Prometheus might become canon only to ALIEN in the DC because of 1 line....
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MemberOvomorphSep-16-2012 5:03 AMAppologies if I have insulted some folks recently. I’m angry because I’m passionate about my favourite franchise. Now I really wish I hadn’t seen the deleted scenes. Here’s why.
In the deleted scenes( and I really hope they don’t include all in the director’s cut) Holloway now LITERALLY says about halfway in the movie (I’m 100% this scene takes place AFTER they’ve visited the temple, Shaw and Hollowhead are on the Prometheus, he's lying on a couch like Kate Winslett in Titanic You can clearly see he's disappointed...still can't believe it...I was so wrong):
“WE CAME HERE TO TALK TO THEM HONEY, REMEMBER,[size=200] IT CHANGES NOTHING[/size][i][/i]” (*he even makes hand gestures, waving his arms like a little child*)
Dude, so we should forget the WHOLE thing? IT REALLY DOESN’T MATTER AT ALL??????? Why *sshole? WHY? He completely contradicts himself here. AND he’s one of our main characters, it’s impossible to ignore this statement.
Can anyone else see this[size=100] GIANT, MASSIVE, ULTIMATE HOLE IN THE PLOT IN THE HISTORY OF CINEMA???[/size]
*Hollowhead, a company man from Weyland nows says that they knew sth about them...Well, guess we can forget about ALIENS, ALIEN 3, ALIEN RESURRECTION then, because Weyland -Yutani calls Ripley a moron when she tells the story that happened in ALIEN, she even gets upset about it. "All this this BS, you can kiss all that goodbye, and in ALIENS they only sent a rescue mission because they couldn't believe her. Prometheus only logically ties in with AlIEN."Crew expendable".
How in the world are they going to fix this???? I can’t see where this story is going to be honest…. Prometheus 2? HAH…complete bollocks of a story that will be if they let this scene in.
Holloway killed off the myth all by himself…
Ridley let Lindeloffhead rip off the franchise he started himself...
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!
46 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 9:16 AMWhy does everyone assume there were psychological tests in the first place? It's not a NASA mission. It's a privately funded mission to save the life of an eccentric narcissist who wants immortality. He needed guinea pigs that would do insane shit. Not totally sane people that wouldn't put themselves in harms way for the mission. I'm sure certain people like Weyland's "crew" towards the end and the mission security had psych tests but as far as the rest of the crew I'm sure they were hand picked for their faults instead of their attributes. Weyland saw Shaw's faith as a tool...He saw Holloway's ego as a tool...He saw Fifield's anti-social behavior as a tool...

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 9:20 AMOh, and @Gimmieafacehug...They were DELETED SCENES for a reason. I know everyone thinks or thought that the deleted scenes would save the film in their eyes or completely change it for the better or give us all the answers but they're not going to. I've said it a million times and I'll say it a million more, I've never seen a deleted scene that Ridley took out of his own free will, without the influence or orders of others, that would have made any of his films "better." By "better" I mean in the overall sense.

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 9:25 AMWell I still liked the deleted scene and don't really mind them on the release.
Effing hate Weyland. . . should be left out from whole movie since I hate him so much. . .
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MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 10:39 AM@Gimme
As someone else has pointed out to you the actress in Titanic is called Kate Winslet, not Celine Dion. That's a pretty basic error which you even had chance to think about it in your response. Minus 1 movie trivia marks to you.
Secondly, stop just mindlessly yelling "he said it changes nothing!" Is your argument seriously that "the character doesn't care so why should the audience care?" because if it is then I whole-heartedly disagree. You're not even entitled to your opinion on this one because you're just wrong. Remember Hudson in Aliens...."17 days, we're not going to last 17 hours." Pessimistic characters are nothing new in movies so please do us a favour and get over your little rant.

