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MemberXenomorphSep-13-2012 1:12 PMWhy do we have all the remakes ?
Snow white
Mad Max
Total recall
Do we not have original stories anymore ?
Why these specific movies ?
15 Replies

MemberDeaconSep-13-2012 1:18 PMJust to rehash the 80s.....
Myself i think only the music needs redoing lol... i loved the 80s
The thing is trying to recreate classic nostalgia is hard to do, as its hard to recreate a movie or TV series that will live up to yet better the Originals.
And it has to be hats off to Ridley for going down the Blade Runner route as again Blade Runner set a very very high bar...
Not many have much success compared to originals, the last Indian Jones did ok only because of Harrison Ford, if they made another Indian Jones with a different actor i dont think it would have the same impact the Originals had.
Mind you The Dark Knight Batmans did well.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

AdminPraetorianSep-13-2012 1:21 PMDon't forget Batman, Spiderman, The Great Gatsby, James Bond etc, etc.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-13-2012 1:40 PM@ BigDave. "only the music needs redoing"...That's blasphemy lol...80s music was one of the best things about the 80s imo!
There's only one reason why the film companies keep throwing out remakes of classics and that reason is money, money, money! They milk the old cash cow dry at every given opportunity. The remakes are never anywhere near as good as the originals, with the exception of Batman and unfortunately i think it's only a matter of time until they remake Alien. That will be a sad day for fans indeed!
The poster was good though!

MemberXenomorphSep-13-2012 2:09 PMOops
Indiana Jones
(unforgivable for not remembering that)
LOL !!
Ah finally
Some 80 's people.
Am I to assume that the basic alien universe fan is very much into 80 stuff ??
Necronom you into Miami vice ? I likes the theme as well as crocket's theme .
Big Dave
Why you no like 80's music ? LOL !!
No tastes differ !! I liked a lot of the 80's music. But can understand if you don't. A lot of it was cheesy . One of the best decades to have grown up in !!!
Big Dave
You think its about nostalgia ? Yes that's a good point !
I am just wondering if we aren't going back to a phase where special effects becomes less important than the story again.
Isn't the function of a movie to tell a story ? Classical themes and good stories. What is it that all these movies have in common ? What is science fiction after all ? Stories exploring possible outcomes of future science ?
Anyway what ties all of these movies together ?
I can't quite put my finger on it .
It is like a band by the name of M83. When I heard their music the first time I thought it was an 80's song but to my amazement it wasn't . The name of the song was midnight city. Strange video glaring eyes and all !!!
It just makes me wonder if we aren't on the verge of the next "80's" revolution !!
And to all the "80's" folks out there:

MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 4:00 PMI hated the 80's, except the music, the nightlife back then, people attitudes back then were better than today’s. I liked the 90's abit better except all that rap music
But I agree about doing all the movie remakes, it's like “ can't screen writers come up w/something truly original “.....?. The tv series Breaking Bad, Hell on Wheels, The Walking Dead are really good and original for the most part for tv. Been wanting to see/watch The Game of Thrones or at least buy the dvd set of each season.... Also I really enjoy movies based upon a true story or facts in history, now why don't screen writers develop stories like the battles in the Christian Crusades, or what about the stories pertaining the Greeks, Romans, etc... but no, let's do another Batman movie or Spiderman movie, it's all about the mighty dollar any more, not what movie fans would like to see. The way I see it, there will be no more movie theaters to go to, short of in front of your 60 inch flat screen in the family room, but that's ok w/me.... I mean look how sad the open screening of Batman in Colorado was.... I doubt if I'll ever visit another public theater in my remaining lifetime, and all of my 8 grandson love movies, so we will watch them in the safety of our home I guess, besides gramma knows how to make the best buttery popcorn anyways..................................................
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....

MemberFacehuggerSep-13-2012 4:03 PMMoney.
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

AdminPraetorianSep-13-2012 4:11 PM@ oduodu; Ridley Scott is not re-making his own movie, Blade Runner. It will be a sequel most likely but not a reboot.
Gonna chime in and say the 80's was awesome for me too, I was very little but still everyone had money, jobs and people were happy. Fun music too.

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 4:38 PMyou poor poor people who hated the 80 `s
Best time of my life ,,, party on

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-13-2012 5:03 PM@oduodu. Yes indeedy! I loved almost everything about the 80s except for Maggy Thatcher!
The poster was good though!

