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MemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 12:01 AMSince the first movie there was an (I believe accidental, as the book does not have it there) exciting, thrilling air about what was the dead alien astronaut in that dreadful derelict ship. The air of alienness it had, what happened to it, why and when. We saw the first outbreak of that weird creature in the Nostromo, and that was that. But the mistery of the image of that strange ship and its last occupant remained as even more interseting (at least to me) than a very aggressive pest breaking loose.
Well, here comes Prometheus, and at its overture it connects aliens to our creation, and then shows they are related to that creature we saw back there, decades ago, in the first Alien movie, on that chair.
The original concept (if we take from the book) had a romantic air to the message, as that was the only thing left on the alien ship, only an automated message beaming out for an undefined time, warning to never land on that moon. Then the movie created an aestethic adendum to the basic monster in the plot, and accidentaly created a Myth there.
From there on now we have the Engineers. Are they the same species that of the space jockey from the first movie? Well, might be or might not, as size differs a lot, although the ship itself is the design used on the base found in Prometheus...
The Engineers...a very bold concept here, at least as shwon in the movie. If we imagine that the planet at the beginning was our Earth, then they visited Earth millions of years ago, thus their civilization by the time the base was destroyed was already at least 2 million years old...2 million years...being around for so long implies they would be not only alien to us, but almost Godlike technologically...and yet they fell pray to their own bioweapons...ludicrous but acceptable as a dramatic tool. So the Engineers have been around for a long, long time...and suddenly after millions of years of creating Earth and other planets they resolve to kill everything...why?
Now here comes the thing...the ones on that base were killed by something. They were running, and under attack. And were killed by the dozens, while one sole survivor remains becasue they were trying to leave the planet and the ship never took off...
Well, it is obvious that the plot does involve some kind of great conflict going on, and my piece of idea here is, the ones on that moon are a faction, maybe a religious like sect, intent on undoing what their forefathers did. Their true government sent a team of soldiers and overan the base. The hologram we see is the final siege being taken to its final act, and the base and everyone there were killed, and the base was abandoned. That would explain why Earth was not targeted again. The true main Engineer civilization, millions of years old and widespread in the galaxy never wished to destroy us to begin with. Reasons for the actions of those on that moon? Well, they may be terrorists, or a rogue faction inside the greater galactic civilization they are part...
Why the conflict? Well, for beings being around for so long, who knows...the ideas and concepts are interesting and would put the whole concept very high...the implications and the possibilities are so huge.
The idea is there...the scenes at the beginning are from millions of years on our the mystery and the myth grows bigger, if well developed...
If you creat something as bold, better be prepared to move boldly with your ideas
And just to not get lost on the plot, they must put the engineers on Earth when the first proto-humans appeared, and that is around 2 millions years ago...think about it.
One more thing...being adept of bio-engineering for millions of years, the concept of loosing control of a bioweapon is a sorrowful plot excuse. So they never lost control of their facility...they were attacked and wiped out by another intelligent and as powerful force as themselves...
This is an exercise of thought...but fun to have, and the movie does entice such thoughts.
13 Replies

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 12:14 AMI have a question.
If the Engineers were the Gods of Space and Creation, why was that Space Jockey there with a hold full of eggs blasting a warning to people to stay away, especially if they wanted to destroy us in the first place? It just makes no sense at all when you compare it to Prometheus and the Engineer's apparent hatred for us. WHY WARN PEOPLE NOT TO LAND!?!?! Because if you were out to destroy an entire race of beings you created, you wouldn't BOTHER leaving a warning for anyone, right? Not even for your own people, because you'd think they knew what the Space Jockey was up to in the first place and figured out something had gone horribly wrong when they didn't hear back from him. No?
Personally I much prefer Alien as an experience, and would actually like to forget that this happened to the universe the Alien inhabits. Because it just MAKES NO DAMN SENSE AT ALL.
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberXenomorphSep-15-2012 1:41 AMVoidhawk
Very nice questions - very valid !! I just think that at this stage we need to hear those commentary (s) provided on the DVD that will be released 8/9 October this year.
For me personally it would be interesting to know who had the final say in what was going to be in the movie . Ridley ? Giler ? Hill ?
who had the final control of what prometheus was going to be about and what was these person/ people's vision ?
