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Rothman 'finally' forced out at FOX....

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MemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 1:56 AM
...thanks for all the unwanted memories and good feckin' riddance!!,0,3201671.story Now perhaps we can REALLY look forward to Prometheus 2. :-)
9 Replies


MemberXenomorphSep-15-2012 6:51 AM
RoaryUK62 I take it you didn't like Rothman very much !! May I ask why ? I am extremely interested in knowing why there is seemingly so much apathy against fox. And brandywine. Look the forum rules stipulates not talking badly against any member of fox (and brandywine) and I am not saying that's what your doing RoaryUK62. I am just trying to get behind why there is members/ staff (seemingly) that has feelings sometimes bordering on the verge of something maybe from complete unhappiness to (maybe) disdain for fox and brandywine ? Or is it just me ?

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerSep-15-2012 8:18 AM
Huh, interesting story. Knowing this now it makes it all the more impressive that Ridley Scott was able to maintain his integrity and get the R rating and make an (unpopular) sci-fi film a success. But i do seem to recall Ridley originally wanting a bigger budget for Prometheus? Is that right? This might explain why it got cut down to $130 million. Seems like it worked out for the best, though.. turned out to be a great film and didn't need anymore budget and as a result it's a financial success.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphSep-16-2012 10:38 AM
So it would be safe to assume that he was one of the main people responsible for most of the many terrible films, from the 90s and 00s. It seems to me, that he held back on budgets that the filmmakers needed in order to make their films exactly the way they wanted and then they wonder why so many of the films are flops. Maybe it's a good thing that he's gone then?.... Time will tell.

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphSep-16-2012 7:31 PM
I actually had to go and read the forum rules to see for myself that we are not allowed to talk badly about fox or brandywine...I never noticed that one before. Fox is a big and powerful company and can handle one on the chin once in a while. If they produce junk, most of us are going to say so. I do not think that Prometheus is Junk for say, but if they made Ridley cut his film to suit their purposes...Ima gonna be pissed. I was not impressed by the film and if it was indeed "ruined" by Rothmans desire to increase quarterly profits during his watch...than good riddance to him. We the people who spend our hard earned money to go and see the films, buy the dvds, purchase the games and read the books, have every right to be critical of fox and voice our opinions about them...If they decide to go the cheap route, they are going to hear about it..and they need to. Maybe Rothmans removal is just what the doctor ordered.
ALL generalizations are WRONG!


MemberXenomorphSep-16-2012 11:06 PM
Fan Is this not more proof that Ridley actually had very little choice in how the movie was made ? And even if he did wasn't this the only way he could have satisfied fox ? I will continue to support RS but I am just beginning to wonder how much say he actually had. What exactly is brandywines relationship with fox and who owns the alien trademark ? does a depiction of a xenomorph on. A wall mean copyright infringement? What about the deacon. Is Ridley perhaps trying to tell the story of the xeno's (amongst other things) without actually showing us one ? What about the depiction of facehoggers ? Is it also. A trademark of fox / brandywine

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerSep-17-2012 10:58 AM
I think it's pretty clear that Ridley made the film that he wanted to make. It doesn't seem like much studio interference was at play (at least not anymore than the usual budgeting constraints). It may or may not have been Ridley's idea to hire Lindelof, but the point is this: Ridley approved everything that Lindelof came up with. They ironed out the story together. And I personally think it rocks. My understanding was that Fox wasn't interested in this series unless Ridley was on board. So why would they insist on him being in control and then not allow him free reign? I think it's clear that Ridley has gained a reputation that demands that he be in control of his pictures. And I don't think he would have [i]done[/i] Prometheus if he hadn't had complete control... [quote][url=]Source[/url] [b]I don’t want to spoil anything with your answer, but this film opens a lot of doors that are not answered, and you have. My question is how far have you thought? Or have you talked to Damon (Lindelof) about where the possibility of a sequel will go? Have you already opened those doors in terms of you already know where these answers are and it’s just a matter of making it or are you sort of like ‘We will think about that a little bit assuming the movie is a hit. Let’s talk later.’[/b] “It’s a bit of each. You do a bit of each and I’ve opened the doors. I know where it’s going. I know that to keep him alive is essential and to keep her alive is essential and to go where they came from, not where I came from, is essential. That’s a pretty open door and then rather than going to that, I don’t see landing in a place that looks like paradise, that’s not how it’s going to be. There is a plan, yeah.” [b]How important is it for you to be directly involved as a director in that?[/b] “Totally. I develop everything. I do. I learned that a long time ago. It’s never going to land on your desk, you have to come up with what you want to do with the story and I think sometimes it can take two or three years. I want to do a western really badly and I think I’ve got a western this morning, finally after two and a half years of talking and writing and talking and I think I have it, which is kind of interesting. And then the evolution of writing it… Have you written a book? Try writing a book. That’s difficult. Writing a screenplay is like writing a book, it’s that simple. You’ve got a blank page and that’s it, a blank page and then you go from there and everyone has their own method. I know some start here and end here and I’m good with writers. I think I would never try to write. I’ve written two or three screenplays before, but I wouldn’t do it. It takes too long. The time it would take me to write a screenplay it would take me the time to make two films. I would rather make the movies and I’m a better moviemaker than a writer.”[/quote]


MemberXenomorphSep-17-2012 2:51 PM
Patient leach Thanks for answering !! "Ridley approved everything that Lindelof came up with." Thanks - then RS is very much the "visionbearer" for prometheus. May I ask your opinion : Why if Ridley is moving away from the xenomorph (his vision according to some people or has he stated so ?)do we have a movie containing thousands of ampules containing goo turning people into xenomorph type creatures ? Why not tell us the story of the engineers forgetting the xeno's ? I remember Ridley saying something to the effect of :" who is the sj - who is his people - he being one of his kind - what is his cargo - what is its purpose." (not exact wording ) how does a movie happening 2200 years after the crash of the derelict tell me the space jockeys story? How will p2 and p3 tell me his story ? Wiil the whole of p3 be about a holographic recording showing me about how the sj gets facehugged How does prometheus tell me the story of his people ? My point is : it doesn't sound like the vision he originally alluded to .

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerSep-17-2012 5:43 PM
Well, I don't know the exact wording that Ridley used when he made those statements, but it was also probably a long time ago. I think we [i]have[/i] learned a little bit about who the Space Jockey was (and we'll probably learn a lot more in the sequels).


MemberXenomorphSep-17-2012 9:26 PM
Patient leach Hopefully
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