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Mauro HC
MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 2:35 PMAfter reading some of the topics in this section I have a new theory...
what about if the xenomorphs are the gods of the engineers so the engineer at the beginning sacrifice himself for create life just like a sacrifice for the xenomorphs can reproduce?? this theory is supported by the painting in the big head room that show the xenomorph big in the center!
but I have a question... what the paintings change into when the prometheus crew saw them change??
I have seen the movie yesterday and I am really stoked to see it again asap!
10 Replies

AdminPraetorianSep-14-2012 2:45 PMThe paintings didn't change into anything, they were breaking down, affected by the change in air after being sealed in that room for 2000 years. It is real phenomena, see when old Tombs are opened. It is the reason why museums control the air temperature and moisture so carefully.

Mauro HC
MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 3:06 PMoh get it, I thought it changed cause shaw said it! so why there is an athmosphere like earth only in the "cave" in the planet and the things inside are affected when the guys come in the head room?

AdminPraetorianSep-14-2012 3:29 PM@Mauro HC; Yeah I understand how that can be confusing, especially the way the trailers set it up.

MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 4:20 PMIt might be their God, blessing their installation and intent...a god they try to emulate on their bioweapon...
Or it might be their homage to an organism they deem as precious/admirable/perfect...
Or as it was a military base (I do agreee it is that, and RD himself says that the original derelict ship was a bomber, so that design is from the Engineers military, thus that base was a R&D or a Weapons Cache. David says there are many juggernauts there, so the base was an offensive outpost) the mural could depict their military prowess and one of their most powerful weapons...
Or the mural depics their enemy, which they try to copy and use. some cultures, and especially their military, does that just to remind their own duty...
So the murals could be anything, and we only could understand it by understanding Engineer culture and mindset.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-14-2012 4:22 PMHello Mauro. I think that the deacon mural either depicts some sort of ancient DNA source that the engineers use to create their weapons or something that they are trying to resurrect, or maybe, it was a prophecy of what was to come? and that prophecy was realised when the engineer gave birth to the deacon?
Also, i thought that the mural change was caused by a change in air density, or a change in the temperature, due to the body heat of the crew?
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 4:37 PMBody heat or CO2...breathing alone can destroy a painting...especially if it was sealed in a controled room for over 2000 years...

Mauro HC
MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 5:02 PM"Or it might be their homage to an organism they deem as precious/admirable/perfect..."
this is an interesting theory
for the paintings, yeah, it seems the answer! but I would have loved if david or someone could have decifrate or makin' a theory about them before they disappear and they leave the room

MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 10:24 PMI thought the mural changed into that picture of the Alien's hands holding an egg, since you can see the hands in one of the stills.

MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 10:53 PMAh, it might or might not be revealed...were it a book and with time and attention to detail, it would have been might be even something as mundane as a decoration with a motif depicting one of the most promising bioweapons that facility had working.
But that would be more logical if the Engineers were a race with a warrior-oriented culture. (we are a combative species, but we do not have paintings on our weapons research facilities, depicting atomic bombs or such...) And weapons would be obviously something precious to them.
But this goes into a tendency it seems we are heading trying to put logic into what should be de depiction of an alien culture, and that in itself should rule out simple comparisions. An alien culture should us.
Also it is easy to depict the Engineers as evil, as it seems they were intent on destroying Earth. Well, that particular Engineer was, but then again this does not show they are all like that. Those there seemed to be targeting Earth for destruction, but if they are a complex culture, they would have groups within groups, and for some reason those were intent in destroying humans.
Think about one thing, what was happening on the Galaxy as a whole? The movie premise implies they are roaming the stars for how long? 90 millions years? 20 million years? So they would be the rulers of this Galaxy, or part of a really big multi cultural civilization...or de sole conquerors of this Galaxy...
But this is off topic...^^

Mauro HC
MemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 2:06 PM"I thought the mural changed into that picture of the Alien's hands holding an egg, since you can see the hands in one of the stills."
I thought they changed into something too, that's why I asked but I didn't notice anything... the monday i'll see it again so I will make more attention
"Also it is easy to depict the Engineers as evil"
I don't totally agree, I mean, it depends of the theories but if u think about this... they created us... maybe they want to exterminate humans because of their actions even if 2000 years ago from the 2093 of the movie human race wasn't that shit like today haha
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