In aliens we have an James Cameron commentary where he explains that the marines going into lv 426 was like American soldiers going into vietnam war with very high tech gear fighting an enemy with very low tech gear and still getting beaten. This WAs a theme of the day in the mid 80's as was the protection of the species as was corporate greed as was the emancipation of woman to be treated the same way as men get the same pay as men. This was the vision cameron had when he made aliens as it relates to the movie going public in the mid 80's . Aliens was made for the people of the time it WAs made in. (yes I got that from someone else on this forum being the novice I am LOL !!)
So what's my point ? Once we have heard those commentaries on the DVD I believe we will have a much better idea of what the final vision was - at this stage looking that it might more about genetics - chemical warfare - people looking for answers to at age old problems now more than ever.
People asking why are we here - evolution remains a theory and As such both 2001 and prometheus are saying that even if evolution is the most accepted theory as to how life came about in both accounts an outside force needed to guide the process(as there is no empirical scientific proof that randon mutations can produce improved systems -otherwise evolution would no longer be a theory) - where did the energy come from that all matter is made of ?
Point is : this seems to be vision Ridley (or the person who had the final say) intended - a bunch of unanswered questions about life .
Very appropriate for the time we are living in.
If you are asking if the prometheus happens in the same universe ? To me yes : we have juggernauts - we have xenomorph like creatures - we have elephantine dressed creatures. Is there maybe a possibility that the space jockey in alien might have grown with the ship ? The ship itself maybe Explaining the ships bigger size ? This maybe why the sj and everything else was bigger ?
*angry mob starts chanting pointing their knives at me shouting kill - kill - kill *
I am just glad we have something happening that might finally answer what I have been dying to know for such a long time :
The whole sj/derelict mystery:
What WAs the xeno's created/engineered/ bred for:
Where does the genetic mutation/ ability thing the xeno's have come from :
I am however a bit concerned that Ridley will be purposefully removed from p2 - p3 to milk the mystery for every possible sent. Hope I am wrong !!
Let's wait for the DVD to come out and see if it may give us any clearer ideas.
I personally like prometheus a lot. It could be wonderful if Ridley continues .
But I just have this uneasy feeling: too much brandy too much wine (forget the beer !!!) Might completely destroy the bacons of what Ridley started..............

MemberXenomorphSep-15-2012 7:20 AM*disclaimer*
My sincerest apologies to any one who has lost a loved one during the vietnam war (and 911) . To any member having been in that war itself I can only imagine what you must have gone through.
My remarks were never meant to be detrimental in any way.
Strength be with you all !!
Best wishes !!

MemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 9:45 AMOduodu,
I saw no disrespect on your remarks and thoughts, but rather real valid observations.
Movies are made by men seeking profit and that alone would steer them into the direction of dealing with present, actual concerns of the time they were making the book/movie/series.
See Lord of the Rings...written by Tolkyen in a time when WWI was breeding and after a time, raging, it has a lot of that woven into it. (he wrote parts of it while in the trenches!)
MATRIX in a time that the hype of computers was higher than todays's (that is a trend that comes and goes anyway)
Biotech has been an increasing theme into science fiction. Granted Alien in its original installment did it not purposely....I really think Giger and his aesthetics played an interesting trick, making a simple plot support image inspire so much of our imagination (weird images - ancient mysteries - giants - maddening atmosphere are recipes for that. Lovecraft knew this long time ago).
That plot support became more and more, after the movie success, in my personal case being even more interesting than the space bug, which in the end could be managed with proper action and equipment (even on Aliens, they had what, a few dozen marines. Put it there real numbers and a real commander, with real soldiers intead of a bunch of kids with angst and weapons, and the bugs would have been zapped...or not, but it would not have been the slaughter we saw. Equipment wise, the Sentry Robots were efficient enough IF they had enough ammo).
Biotech has been really visited with Babylon5, as the major antagonist races used living ships, and Earth itself in its distant future also embraced that technology.
I recall Dallas saying, when he saw the alien corpse in the derelict craft, that it seemed to have grown from the chair...the whole ship is more of a living thing, but the movie did not especify if it was organic in nature or just imitating organic forms...