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-13-2012 5:37 PMIf people stopped going to see all these crappy remakes, then maybe they'd stop making them..

AdminEngineerSep-13-2012 5:58 PMBecause it's cheaper and easier in most cases, and people who have all the money NOW will be the ones to go see it, as they're films from when they were kids.
Personally I like the reboots, so long as they're done right. Total Recall, wasn't impressed. Much preferred the original.
Thank God for Stallone and his Expendables films, I want more of the classic 80s action movies brought back. And not just the movies, but the action heros! I'm tired of seeing CGI enhanced heros who don't have 50 pounds of muscle to them, what made the classic 80s action flicks so great were the main characters, the ripped bad asses and the cheesy one-liners. It was more REAL, and more enjoyable.
As for the Sci Fi however, I welcome CGI to enhance an already perfect film in hopes to take it to the next level. With having the original director on board again, it's bound to be a success with Blade Runner, and despite the mixed reactions, I loved Prometheus.
But some oppose reboots, simply cause they don't want the classics to be ruined - which in all fairness I have to agree with to an extent. I think the studios should continue the franchises, rather then reboot them. That way, everyone's happy and we still get to relive the excitement.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 1:47 AMLOL (warning) - necro - if they 'remake Alien' they'll have some mongoloid-looking Engineer squeezing into an alien suit and pulling on his Longhead helmet, after a high-five [i]handoff[/i] from the spinning tail of his little covert agent chestburster.
LOL - yeah, I'm that cripplingly cynical.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberDeaconSep-14-2012 6:00 AMI love the 80s lol...
I think you thought i was against it..... nope i loved them days...
In fact this tune is in my head now....
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberXenomorphSep-14-2012 6:25 AMSvanya
Bladerunner is having a sequal? Sorry I thought it was remake !!!
The only franchises I know is alien - predator - terminator - robocop - matrix - space odessy + 2010 . I also like contact and serenity. I won't say anything about star trek !! (I fear for my life) LOL ?!!
*angry mob becomes more angry stirs even more and more vigorously sharpens knives*
I know very little about bladerunner. But I would never forget about the scene where sean young was sitting across Harrison ford (?) smoking a cigarette . Sean WAs surreal in that scene. Ver well done ! WAS that great acting or great directing or both ? Seems a lot of people wants the sequal not to be. Loved the music in bladerunner.
As long as you have your own memories of the 80 's I consider you 80 's folk.
To all
So then its about money - again.
I guess I should have known better .....

MemberXenomorphSep-14-2012 8:04 AMBig Dave
Top Gun - Highway to the Dangerzone
That was the song they played at the start of topgun when the tomcat took off ?
(Sorry I am running a blackberry in a country where there is no wi fi . So I have to use duoberry to download vidoes using bis, )
So I am struggling to view the video !!!
If that's the one I think it is - Kenny loggins ?
Liked topgun and all the music on it ! I think I heard tom cruise say there might be a top gun 2 ? Another remake ?
Ah sorry bigdave
You were probably referring to music USED in 80 's MOVIES. Yes that was crap !
Good post
Big Dave
I was born In '75 so I guess I am maybe not a true child of the 80's. Saw alien for the first time in 87/88 twice. Then saw aliens when my sisters boyfriend forgot to return aliens to the video shop and watched it 10 times in 7 days . Loved it . Wasn't until about 3 years ago that I really began to understand the significance alien and it s origins etc.
The thing about alien is this: Ridley wasn't 1st choice for directing alien and only after other director's turned it down was he considered. So what I am asking is : was alien an accidental masterpiece ? WAs it just an accidential coming together of circumstances or did Ridley choics of casting director and other staff (he brought from his previous movie and as I understand also his first movie) the reason it did so well ? As I understand it , it was Ridley who brought Giger and others into it.
So if wasn't for Ridley would alien have been a great movie, ?
What about ridleys ad making career ? How much of a role did that play ?
Is giler just not using Ridley in prometheus just so that he can get a "mystery" movie so that he can set another director to milk it all he can in p2 - p3 ?
Is this maybe going to be a repeat of a1 - a4 ?
I have this uneasy feeling it might be the case ?
Brandywine might have too much of a say .
Is the reason Ridley wants to go away from the xenomorph so that they can get away from brandywine ? What exactly does brandywine own in terms of trademark ? Only the alien creature ? If so can Ridley and fox not get rid of brandywine / giler influences ?
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