thought the script in general was badly written in context to the main franchise.
the point of the movie imho was simply put, to make money.
Prometheus is a contradiction to all we know about aliens. unless... (read below somewhere)
vickers did make daym good eye candy though... i watched snow white cause of her..
but apart from david... (fassbender) i didnt really like the cast except the scottish guy... he was hilarious, smoking in his suit LOL. but i dont know how the guy who created the super mapping device's, got lost :|.
what do you guys make of the "new" alien? its definitely hierarchy, because they normally come out of the body as a "worm" type creature, it took the term chestbuster to a whole nother level, it obliterated that engineer's ribcage, and the only other alien i've seen stand after busting, was the dog on alien.. 2 i believe. and it was stumbling about like bambi.
so.. is there a form of alien hier than a queen? ressuction it was proved that mixing alien/human dna created a beast of an alien..
is this the start of the xeno's? or is it the start of a new strain of xeno's, the projectile mouth was very different from normal. puncture style, it was more of a lock-jaw / tearing mouth, which to me would set it apart from "drones" as a "warrior" class of alien. but it could even be a "king". or a "brain". i didnt mention this for a reason, but the pred-alien could also walk at birth, it was also sentient "a brain", capable of speech, technology, prejudice.
so.. what will this alien become? if the pred-alien became as intelligent as a pred... wouldnt that imply that this Genomorph, as i think i'll call it, has the potential to be as smart as a engineer/human?. thus, in time it could potentially fly itself out of there if it watch's enough holograms.
david will have obviously left the mapping device set to the engineer homeworld...
or it will be the same as aliens 2.. and hitch hike with shaw and david.
that seems alot more practical than this being the origination of the species... it would also fit in the the explanation given by AVP, that the predators created the xeno's as the perfect "hunt". and using humans in the mayan time's to create their hunt.
this bio-weapon is supposed to accelerate evolution by adding complex DNA. so.. this is the only possible explanation i can think of right now..
g'awww i hate/love speculation.
MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 7:52 PMI always thought Weyland didn't hire the best scientists because the only person he needed was David 8. He was his son so he trusts him the most. He is smarter, more capable than a crew of scientists so really the crew was just an experiment for David if they needed to find some answers(black goo-Charlie)

MemberDeaconSep-12-2012 11:54 AM"what do you guys make of the "new" alien? its definitely hierarchy, because they normally come out of the body as a "worm" type creature"
Well this Organism came to be, due to a small fraction of Xeno DNA coming into contact with a Human Embryo, with less Human DNA to change at the Embryo stage...
See my reply here.... [url=]Shaws Baby[/url]
This Xeno while having Xeno DNA also had Human, and i can only image that as Human Embryos grow and then a full grown baby is born as opposed to other stages like say a Frog with the Tadpole etc... this explains the Deacon being full formed like a Human Baby.
I can only imagine it is larger as well because well the Trilobite was a larger Face Hugger and thus results in a Larger Chest Buster.
The Deacon is just a Evolution and new Organism....
We dont know yet how it will grow or how it can and will reproduce.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 6:19 AMI like the majority of your theory @Monk. The only problem I had with it was the LV-426 connection. What happened on LV-426 has probably no connection to what happened in Prometheous because it took place hundreds of thousands of years before. Same universe, but a totally different time period.
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