Many good science fiction authors put organic, living ships into play (see Peter F Hamilton's Night's Dawn Trilogy Edenist technology...and how much more powerful than Adamic - conventional - tech it was)
We see the chair embrances fully the pilot, and that explains the seemingly growth...but that limits who is going to use the ship, it is not? The pilot from the original bomber would never be able to fly the Juggernaut in Prometheus, unless they could grow a new chair for him/her/it). And indeed the whole ship was somewhat smaller.
Personally I like the movie, but I dislike making the Engineers being the Space Jockey species. I would much love it if they, in the second movie, show Shaw accessing the Juggernaut's database and gets to see the whole holographic recording from the base...and discovers that all Engineers were running from Giant Real Space Jockeys hot in their pursuit....the punitive expedition force against a terrorist species intent on destroying and mutating things....
My, I like wild things...and those Space Jockeys would be running side by side with the real Xenos, allies against the ones trying to mutate and corrupt their own kind (which could be as benevolent or better than the original Space Jockeys ^^)
Why the good guys must be all shiny and cute??? The heroes could be the original xenos against the terrible, evil engineers).
I agree the real direction is in RS's mind, and even then it will be dictated by studio's final will as they are the ones giving the budget, but while that cmes we can always especulate, and even trip a bit.
And I still wonder...Earth was never attacked, so that leads to a boring "Everyone is Long Dead" route ( much old sf cliche), or they could go innovative and send Shaw into a thriving, advanced civilization spawning the galaxy, but maybe still locked into battle with splinter cultures/sects with weird visions of life and destruction, one of those being the ones stopped in their intent on that lonely moon...
I really think that they took a too ambitious routing putting the Space Jockeys/Engineers as the creators of at least the proto-humans (Earth, at least where those images came from, devoid of even plantt life...that makes me shudder, for it would put Engineers billions of years old...please that not! They would have been long evolved into something we cannot imagine)
They should put them on Earth just some millions years ago, able to induce proto-humans into something better. But that is also a lot. A civilization that old would be something...staggering.
I myself would prefer having seen them into 35.000 years ago coming to teach and help...but that is not the case, and it does create already a base plot which complicates things a lot. To save such blunder they would have to resort to a universe where light speed was the maximum and their ships would take millenia to traverse the galaxy. That would stall and make a civilization millions of years old manageable and fun into the story...but that is not the case, as their ships do use FTL of some kind, hypersleep there because this FTL is not instantaneous but still takes them where they go in a C+ speed (that is on the book and on the first Alien...the Nostromo was FTL and yet slower than main line ships, a slow tug in Dallas own words, the slow speed caused by the necessity of the Nostromo drive to envelop the refinery they were taking to Earth and the ore it was carrying)
Ah, many plot complications....
I know, as in the heat of creating a story we sometimes overdo a certain part, which seems fun, but then create complications to the overall plan...I did that on my own stories and now I have to deal with the complications it creates.
One would think great studios would not do that, but at times they a way underestimating their own viewers...

MemberXenomorphSep-15-2012 9:59 AMVoidhawk
Great post
What do you think of the whole canon thing ?
Do you write for a living ?

MemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 10:14 AMAh, I am about to leave for a meeting so I will answer you Oduodu later about the canon...
But I will add what the book says on that as well, it is canon anyway...
As for writing, I do have a story cooking (science fiction, and damn, it does touch what Prometheus deals with, but in a different way. I am working on it long before Prometheus came about so no guilt there - I even ordered a model of the main character 3 years ago...helps thinking ^^ I found a way to explain in a feasible way the tricky Age Old civilization advance stage subject and the thing about medling with humans in the past by the way...)
My posted stories so far are on the fanfic field, with a major crossover/alternate reality story being my main one. As a anime fan I took a comedy show I love and mixed it with many other animes and Stargate...and made it drama, not comedy. Strange enough it came into taste of the readers, but to be consistent with a major crossover is really a dauting task. I am able to deal with it up to now tough...but I am picky and that slows my writing to an extent ^^ )
Anyway I like to read, draw and think...and it is fun to put all that into words and play ^^
My own signature/pic here is part of my original story.
If you want to read my work so far send me a message and I send you the link...I will not post it here to not seem like being advertising my own stuff ^^
Later I will post my thoughts about the canon Alien

MemberDeaconSep-15-2012 11:14 AMVery Interesting debate.
And a plot with comments that contradict and add to the confusion, they dont help us when we try and piece things together.
Maybe a Clue is in the name.... PROMETHEUS.....
