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Shaw infertility and a theory

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MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 10:56 PM
My 2-cents: The engineers can not produce life without death. Humans CAN produce life (babies of course) without death. Shaw was infertile and could not produce life (except for a xeno). This is why the engineer was fascinated by her. She has a common link to the race of engineers. Since humans do not have dire consequences when producing life, we do not appreciate the value of life as the Engineers do. We wish to be immortal and escape death (Weyland). Again, not appreciative of life. In fact, we create artificial life like David which would certainly be an abomination to the life loving Engineers. This is why Weyland was pimp smacked and David had his head twisted off. Also, we create wars, pollution, abortions (not trying to be religious or political), snooki etc. these are in-congruent with Engineer philosophy. This is also why the black goo makes us into incubators of death and the Engineers seeds of life. Why the cave drawings, the "map" of LV-223? I have no clue. Maybe they were telling us about the origins of our own species - The genetic labs of LV-223. Unfortunately, the Prometheus landed near the bio-weapon xenomorph lab and the humans inadvertently activate the bio-weapon by starting the whole xeno ball rolling. Incidentally, it appears that all non-Engineer hosts produce xenomorphs as evident by the "dog xeno" in Alien 3. Why do the Engineers need a bio-weapon? To fight the Predators of course!!
6 Replies


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 12:20 AM
Oh good Force. First of all, they aren't rocks dude. They are Aliens. Google the term Xenomorph, and I think you'll be in for a bit of a disappointment. It does kind of describe the Alien, but is not an appropriate name for the species I'm afraid. Why leave a map to your weapons installation? Who knows, indeed, ask that hack Lindelof. Actually maybe ask Ridley first, but as far as I'm concerned they both screwed this. Lindelof needs to be blacklisted from writing anything at all. Do we really need another AvPvEvH scenario? (Alien Versus Predator Versus Engineer Versus Humans)
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphSep-12-2012 3:20 AM
Haha Alien Vs The Easter Bunny

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 3:45 AM
Shaw's is a VIRGIN BIRTH, no? An 'angel' (in Holloway's case, a FALLEN CHRISTIAN or black angel) visited himself upon Shaw and she was BURDENED WITH CHILD. Does this add to the Space Jesus idea that Mankind was a) seeded with genetic potential and then b) seeded with anti-corporate i.e. anti-Money Lenders ethical ideas? [img][/img] In fact, there's an [url=]OCTOPUS[/url] element to the Trilobite or Cuddles (I checked, it has eight arms) that suggests RAMPANT CORPORATISM has always ruined the Engineer's plan; as the Roman Empire ruined the Christ plan; before adopting what became Roman Catholicism a couple centuries later - the real Corporatists ALWAYS subvert and infiltrate; that's the basis of [url=]THE ILLUMINATI[/url]. I like how Prometheus isn't really ABOUT the events of the narrative, it's more FLAVOURED by the narrato-visual keys on the symbolic keyboard upon which the global theme-tune or globalist thesis is being [i]instrumentalised[/i]. SOLARIS is a movie that springs to mind, the original Russian version made within the Cold War censorship of creativity and public opinion.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberDeaconSep-12-2012 10:06 AM
Just because someone cant have Children does not mean they do not have the Biology to do so. Many many Woman who cant have children still produce Eggs, just these Eggs can not for various reasons get fertilized to become a Embryo. The Black Substance seems to hint that it infected Holloways Sperm and this infected Sperm had the ability to rectify what ever was causing Shaw to not be able to conceive maybe it reactivates dead cells, or kick starts in active ones. The Trilobite Baby, basically is the original design of the Face Hugger only larger. The Original Script Star Beast had its Face Huggers described pretty much just how Shaws Baby looked. Some Star Beast concept work such as the tomb where Urns that contained these Octopus Organism were kept, had Mural that looked like the grown up Cuddles Trilobite that attacked the Engineer. The comment about the Dog Alien is valid, while it has nothing to do with Alien, it makes sense. As Alien 3 added the concept that the Xeno Organisms implanted Embryo goes on to take traits from its Host and Produce a Hybrid Organism that has its Hosts Traits. This makes sense as then the Xeno can develop into a Organism that suited to its Hosts Habitat. If we then look at the Black Goo it appears to mutate the cells of its host and changes it so that it evolves into a Organism that enhances its Original Organisms qualities and adds Xeno Traits. Hence the Worms became the Hammerpedes that could regrow their heads just instantly unlike a Worm, and that it had some Xeno looking traits and had Acid for Blood. Which brings me to Shaws Baby, the life form that resembled the Xeno the most. The Squid was basically very similar to a Face Hugger it had the same purpose and same end result... well similar. Why..... Again back to the whole Xeno carrying traits of its Host... [img][/img] Take a look at the image above and notice all lifeforms on it appear very similar at Stage one. As each stage goes, the Embryo develops more like its Parent, and thus while they look the same at stage 1, at stage 2 each Organisms Embryo looks different and more like its Parent. So a Embryo could have less Genetic Material to change and thus less DNA to be mutated by the Xeno Goo and thus creates a Organism with more Xeno DNA and Voila...... [b]THE DEACON IS BORN[/b]

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 11:44 AM
I like your theories. I just want to ask a question: Don't you think that the Black liquid have no real first step appearence or property ? Just creating the worth step on the evolution cycle (as a weapon, the destructive end of evolution), depending on the host ?


MemberDeaconSep-12-2012 12:02 PM
All i think the Goo did was break down the Engineers Genetics and DNA into a new material and substance. GOO+ENGINEER= DNA altering Substance that has Engineer DNA This substance diluted and mixed with the Water in the Water Fall. Thus what ever life forms this came into contact with mutates and evolved into Organisms that share Engineer DNA.... hence Mankind shares their DNA. GOO+XENO= DNA altering Substance that has Xeno DNA This substance is collected and stored in the Urns with other substances that preserve it and also a accelerant to speed up the process of Evolution. Thus what ever life forms this came into contact with mutates and evolved into Organisms that share Xeno DNA.... hence Hammerpede and Trilobite/Deacon shares their DNA. The principle being that the Goo in the Bowl seems to breakdown the DNA of what ever consumes it into a new substance that can then mutate other cells and imprint the DNA of the organism that this substance was originally made from.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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