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MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 4:01 AMSo today I'm going to write a thread about an alien dream I had last night. It was so weird and mixed with everything so here we go:
I was living peacefully with my two little sisters (I don't have siblings in real life). Everything was OK until some weird couple moved to right next door. i welcomed them into neighborhood but wanted to keep some distance.
Then some night I was peeping through a window I saw something terrible things which I just can't remember well but it had something to do with the Deacon. i also hears them speaking about my little sisters of using them into something sick experiment.
The day changed and I remember going into woods and I slaughtered the couple with a oversizde butchers knife and beat them with rocks. I was very, very angry and when I finally realized what I had done I ran back to the house to my sisters.
Again the time changed and it seems like a week after I slaughtered the couple I saw a car parked in front of the house where the couple lived. I went to talk to them when my true intentions were to find out why they are here. They told me that the couple stored xenomorphs and used weird chemicals to get their psychological and mental state unbalanced. Then they told me that they had broken out from the basement.
I just smiled creeply and hurried back to my house. Next thing I remember is that I put the turkey(!?!?) in the oven because of my little sisters. I remember of seeing pool of blood and followed it. It led back to the place where I murdered killed the couple and there was two Deacons just ripping the body in parts. The deacons noticed me
I ran to my house and when I looked out of the doors window I saw a Deacons face and I froze. I grapped my girls and hid in the wall (wtf?). My sisters whimpered a lot and I told them to shush and looked from a tiny peep hole. The Deacon had facehuggers with him and thei adored my turkey. The facehuggers went upstairs while the Deacon started to open the oven and take my turkey. When they left with my turkey, I got a bag full of supplies like a tent, food and money (and something my sisters took). And during midnight I left my house with two crying brats.
The scene changed in to a forest that totally wasn't in earth(?!?!). I hear a noise and got up and went to upstairs and saw an alien about to eat my sisters head full. I slipped through and grabbed something hard and smashed it on the head. Then I began to choke the xeno who turns out to be a Deacon. He does his secondary jaw thingy and I grab it and rip the inner jaws, take some pole and began to choke it again.
next thing I realize is that I'm choking my little sister who is dead and when I rise up everything is exploded in the room. I began to ache and when I look at mirror I melt ino the same black goo in the movie. Then the scene changes again and I suicide by falling of a cliff.
Damn that's a lot of text. . . this was the strangest dream I have vere seen in my head. . . it wasn't scary tho I killed someone which in the real life I can't do and this is only like 90% of it, the rest can't remember.
Have you ever had dreams? Would be nice if you shared them :)
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34 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 9:10 AM****part 2****
so, i scrambled around the house looking for something to pry the creatures out of the mineral oil lubed up scalp that wasnt sharp and painful, mostly because i didnt want the jerk one to attack me more if i hurt him.
so the best thing i could find was an antique butter knife that i have in the kitchen in real life.
this thing is old and dull as it could possibly be. so i attempt to pry the right sided creature out of my head and apparently the left and right one had grown together under my scalp skin.
i wasnt prying at the right angle for that... so both of their mid sections snapped and separated them in half.. their little bug organs n guts were hanging out and dripping all over my head and face until i hurried and plopped them onto my desk. i could feel both of their disembodied legs flailing around and scratching my brain. my eyes were twitching and blood dripped out of my tear ducts, also made random parts of my body jerk around from whatever parts of my brain were being pressed on.
whilst i was having my full body seizure/flailing episode, the jerk right side creature started screaming at me from the desk about cutting him in half and how both of them were going to die now.
the nice one started saying "no its okay, just try to get the rest out of your head before more damage is done".
i tried but i couldnt control my arms and their legs were flailing and digging harder into my brain. i fell on the floor and completely lost control of my body while i felt sharp clawed feet shredding the top layer of my brain like paper, making my eyes roll back, vomit profusely, and flap around on the floor like a fish out of water.
the jerk creature then states "if you put us back on the same spot quick enough, we can reconnect to our lower halves and stop the involuntary movements of our claws so the pain can stop.
*****************and btw, i have to go to the bathroom really bad... so i guessthere will be a part 3, lol, be back soon!! ***************

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 9:27 AMwoops... i just got an important call and have to leave for a bit.
i shall finish this later but for now ill quickly add a small section.
::: the nice left sided creature pleads with me saying "NO, if you put us back he will probably kill you on purpose as soon as he reattaches to his lower half!"
on the one hand i thought "fck that thing, i hope he dies a miserable death for the pain he caused me", but on the other i felt really bad for the nice bug creature and didnt want him to die.
the jerk one told me he could try to separate from the nice one after i re attached them to my scalp so they could be separate their abdomens and each one could chose to do whatever they wanted.
the nice one wanted to stay connected to my head... the mean one wanted to be taken out and run free and do whatever he wanted.
***but i do need to go, i will finish this stupid story when i comeback home after my escapades. i hope everyone in the forum has an awesome day, be back soon!!***

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 1:13 PMThis far wow, one heck of a dream. . . and you remember it so well o.o
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