You see if we imagine these Engineers and Elders come from a far far away place and have seeded more than just Earth, but they knew about Earth and had came back to leave us clues that lead to LV 223.
Why if this place is just a death camp?
If the Home World Engineers/Elders had given the go ahead to create a military base on LV 223 and the command to have us wiped out 2000 years ago.
Then you have the question as to surely how long would the Home World Engineer wait with no reply from the Outpost on LV 223 for the outcome of their mission.
I would imagine they would be like..... "erm.... its been a while since we heard from Bob, i wonder how they got on with wiping out those pesky ungrateful Humans?"
Also the date of the Downfall of LV 223 was about 2000 years ago, but we do not know about its creation...
We see the Cave Painting was like 35'000 years old and thus if they created this clue that long ago to lead us to LV 223 which they then 33'000 years latter was planning a mission from LV 223 to wipe us out from leaving that base to Earth with Cargo Ships carrying Bio Weapons.... then why invite us to LV 223 in the first place?
Also if they left clues to LV 223 35'000 years ago surely LV 223 was up and running in some shape or form back then? And if it had the Urns on LV 223 for that long or at least much much longer than 2000 years how come they seem to not suffer no outbreaks from such a dangerous Bio Weapon right until the time they planed to set off with this Weapon.
A lot makes no sense....
[b]Why invite us to LV 223 with a clue in a cave painting 35'000 years ago?[/b]
[b]Why did a Advanced Race fail to control the Bio Weapon what happened to safe guards?[/b]
[b]How did that one Engineer survive?[/b]
[b]How come the Derelict had Eggs not Urns and crashed on LV 223 within a few hundred years of the downfall of LV 223?[/b]
[b]And why have the other Engineers from the Home World not come to see what happened to LV 223 or Earth, if they had any knowledge of our creation etc?[/b]
Maybe the Sacrificial Scenes purpose was not to create Mankind? Maybe it was to create life, if this scene was many many Millions of Years ago and the concept appears to show Evolution leading from the seeding by the Engineer to life forms evolving into a Amphibious Organism (Ichthyostega) that climbs from the Water to the Land.
Ridley hinted that Engineers had visited us since and given us upgrades?
Could it be that Evolution from the Engineers seed to mankind could never have occurred without the Engineers coming back and then doing more experiments to alter the lifeforms on Earth to then bring about mankind?
What i am saying is what if the original plan was to not create mankind?
But then a rogue set of Engineers had decided to go ahead at some point in time and further manipulate the life on Earth by further means that then led to Mankind.
Thus the Engineers who originally seeded Earth, had no knowledge of Mankind because a fraction of them went ahead without consent and then decided to tamper with the created life forms on that world to create a Race in their own image.
This Rogue Fraction then set up a outpost on LV 223 and created us so eventually we would worship them, as maybe these Engineers was fed up of carrying out tasks of their creators/Elders and wanted to well create something to work for them and worship them.
These Engineers from LV 223 then visited us, teached us stuff and had us worship them. They created a Paradise on LV 223 they set up temples and monuments such as the Giant Head Statue.
Maybe one day LV 223 would be a Paradise where mankind could join and live with their creators.
But over time, the Human Race started to evolve spiritually and mentally, where they started to see themselves as special and a powerful race who do not need to bow down to Gods.
Just as maybe this fraction of Engineers decided they did not have to ad-ear to the Governs and Control of the Elders and saw themselves as just as important and Godlike, maybe Mankind started to see its self in the same way and questioned why does mankind have to abide by the Gods the Engineers.
Thus mankind started to have less respect and decided to not follow or see these Engineer Gods as more supreme to them.
At this point the Engineers got upset at how we had become and we offended them, and they tried to put us right by sending down messengers etc, but mankind was not being as subservient as they wanted and behaving and doing things against the Gods/Engineers will.
This is when the Engineers had enough and decided to wipe out mankind, and this is when they changed the Paradise set up for us into a Bio Weapons lab, in which they created or re-weaponized something on LV 223 to be used to destroy us.
With the fail safe that should any Humans survive or should their mission fail, eventually mankind would stumble upon the supposed Paradise Invitation that has now been changed to a Weapons Factory and Storage Facility and thus would prove a deadly trap for mankind if they find it having survived any attempt to wipe us out.
