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Why Prometheus was made IMO

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MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 6:23 PM
Why Prometheus was made IMO Ridley Scott is one of the best directors in the business. I always wondered what he thought when the Alien sequels came out after his making of Alien. I bet he had a very bad taste in his mouth for years because his story never went in the direction that he had plan to tell.... you can sense that in his commentary during the movie of Alien... He mentions he wanted to tell the story of the Space Jockey, who were they?, where do they come from?, what was their purpose... He does mention that the Space Jockey was hauling all the eggs in the derelict ship, which Ridley clearly states the ship was some type of a space carrier.... Ridley also stated in Alien 4 or 5 he would do the story of the Space Jockey, so he had the vision/stories on all the sequels after the making Alien, but something happened along the way, and he missed the chance of making the sequels.... but with that said, he did make Prometheus and perhaps he can still tell his story moving from a different direction, instead of going beyond Alien, he decided to go before Alien, excellent strategy if you ask me, brilliant vision as well..... So I really hope that is what Prometheus, Prometheus 2 and Prometheus 3 direction goes and if so, after I have P-1, P-2 and P-3 dvd in hand, I’ll toss Aliens, Alien 3 and the last abomination Alien Resurrection in the shit can....
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....
5 Replies

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerSep-13-2012 6:43 PM
lol... interesting, man. But what do you mean by this..? [b]Ridley also stated in Alien 4 or 5 he would do the story of the Space Jockey, so...[/b]

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphSep-13-2012 7:20 PM
Ridley said, that he would love to tell the story of the space jockey in an Alien 5 or 6, not 4 or 5. I think he said that before he started working on the then [b]actual[/b] Alien prequel (jon spaihts original script, before lindorf stuck his beek in) which he called Alien Paradise.

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 10:32 PM
jon spaihts' original script was initially called "alien: zero"; spaihts' script tilted further away from the story of the space jockey than what we ultimately got with prometheus. Spaihts and lindelof stated that, prior to lindelof's involvement, the script was 30% space jockey and 70% alien. Lindelof came on board and flipped that to 70% space jockey and 30% alien (+1 for lindelof imo). I agree with OP. The course taken (prometheus) has/will produce excellent results (ie ridley chose the best possible way to tell the tale of the space jockey...imo).


MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 1:32 AM
Well, really? Let's examine the evidence. Ridley Scott makes A SPACE SLASHER, Alien was technically made in the era when horror meant TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE. And it has the same relentless pace and dread that film had, the, "This thing is gonna keep coming no matter what I do," and even if you wound it, that acid'll near-kill you. Alien was about the facehugger, dormant in eggs carried in the Juggernaut, DRIVEN by the Space Jockey. So, prequel narrative is a given - show the world of the Space Jockey and how it got to LV-426. Answer that question. Job done. But Prometheus IS NOT A PREQUEL, and it did NOT answer that question -- it just asked MORE QUESTIONS. It doesn't matter whether the 'alien franchise' takes a tangent, into Engineer Universe at this point. What really pisses of the majority of whiners (myself included) is that this apparent purity of such a 'prequel' got tangled up with something else, some RELAUNCH ethos. Me, I'm a simple fella, show me how we get to the Start of THE THING (which the [url=]The Thing prequel[/url] did very well, using the best Scandinavian actors and excellent 'thing' mutations and action, loved that UFO) and I'm a happy film-goer. I mean, you might want it to be 'something else' but "It's just a bloody film," when all's said and done. And if you have it, show the FULL 02:30:00 and stop trying to RAPE THE PUNTER'S POCKET for every last [i]sous[/i]. If you have the Alien Prequel show me that, I'll watch that today - and if the last scene is a 'landing' on LV-426 and the activation of a homing beacon, then all the better.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberDeaconSep-14-2012 6:30 AM
I think its simple really... If you image Alien was a movie about mankind and World War 2 and the Nuking of Japan.... Then if you made a prequel would you just want it to be about War or the invention of the Nuke.... or do you think Mankind has a History of its own with more to talk about than just Weapons. You see while the Space Jockey had a connection with the Xeno and its assumed it is a Bio Weapon they created or came across, is the Space Jockey wholey connected with just creating Bio Weapons like Xenos. The movie could have gone the route of Space Jockey vs Space Jockey War or against some other race and how the Xeno was created in all this. But then with Lindelof they had the idea that there is a lot more to the Space Jockey than just loading his Ship up with Xeno Eggs and creating the Xeno. Ridley has wanted to tell the story of the Space Jockey more than the Xeno, and so Prometheus is a Prologue to the Story he wants to tell which introduces us to the Space Jockey/Engineer Race. while the movie also gives some vague connection to the Xeno via some other Weapon Facility they was working on to create a new Bio Weapon, or re-weaponize a old one. Prometheus 2 will go to explore the Engineers who are they, where are they from, what is there agenda, why did they create us and what else have they created. I think that why they wanted us dead and how will be only a small part of the movie but will be covered in detail in Prometheus 3 where i think we shall see the purpose of LV 223 and the event that led to the death of nearly all the Engineers.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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