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Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-16-2012 7:48 PMI noticed that the worm type thingy, in Holloways eye, looks very much like a tiny facehugger not a worm and that scene was after he had sex with Shaw. I think the Black stuff turned his sperm into tiny facehuggers and his body is riddled with them. When you download the digital version on Tuesday, look at that scene closely!
The poster was good though!
12 Replies

HAL 9000
MemberOvomorphSep-16-2012 7:55 PMThat digital version you have already downloaded somehow? *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-16-2012 8:03 PMLOL. I haven't downloaded anything! :-) Also, the engineer at the back, in the first hologram, when he first falls over, actually trips over a rock on the ground and the engineers, in that same hologram, DO run into the ampule chamber. I know there as been a few people who have said they don't all run in there, but all of them do.
Well, apart from the last one of course.
The poster was good though!

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-16-2012 9:23 PMSorry i went off topic then. :-)
The poster was good though!

MemberXenomorphSep-16-2012 10:15 PMNecronom4
So goo turns sperm into facehugger ?( causes anything Wormlike to want want to go down your throat ?) Maybe eggs(the thing in which the hugger sits) are homogeneous to a woman's womb ?
Maybe goo has 2 purposes? Turns anything wormlike into facehugger and anthing humanoid into xeno's ?

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-16-2012 10:30 PMOduodu. Maybe, assuming that what i think i saw is correct, if he's riddled with them and Shaw had a womb with eggs, what would of happened then?
The poster was good though!

MemberXenomorphSep-16-2012 10:44 PMNecronom4
Was she infertile because she had no eggs (ovaries had no eggs) or was the eggs unable to travel down the fallopian tubes ? Would a single dose of sperm be able to heal the ovaries ?
That's why I am guessing she was just a place where shaws spermhugger could grow .

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 12:04 AMYou must have better eyesight than I do. I didn't notice anything other than a tiny wriggling worm. Look forward to the close up.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 4:21 AMI just realised that Holloway says "Here's mud in your eye" before drinking the infected champagne. A chilling foreshadowing of events to come I'm sure you'll agree :)
I didn't come up with this theory but someone else pointed out that the crashed Engineer ship is shaped alot like the Hammerpede and Deacon coming face to face. (look at the pic at the top of this page attached to the link "Talk Prometheus"). I'd like to think that this is part of a prophecy and that these 2 creatures are the building blocks of the Xeno. Maybe we'll see some sort of bizarre coitus ritual between the 2, or maybe the adult hammerpede will just mouth rape the Deacon. We'll have to wait and see.

MemberDeaconSep-17-2012 2:13 PMWill have to wait for it to come out on Blue-Ray as i am not gonna pay for Digital Copy not when i am going to have it on Blue-Ray.
But i am pretty sure that it seemed to me like a collection of worms than just one or a Face Hugger.
As far as the many different theories on how the Deacon evolves into the Xeno, i dont buy that theory, i dont think the Hamerpede and Deacon somehow produce the Xeno.
My reasons well there are a number but i guess two are that 1) Ridley said the Derelict had been on LV 426 for thousands of years with its Egg Cargo and 2) Ridley wanted to move away from the Xeno in Prometheus 2 and the route of making the Deacon and/or Hammerpedes have anything to do with the Xeno Origin and Creation would mean a movie too similar to Alien well one that would have to explore the Xeno more than Ridley would want to.
But who knows, we just cant rule out anything yet.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-17-2012 4:06 PMWhatever comes to light, i think that we should watch it with a belly full of loopy juice!!! YAY!
The poster was good though!
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