The mission failed as well using the Secrets of the Elders to seed life, they used this and stolen it from them to then change the life on Earth into servants in their own image. They then also used the secrets to mess about with a deadly Organism and this was playing too far with the FIRE that then BURNT them.
Maybe Sabotage occurred, and maybe the Last Engineer was one of those who did something to put a stop into the plans of the Engineers to wipe out mankind.
As lets face it, if he wanted us dead also, then why not set off a few hundred years after the original mission failed due to outbreak? If he wanted us dead then why abort the mission and why then go into cryo sleep only to then once awoken by us to then decide to go and wipe us out?
To me he did not seem very aggressive to start, he seemed actually intrigued by the crew and especially Shaw, and the full scene had back and forth Dialog between the Engineer and David.
He would have seen that the old and frail Weyland apeared to be the head of the group and by his ordering to silence Shaws questions, showed he had little care about his fellow crew and only his own agenda. It was then when David relayed what Weyland had came here for that the Engineer flipped.
Shaw wanted to know why we was created, why we was then to be destroyed and maybe how come that never happened and the Engineer never carried on with the mission.
But he would have gathered from Weyland that all he wanted to do was gain the secrets of creation and also to prolong his own life, and having seen that Weyland had played God by creating David, the Engineer would then had known that mankind is corrupt and has a God Complexion. And then knowing what kind of Agenda some of mankind would have and now they have proven they know how to get to LV 223.
Simply put mankind could not be allowed to get its hands on the FIRE and secrets contained upon LV 223 and as only the last Engineer in this side of the Galaxy and maybe the last of their kind who know about the creation of mankind, he knew that if he did not stop us now then once he was gone, mankind would be free to come to LV 223 and use what ever secrets to further their own Race and replace the Engineers as Gods...
Thus simply put maybe the Elders on the Home World do not know about LV 223 or that mankind was created as well Mankind was what was made via the stealing of the FIRE from the Gods.
And Stealing is basically taking or using something that does not belong to you without the owners permission. Most people who steal, do so in the hope that who they have stolen from will not know who and how and where they was stolen from.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 5:17 PMInteresting post and actually there are good theories that I have read on these forums, for example we do not know if the Engineers are a large civilization in the presents of Shaw and David ... so there may be a reason for creating mankind, besides is the fact that we are almost identical to them. At the same time we do not know how they reproduce (because we have not seen females yet) then we may be a life insurance policy to prevent its own extinction or even as a harvest.
In fact I wonder if .... Are we their unique clones in the Universe?
The causes of our destruction can be:
-They are unhappy with us and they want to start all over again. (or even just make modifications)
-They want to collect our DNA as if we were a simple crop.
-They want to use us to create an army, transporting the black goo, to fight against another enemy faction (like their creators, or the Elder)
-We killed one of his emissaries 2000 years ago, LOL.
The only thing we know for now is that "Sometimes, In Oder To Create, You Must First Destroy" and actually at the scene of panspermia, the Engineer must destroy himself to create life.

MemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 8:59 PMOk,
Onto the Canon...I cannot say anything without referring to the book, and when doing so the real canon would be the Director's Cut, where we really see the action as it happened in the book, and the terrible scene when Ripley do find where the missing crew are and the part when Dallas, inside an egg, asks Ripley to kill him.
I saw some here trying to reasoning that this would not prevent the Queen thing, but I fail to see that. What the cut scenes did is show that the creature was a shark, autonomous and intent on breeding only. A true alien creature, nor male nor female and very smart, but not as smart as a human, but enough to be very dangerous. Trully alien, especially the fact is has no need to male/female interaction, but just the vessels to be used to breed. A bioweapon designed to be autonomous and fast spreading.
There was no Queen on the derelict ship. Both book and movie depicts what the crew see as a cargo hold of sorts, with its cargo shrowded by an stasis field and that was the key terrible thing, as the tech used was too good, keeping the cargo ripe even after millenia of the ship crashing there. They know it has been sitting there for a long time, but not sure how long, as both movie and book are not clear on that, just especulating they have been there " for a long time"
the space jockey emanating a timeless tragic mishap (space jockey with no capitals was then just a scenery tool to add to the movie).
So the original movie ties a lot better to the Prometheus movie, as we see from where such bioweapons came from, and in this Ridley Scott has a chance to move away from all later sequels and create something better, more interesting in my opinion than what we see in later movies.
