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Prometheus analysis vid

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MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 7:49 PM
I know we probably have too many already but I really enjoyed this guys video... [url=]Analysis of the Film’s Symbolism by Eugene Baldovino [/url]
7 Replies

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphSep-11-2012 8:15 PM
Brilliant! Wow Misty Mundea!

The poster was good though!



AdminPraetorianSep-11-2012 8:28 PM
That video was posted by the actual author (Eugene Baldovino/GroundDownProd) here awhile back, but it's fine posting it again.


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 9:00 PM
yuppers, seen this one many times and for sure one of my favorites.
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Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerSep-11-2012 9:23 PM
Alright, will definitely watch this... sounds like this guy knows his shit and isn't just going to bitch like so many people about annoying things that don't matter. (But with regards to this being posted before: The problem with this forum is that you can't find old threads and "bump" them so they come to the top again. So this is destined to lead to lots, and lots, and lots of duplicate threads. It really is something that should be adjusted. Cuz this is a pretty active place and probably will continue to grow with the popularity and controversy surrounding this series.) So I probably would have never seen this unless someone posted it again. So thanks!! :)


MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 3:31 AM
I always enjoy watching this analysis video from this film writer, it has something new (it seems) every time I watch it. And this is also why I like THE NEW HOLLOWAY, he's basically a Christian who's (for some reason) fallen off the wagon. Very good THESIS all round - seriously pointing towards (or leaning in the general direction of) the Space Jesus basis for the PROMETHEUS movie. His MINTY b-movie marketing pitch at the end PROVES (for me) that it's the perverts who have all the best ideas - LOL.
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MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 7:04 AM
I hear you, Patient. Another "problem" seems to be that so many memebers come and go. Not a lot hang around for long periods of time and new members are coming in all the time. It's all good as we have Svanya to let us know when something's been posted already. That way we can hunt the threads down and read what we've missed.

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerSep-12-2012 7:12 AM
Watched this video. I really like this guy. Very well done video. I'll be honest, though, he really blew my mind at the end with all the space travel stuff. Space travel always bothers me in movies because I can't wrap my head around it, heh... but I do really like this guy, so I might check out his silly B-movie... haha.. This theory of David being sort of "evil" has me very, very intrigued. After watching some of the film again (illegal DVD download, sorry, couldn't help myself, cuz I wanted to watch it with subtitles; subtitles make a huge difference!) After the Engineer head explodes David says, "Mortal, after all." So, I immediately thought that he's just working toward his goal of finding immortality for Weyland, but maybe he'll take this objective further than we think... fascinated by this idea!! He was willing to infect Holloway, and when Shaw asks how he knows that the air didn't infect them, David never answers. And after everything goes to shit at the end, I think Shaw kind of suspects that David was to blame, which is why she doesn't want to help him. But then David says that he is her only chance at getting off that planet. So it sounds like David is going to continue to manipulate her to some extent... though, what his motivations [i]are[/i] exactly, is quite intriguing...
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