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We shold find out who killed the engineers.

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MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 8:11 AM
I think Ridley should answer this question in the next film. Who really killed the engineers? If so, why did they. I think we have a huge potential of reintroducing the Predators to perfectly coexist with the alien and Prometheus universe. Remember back in AVPR, the predator was peeling the skin on a skull, and surrounding him was a trophy case. And if you look closely, we can see a space jockey helmet. We could do a plot where the Predators actually came to the engineer's LV-426 base, as the predators were trying to stop the Engineers from their evil doings. Or just killing them because for their trophy, or because they had conflicts with each other in the past. What would be cool though is that we could see Shaw and David could be caught up in the battle between the Wolf Predator and an Engineer. And of course the Predator's going to be taller and they should make them look more badass. Whatcha guys think.

21 Replies


MemberDeaconSep-13-2012 10:32 AM
Ha Ha... Actually yes it could be done right to connect the Predator to Alien Universe if done right.... But then with the AVP movies already done, and not done as well as the story in the AVP Games, well Ridley thinks Aliens had been done to death and AVP had damaged the franchise and so Ridley would never go there. Now had the AVP movies never been done, then yes maybe Prometheus Trilogy could link the Predators if done well..... But they had been made.... And Ridley wants to tell a story a interesting one that does not revolve around the done to death Xeno or similar Organisms, and he wants people to go and see his Story and so will distance away from Alien. He does not want Prometheus 2 to be seen as... oh another Alien movie and indeed more so, oh Prometheus 2 not another AVP movie. But down the line if the money is there then some day we could see PVE yes Predator vs Engineer. I think we will actually see the Engineers and Predators but not in a movie, but we cant rule that out in future but it will be none Canon just as AVP movies are to Alien. But in the next installment of AVP Games i would not rule out the Engineers making a appearance... Indeed AVP has.... Alien Xeno (Ancient Organism) Predator (Ancient Race) and Marines (not as ancient) and only recently advanced. I would not rule out the next AVP game to actually replace the Marines with Engineers and be set many thousands of years ago as opposed to 23rd century.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconSep-13-2012 10:44 AM
As far as what killed the Engineers... Well on LV 223 it was something to do with their own experiments... Either the stuff in the Urns, or something they created from it and experimented with. Or something they was using to create the stuff in the Urns.... Hopefully by Prometheus 3 we should find out.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberTrilobiteSep-13-2012 10:55 AM
Sorry ALI3N, - There is no evidence of an Engineer base on LV-426, the base was on LV-223 - Shaw and David cannot witness a battle between the Wolf Predator and an Engineer, Wolf died in 2004, Shaw and David left LV-223 in 2094. Wolf's been dead for 90 years. - Yes there was an Engineer helmet seen in AVPR, but unless FOX are prepared to retry AVP (as with Incredible Hulk, and Amazing Spiderman) it is unlikely we will ever see that confrontation. Both the Alien and the Predator whether done in separate movies or in another attempt at a "versus", need to be returned to their core - threatening invisible enemies stalking their victims, killing them one by one. New breeds of Alien's and more weaponry for the Predators is what has killed those franchises off and contributed to the majority opinion that AVP is not canon. Alien and Predator films are meant to be suspenseful, tense, thrilling... not exciting, loud, obnoxious summer blockbusters.


MemberFacehuggerSep-13-2012 9:45 AM
The black goo killed them? No does sound weird if they are all wiped out on other planets but we dont know what the hell happend yet - I am sure we will find out allot more in the next one or I will scream :D - could all be just the goo if the deacon is intelligent enough to fly ships :D .

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 9:58 AM
how about we introduce batman as canon to the franscise? Thats a REALLY good idea. Jokes aside. I think that the last engineer that rips Davids head off actually plays a big role in the extinction of his people. Somewhere i remember that all the cryotubes in the juggernaut was punctured , all the cryotubes eccept his own. Thats a bad alabi if he is ever brought to court. Not to mention they videotape everything that goes on in there on hologram. He´s getting the chair for sure.



MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 9:05 AM
Agreed...that would be horrible. I like the original comics, but Voidhawk is right, the movies f'd up the whole concept.
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.


MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 8:48 AM
I second that...please NO!!!!!!!!!!!! They had the chance to do a really good AvP movie by following the original Graphic Novel AND the following books, but instead they KILLED the whole concept with really idiotic movies. The Predator series might be finally brought back and rejuvenated with the new movies, as Predators was really good linking straight to the original movie, and I hope they DO NOT MIX them again with Alien or Prometheus Now Prometheus also has a chance to save the Alien original story, erasing all dreadfull sequels and creating the story anew, putting it back on its original track (book and Director's Cut versions) finally erasing all but Alien from the original and now going with Prometheus far ahead.


MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 8:40 AM
Please, God, no!
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 12:30 PM
I doubt that the Predators are going to play a major role in Paradise. If anything, one of the engineers was probably mutating from the black goo. But to say that they are completely out of the picture shouldn't be made canon just yet. Remember that we don't know how the black goo (not the same substance that Bob drank in the beginning) does to the Engineers. If the goo really does contain mutative dna, well . . . lets just say that Scott has creative license than he thinks he does.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphSep-13-2012 12:45 PM
LOL. Not the Predator thing again! It's not cannon!