I fail to be interested on all that Queen hype. I dislike the concept, and it actually took a bit off the interesting elements from the original Alien, also taking off a bit of its originality (Queen, hive structure, ants are coming! Away is the interesting new concept from the original book/movie, replacing it for a more cliche sf action plot, filled with terrible Alien Queens and simple minded, stupid marines trying to act like tough men while doing only stupid things...and that concept was not in the original story, and could not be accomodated on the Director's cut version which is a more faithful version of the story.
Movies based on books cannot stand by themselves, because they ARE based on books. viewers will WANT to see a very faithful version of a given story and not some wild adaptation, unless the movie already says it is just based on a given story, not bound by it. LotR is a huge success because it is an almost transposition of the books (I wish that was a trend on movies, in order to avoid loosing so many good ideas for cheap afternoon movie sessions).
So Canon Alien could be the first movie as it was intended to be. All else for me was really uninteresting and actually took off a lot of the mystery and charm from the first movie and all the new, original concept it had.
***This is my opinion, as we are exchanging ideas. I am not saying I am the holder of truth...but I do explain my point with reasoning and analysis of the plot and ideas***
Aliens was ok by itself, but it was an action movie based around Ripley, which did grew larger tha the movie in the end, but then they HAD to create the Alien Queen to justify the clash of two females beaiting the hell of the " tough guys" who were " a bunch of kids"...were the movie made with a different approach, and not taking away the originality of the first alien bugs, THAT could have been a nice sequel and all...but it was an action movie and thats that, while the first Alien is a thriller/horror/science fiction movie, way superior on that it was original and delivered a nearly lovecraftian feel to the movie (a daunting thing as any readers of Lovecraft do know)
I really can't delve further on the other movies, as I did saw them, but got increasingly disgusted by the way things were, and I think I am not the only one as Ridley Scott himself seems to have implied the desire to step away from the old franchise, which I think got lost fast after Aliens (that one included)
He would not be clear on that...mind you he needs the studio, and would not critizise it openly, but after endorsing the book it would be strange to also support wholeheartdly the sequels, maybe doing so only to try and have a new go into this and then try to get it right this time.
This is my view all right, and some flametrowers might be readying to my direction, but first and foremost I am a science fiction fan, and not an Alien Fan only, and that leads to the fact I can't overlook wrong things (my opinion) and ignore a good work in favor to something not done properly.
And about the plot on Prometheus now...if they had good science fiction advising there I think they might have gone away from he billion years intervention idea...that is something few authors would do in the way done here, and such a plot might become absurd and umnageable, or just becoming absurd by simply overlooking time spans of b i l l i o n s or m i l l i o n s of years, which could make this movie a good entertainment thing but an absurd and terrible science fiction story.
Yes you could have aliens coming to Earth billion of years in the past and creating life, but not in the way they have done here...not by far if you want a good science fiction story. They could have even been Xenos, coming to seed Earth with life, a fully technological species, benevolent and powerful, coming to seed life among the stars, and thus becoming the Gods of many species, which try to emulate the Ancient Ones that spread life in the Galaxy then went away, evolving beyond us all and leaving their imaging behind only behind on extremelly advanced remains, that could not even been actually understood, but that would show the migthy spreaders of life....THAT would have been great to see...

MemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 9:25 PMIt is very likely that we will not see anything about the Xenomorphs (Spin-off) but even if we saw it I really doubt that the Queen is necessary because the original life cycle consists in a victim inside a cocoon to become an egg. Also we already know that it takes thousands of years Derelict on LV-426. And therefore that this is no longer necessary to explain the origin of the Xenomorphs. The Deacon was only a subtle response to that and We don't know if eggs are part of the life cycle of this new creature (since it is a new species) but I agree with expand this new concept that Scott has created rather than return to the monotony.

MemberDeaconSep-16-2012 10:55 AMI respect that not everyone is not keen on the Queen or Aliens, that just a question of choice and everyone has different tastes.
I guess had Ridley left the deleted scenes in Alien then it would maybe had left that process as a option to explore rather than introduce the Queen.
We dont see a Queen on the Derelict but then we also dont see what happened to the Chest Buster that got from the Space Jockey.
