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MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 9:53 AMSo, I haven't watched any of the deleted scenes and haven't read much and was wondering if any of this has been revealed.
In the trailer and is some pics in magazines there is clearly a firefight with Weyland in the background. The team that wakes him up and anoints him are helping him walk and the security team are rushing out of the airlock, guns blazing.
Anyone know anything about this?
If not, any theories as to who they are fighting?
Pehaps the alternate Fifiled scene or maybe even better a fight against burned Holloway?
5 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 10:07 AMI think it was Fifield fight scene
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MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 2:07 PMThat's what I think. It's most likely for sure. But I wonder how the timeline works out that way. Weyland wasn't awake at that point.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 10:34 AMNo he wasn't, it was right after Shaw removed cuddles from her. Or maybe it was during the fight 'cause when Shaw came to the room he was getting his feet washed.
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MemberTrilobiteSep-18-2012 11:01 AMEngineering Fifield originally attacked as Weyland and his entourage were to depart to wake the last engineer...
[i]Post-op Shaw learns Weyland is preparing to meet the last Engineer[/i]
[i]Jackson and Vlad shoot Fifield, Weyland behind them, behind him is Shaw, to Weyland's left is Ford and barely visible behind Vlad is David[/i]
[i]Notice in the movie we never saw the face of who reversed over mutant fifield, but was led to believe it was Chance - Wrong[/i]
Last two images taken from Xmas 2011 trailer

MemberDeaconSep-18-2012 7:25 PMIt would appear that the deleted well alternative scene could be that as Weyland wanted to go down to the Temple to meet the Engineer he had one obstacle in his path and that being the Mutated Fifield.
Oh great find... yes so Shaw ran over Fifield....
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
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