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 12:57 PM
I thought it was pretty much clear that a Deacon killed the Engineers in the Prometheus movie. When David activated the 1st hologram, the very first thing you hear is a Deacon scream, then the next thing are the hologram Engineers come running down the corridor to the sealed chamber, so why was the question posed...?, the Deacon killed the Engineers, except the last one.... Besides putting the Predators into the Aliens world would just cheapen the Alien trilogy, and Cameron and the other 2 directors have already done that. I like the Predator movies, even AVP, the 2nd AVP sucked so bad I threw the dvd away...
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....


MemberDeaconSep-13-2012 1:23 PM
I cant see how the Deacon killed the Engineers.... you see as the Deacon is created via a series of events from minor infection with a unmixed substance from within the Urns to then impregnate Shaw to the birth of Cuddles who then Body Huggs Bob and then implants a embryo that brings about the Xeno Deacon at the end. So yes it could be a different or similar Organism and may not be the Xeno but also it is not the Deacon at the end and we do not know if it was a life form similar. We dont know what the Urn Black Goo does to the Engineers and we dont know what comes from a Engineer from a Xeno Face Hugger.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconSep-13-2012 1:27 PM
I stand by that had AVP been done within the universe of Alien and thus set after Alien and before Alien resurrection then it may have worked very well. I also think that had no AVP movies been done, then introducing the Predators into the story with the Engineers may also had been good if done correct. As far as the purpose of the Alien and Predator being Stealthy well those movies are tense thrillers and basically the rules apply to anything.. Freddy movies and Friday 13th was tense... a movie where Jason and Freddy and Chucky all get unleashed together going after people would lose that original scare factor.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 1:42 PM
On second thought, I agree with fader>. It probably was the deacon


MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 2:08 PM
Thanks warrior7, I figure why have the Deacon scream in that scene right after busy body David pushed the switches on that 20 foot panel to activate the hologram of the Engineers running, I mean, that's the clue that causes the 30+ engineers piled up bodies..... with that said, I had posted way back in July that maybe the last Engineer may have excuted all the remaining Engineers on that Juggernaut and temple that the Prometheus were exploring.... but after reading an article from Ian Wyte's experience filming Prometheus w/Ridley Scott, Ian Wyte stated that his role was the last surviving race of the Engineer's, so with that concept, I'd figure the last Engineer in his race would keep a couple of his buddies around... I mean someone would have to do a pizza and beer run while the Engineers are waiting for the Humans to finally show up, right?
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....


MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 7:00 PM
Hehe, pizza and beer run. I also thinks its a safe bet to say that the door Holloway was looking at before he said "This is just another tomb" was an insignia of the deacon. Don't get me wrong he xeno was a nasty son-of-a-"Kane", but something tells me that thing is going to be huge be the time its fully jestated.


MemberDeaconSep-14-2012 6:04 AM
Ha Ha..... Yes it may be a Organism similar to the Deacon, thats if we assume that any Chest Buster that comes from a Engineer is a Deacon. We just dont know what a Face Hugger + Engineer would make.... Like we dont know what Shaws Baby + Human would make..... The Deacon at the end of the Movie however is not the one that killed the Engineer unless he pumped into Doc Brown or Dr Who at some point. The Mural does show a Xeno that looks more closer to a Deacon mind and we do see Face Huggers on Bald People and so we have to assume Face Huggers on Engineers. The connection and meaning of the Mural well thats unknown just yet.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 11:58 AM
LOL! I was actually joking with someone the other month when I was watching Predators on the tv that it'd be funny if the next Prometheus movie is about Shaw finding out the Predators are the true gods. Or she founds out the Engineers created the Yautja's by mixing their dna with a crab. =P Seriously though, I wouldn't want a crossover. xD


MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 1:28 PM
I started to get worried that the people in Hollywood reading this will start to feel pressured by all our comments to talk to Scott about adding the Predators. If any of you are reading them, PLEASE DON'T. Predator is its own story with its own myths. Not quite the same concept when comparing Alien to Prometheus however


MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 2:01 PM
maybe the alien already exists the deacon is a prototype, think about it if there is an engineer helmet in alien vs predator requiem then maybe they were already made, in alien vs predator the predator brought the alien to earth to hunt in the ancient times, it would explain why an engineer ship has alien eggs in it already and what if the predator found the engineer complex and wiped them out before they could go the earth think about it


MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 3:11 AM
But there were FIVE HANGARs worth of Juggernauts on LV-223. And David proved that one of the remaining four juggernauts worked, with his rocket-like [i]exeunt stage right[/i] as a Promethean epilogue. Does this mean there were four hangars worth of four more hibernating Engineers? Or was it just the one, (murderous) Engineer they were all running from? Someone not in the holographic memory, cloaked. Oh, no, now that's sounding like Predator - and I really don't wanna go there. Let's call it an UNSEEN ALIEN for now, something their technology 'couldn't record'. Wrong genotype, non-sticky formula.
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