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digital dowload, im confused....

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MemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 3:45 AM
i saw on a site that the dvd/blu ray will be available next month but downloads from itunes and the like will be available the 18th of this month. is that true? and if so, my main question is will it have the extra footage in the download and all of the behind the scenes and stuff that the dvd/blu ray will have on it? i noticed a lot of downloads don't include any of those extras, if that is the case id rather not waste the money and wait till next month.
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]
15 Replies


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 3:54 AM
@Bella, That's right, and I have to say I haven't seen anything about any extras attached to it. I myself am going to wait until the Blu ray is in the dollar bin at my local JB Hi Fi store (shouldn't take long for it to get there either I'm guessing ;-) )
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 4:12 AM
HA dollar bin, my favorite place to rummage! ugh well that sucks then, im still mad about paying to see a movie in a theater with scenes cut out i don't need to drop money on a download of the same thing. thats the only reason i even buy dvd/blu ray anymore, i enjoy watching interviews ad behind the scenes stuff more then the actual movies. like now im trying to score a cheep copy of punpkinhead 20th anniversary edition since it has audio commentary and over an hour of featurettes.
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 4:24 AM
I know, I was stoked when I got the Alien DVD box set with all the extras and deleted scenes and makings-of, it just expands everything and increases interest. It did for me anyways, but it can be a double edged sword too.......... Less can definitely be more sometimes, and I very much doubt that any of the extras on a Prometheus DVD/Bluray will really shed any more light on something that is pretty well full in the sun at midday................................
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 4:33 AM
ooooo i might have to go shopping for this box set.... *opens amazon tab*
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 5:05 AM
The Blu Rays are apparently better quality visually, and have the same extra features as the DVDs do, should be as cheap as a DVD by now too I imagine..........
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 5:48 AM
i think they are about the same now. man i miss vhs releases, they were always waaaay cheaper then dvds. i kept choosing them all the way up until they stopped making them. i remember when they started phasing out beta max tapes like that too..... now i feel really old :/
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 6:41 AM
I was around when those things were first RELEASED :-S I remember actually hassling my parents about getting a Beta machine instead of a VHS because they looked better, but they were too expensive at the time........ That and there weren't many movies being released in that format........... I DO remember seeing Empire Strikes Back on Beta though. Awesome times :-D
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 7:33 AM
i miss my beta max! the tapes were smaller and better quality then vhs, but they started phasing them out. our local movie rental shop kept getting a smaller and smaller beta section until it was just gone :/ then my parents finally got a vhs player. they didnt get anything until it was out for so long the price went way down. remember when dvd players were 500 bucks!? now you can get them in toy stores for 20 bucks lol. i have boxes and boxes of tapes but i think my parents put them outside for storage at their house so im not sure if they may be damaged from heat, cold moisture... i dont know if any of those would mess them up. i have Jurassic park, alien, aliens, and lots of other cool tapes. i need to get a cheep player fro ma thrift store and see if they still work.
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


MemberFacehuggerSep-15-2012 8:13 AM
Logically it should be exactly the same as the blu ray - everything. Because who would want to buy just the film if the blu ray was going to be much more?! But then again I have seen people watch this film over and over in the cinema so I might be wrong :P ! Anyway its my understanding that the ultraviolet copy is $5 cheaper thats all the difference surely ?!

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberXenomorphSep-15-2012 8:51 AM
I love videotape/videoplayer more sometimes then DVD because it sometimes just feel. "warmer" -especially the sound.


MemberDeaconSep-15-2012 10:11 AM
I would be tempted to download it if it was like $10 as i gonna get Blue-Ray anyway, but at the price it is, well i may as well wait a month longer to have the Blue-Ray with lots of goodies.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-16-2012 2:19 AM
Digital Download just feels like a scam... sure it the rage right now but I like to have my media in my hands and not be dependent on some data center.


MemberOvomorphSep-16-2012 4:30 PM
yes i remember good old beta-max....they were better quality and the tapes was smaller and the machines as well...i have no idea why they phased them out....and it is funny how long movies took back then before you could actually rent them...(or maybe it just felt longer because i was a kid?)....and in my country you could not actually buy the movies back then...they were only available on rental...i did manage to copy a few...but you needed 2 video machines and cables and sometimes the copy would come out a it was illegal i would stare throught my window expecting the cops to show... But i never distributed the was my own little private collection that i only showed to my bes-test buddies ....and I could watch a movie a million times without ever getting bored....Alien, Back to the future, Poltergeist 1 and 2, raiders of the lost arc, Indiana Jones and the temple of doom, E.T.....i worshipped steven spielburg as a kid!


MemberOvomorphSep-16-2012 8:11 PM
+1 @ patch kat yeah we're here to help you. Im a big physical media stalwart...blu ray has won me over (the video/audio quality is not even close to being matched by streaming/other delivery methods at this time, shelf-life and reliability are an improvement over dvd (obviously fidelity is a massive leap forward from dvd), the price point has dropped dramatically if you know how and where to shop for blu rays, and to top it all off...i have the film etc. in my grubby little hands.). cant wait for 10.11.12.


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 8:45 AM
@Juxtapose haha!! my parents used to do that. they would hook up an old video camera to the vcr and record rental movies that way since we didn't have 2 vhs machines. it was for our private use also. we had a HUGE cabinet full of copies. we were poor folk and new movies weren't very cheep back then. oh gawd i DO remember movies taking forever to come out, i remember some movies taking an entire year to come out on tape after the theatrical release, and movies stayed in the theater for waaaay longer then they do now. disney movies like lion king and aladin seemed to take the longest for some reason.
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]
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