MemberTrilobiteSep-17-2012 10:45 AMThe deleted scene shows how much Holloway is majorly disappointed that after he and Shaw discovered all the pictograms they were led to "Just another tomb". He wanted to meet his maker, ask questions, discover the truth to his and mankinds purpose, destiny, reason for being and he was denied this beacuse he believed them all to be dead. He believed all they had discovered was just another hypothetical dead end.
That is what he meant by "It changes nothing." In his view no were no answers, no revelation, no meeting with our creators our gods, just an empty tomb that proved nothing and changed nothing.
The scene actually holds more gravity later on when Weyland says to Shaw after she learns that an Engineer still lives - "What would Charlie do now that we're so close to answering the most meaningful questions ever asked by mankind? How can you leave without knowing what they are?" Shaw is spurned on by her own faith and that of Holloway's to discover the truth, ask the questions.
Holloway's statement doesn't unravel the movie or its drive, its motivation it actually gives it credence, purpose.

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 11:11 AM^^^ What they said above!!
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 1:21 PMI was going to post a " Those stupid scientists!" thread but much of what I wanted to say has been said here.
Nowhere in Prometheus did I hear that these were the best minds money could buy, on the contrary that statement was conspicuous by its absence. These people were flawed, weak and arrogant, which was quite efficient for putting them in harms way and atypical of the heroic scientist stereotype. I don't think Fifield was even a geologist.
I would have been perfectly happy with the classic personalities but I'm just as happy with these more realistic depictions of humans in way over their heads. They screw up, they die. The AI watches with interest. Shaw turns out to be the only one with any pluck. Sound familiar?
Of course they were put there to die. True of the script, true of the mission. A few words from Holloway changes nothing. Bring on the sequel!

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 2:30 PM@Snorkel...PERFEK!

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 6:10 AM@Druzilla
"You're not even entitled to your opinion on this one because you're just wrong. Remember Hudson..."
Hey buddy, we were all wrong... Hudson's phrase doesn't affect the franchise one jot... He's just scared that they're not going to make it out alive. And...he was right.
Holloway now says that IT (*all this, the entire discovery, the reason why we're here, why the audience is here, all the ALIEN fans) changes nothing.
So...huh...has he seen these structures, urns, black goo etc. before???? How, when?? Does the dude even realise what he's saying there?
That's what I'm trying to say here...and now, I'm going to leave it at that. No way you guys ( sorry, we're all entitled to our own opinion) are going to convince me otherwise.
I know, sorry, I'm glad they left this out.
It's not in his view anymore...He now 'KNOWS' it's a dead end, just another tomb... what gives?
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 6:57 PMChuckle. Some see the glass half empty, and some see it half full. All Holloway see's is that it's Miller Time, all the time!
[url=]Visit the Mad Max: Fury Road Forums today![/url]

HAL 9000
MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 7:09 PM^^ well said, Freezer! ^^
Oh and I love interactive ever changing thread titles.

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 4:02 AMO.O O.O
I've just seen the deleted scenes in the link in the engineer speaks thread.
PLEASE, don't include it in the restoration cut.
YEEEEEEEEES!!! Bring it on Prometheus 2!! LAUNCH!!
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 4:51 AMwho knows maybe ridley wanted this to happen so he cna actually make the "original" mythology he wanted sort of separating it more and more from Alien.
[img width=351 height=150][/img] "Frostmourne Hungers"

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 5:34 AMthe thing the pisses me off the most is ANYTHING AFTER ALIEN seems like a load of nonsense. Aliens 'queen' nonsense. AVP's pre-historic nonsense. And all that white-alien nonsense in 4.
Now, what do we have? A director/writer team wanting to take the franchise ELSEWHERE and stumbling around a bit due to LOST and CUTS.
Outrageous waste of our time, all this material is.
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MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 5:44 AM@ Free planet, I know you're absolutely right.
But here's the thing...For a moment there I really thought the DC/RC would be completely broken ( what gives if it's not even the same 'Weyland' company? ) The DC could have been a big FU from Ridley towards Cameron, Fincher and Jeunet (don't care about the last one.) Now I still have at least some hope that we're going to get ( a far superior) sequel.
Fox definitely knows better than to kill off this cashcow...
signing off...
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!

MemberXenomorphSep-19-2012 7:29 AMWhat freeplanet said in post 44.^
What Gimmeafacehug said in post 45, ^
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