As i said before Snorky had a idea and that if the Xeno was the perfect organism the deleted scene showed it would cocoon its victims so it can reproduce, thus would had resulted in either a Host and Eggs and thus 2 Xeno Organisms or two Eggs in which would lay dormant until a Host came across them.
Snorky had a theory that what if one was a Egg and a Host that would create a Queen then this Organism could then truly procreate on a larger scale.
To me the Queen and the Egg Mutation are both not ideal for a Bio Weapon.
The Original Xeno was... The original as far as not including deleted scenes, was simply born from the Egg as Face Hugger that then infected a Host and then ran around killing the other Humans and then eventually maybe it would die.
This would make a perfect Weapon.
A Weapon that however can create Eggs after Eggs via a Queen or that then can change the population to Eggs... Well they are not ideal as a Bio Weapon.
It is flawed...
You see the best Weapon we have is the NUKE.... if the USA is so fed up off Iran or say Iran is fed up of Israel then Iran just Nukes Israel off the Map... no more Israeli Jews.
But then how does the Palestine or other Muslims benefit from the land, because the lands would be polluted for hundreds of years and thus no use to no one.
The only advantage of a Nuke is to kill in mass numbers and that then renders the area you Nuke as useless as far as living off that land.
And the Xeno that can procreate well is the same.
Yes we killed off the pesky humans.... but then what oh now the Earth is full of even more deadly Xeno Eggs...
As a Bio Weapon is its flawed like a Nuke unless the purpose is to purely kill and not want to then use the land that the original occupants had.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconSep-16-2012 11:13 AM[b]-They are unhappy with us and they want to start all over again. (or even just make modifications)[/b]
Maybe but then surely the Goo would create a world of deadly Organisms, we dont know what advantage this would give the Engineers unless they simply want to destroy.
[b]-They want to collect our DNA as if we were a simple crop.[/b]
This i think is a very long winded idea, we already see that a outbreak of the Goo or Xeno or Organisms created via the Goo wreaked havoc on the Engineers on LV 223 how would they control and obtain our DNA from the effects of the Black Goo in the Urns.
Now if the Urns contained the same as the Sacrificial Bowl then yes that would work as it would break down all humans into a substance that contains our DNA.
[b]-They want to use us to create an army, transporting the black goo, to fight against another enemy faction (like their creators, or the Elder)[/b]
Again they had trouble more than once in containing and control of Xeno Organisms and similar created via the Substance in the Urns.
I think by collecting a Army of Xenos would indeed pose more of a threat to wipe themselves out before they even got this Army to the location of the Enemy
The Space Jockey deemed the Cargo of Eggs to dangerous and warned his fellow brothers to keep clear as one escaped sure thats a sign to show this Weapon is far to hard to handle.
The outbreak on LV 223 again shows even re-weaponized its not a ideal Bio Weapon and one that potentially poses as much threat to those who wish to use it as well as those they wish to use it up on.
[b]-We killed one of his emissaries 2000 years ago, LOL.[/b]
Maybe but i think this hint is that the Engineers or a fraction created us for some reason and maybe for company or servants and we worshiped them, but once we started to not worship the Engineers as Gods and once we started to go around and do things that was against what the Engineer/Gods wanted us to do, this offended them.
They may had sent down emissaries and the like to get us to change the way we are behaving and to get us to worship them again, but this failed and so they deemed it necessary to wipe us out.
These Engineers i feel had taken the Engineering of life to far and created a Organism and Life that is so much like themselves and intelligent that there was always the risk that we would become self sufficient and we would rebel and no longer accept these Engineers as our Gods.
Pretty much similar to say Rise of the Planet of the Apes...
Maybe the Elders would had known that this could happen and maybe it was forbidden...
Which is maybe why a Fraction on LV 223 went and further Evolved the life on Earth to create a race in their likeness and thus Mankind of which is forbidden by the Elders.
And thus the Engineers on LV 223 had stolen the FIRE of the Elders to create us, and then they further used that FIRE to re-weaponize a age old Bio Weapon into a more manageable way of storing and deployment only this playing with the forbidden FIRE was playing with the FIRE too much and ultimately got them burnt.
Something like this would fit the PROMETHEUS Myth and cover the Plot Hole like how come the Elders from the Home World have not come to see why they have not heard from outpost LV 223 and its mission to destroy us.
Because maybe they dont know about us or LV 223 because our creation was the Stealing of their Fire.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
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