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Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-17-2012 1:27 PMThis is just a theory.
We all know by now that Prometheus is littered with religious themes and symbolism ie greek mythology, sumerian mythology, egyptian mythology etc etc. We all know that the film has elements of christianity in there also. I've noticed several clues in the film which lead me to think that satan and satanism also play a big role. First of all, the titan Prometheus is viewed by some religious scholars as the ancient greek version of satan and it seems Weyland worships him.
Weyland, in his 2023 TED talk, says "We are the gods now" which satan says to his gang of fallen angels when they have been cast out of heaven.
666 is the number of satan or the anti christ. In the Prometheus crews' helmets, in the digital displays, are the numbers 61 61 61, which are constantly changing throughout the film. Sometimes they read 60 60 60 for example or 60 60 62 etc etc, but the 6' 6' 6' part never changes.
Satan is probably best known for his hatred of mankind and also as the deceiver of mankind. Weyland decieves the crew into believing that he is dead. What is that well known saying about satan 'the greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing man that he didn't exist'. IMO, the reason for these "why did Weyland decieve the crew into believing that he was dead and not onboard the ship" was created intentionally to show us what Weyland symbolizes. Also, David decieves Hollowhead into consuming the infected drink.
Is Weyland a Freemason of the satanic 33rd degree level? That might be what the mysterious 10 11 12 symbolizes? 10 11 12 = 33. Is it referring to the 33rd degree level of the satanic order? LOL (NOT THIS AGAIN Haha)...Or maybe the date in which the anti christ becomes all powerfull once again? :-) This is an interesting read:
Is Weyland the reason why Bob (the last engineer) sets off to destroy earth? Maybe it's the reason why the engineers planned to destroy us 2000 years ago. I read somewhere that satan was on the earth sometime around the time of christ, according to certain religious circles.
Is Weyland the anti christ? Or does he just symbolize the anti christ to the engineers? Or maybe the Prometheus crew represent evil to them and that's why the black stuff mutates them into deformed, demon like creatures? In this senario, the black stuff would be gods judgement weapon.
This is just a thought btw and alot of this goes against the 'robot god' theory and i really like that idea, so i don't know what to think. What about everybody else???
The poster was good though!
11 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 2:30 PMPerhaps we'll have a better idea when some BluRay screen grabs show us the writing inside those dials to see what they are measuring. One thing they probably aren't are human metrics, because David had similar numbers from his feed.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberXenomorphSep-17-2012 2:44 PMNecronom4
The engineers are more than likely a synonym for the fallen angels. And the freemasons as I understand it let's you meet satan at level 28. If this is the truth then anyone at that level will probably have a very good idea what an fallen angel looks like. Now I for one don't like getting into this stuff because the free masons is real and they are powerful. They say there is 300 families(of which daddy is a freemason ) in the world controlling the world and every company in the world has one for a head. Thats what I have heard .
So morethan likely Weyland could have been one .
There was a series by the name of millenium in which lance Heniksen played. The character he portrayed was able to see demons . I remember one episode where he saw a demon and said to him: you must be so lonely.
Also in the series there was an ancient sect or group . I don't know what they were called but they reminded of the freemasons . In another episode they found proof that that this srct had pre knowledge And they had writings predicting an earthquake (amongst other things) . The earthquake occurred (in the series ) and I sometimes wonder if that isn't the case with the freemasons ïn real life.
They say there are tunnels running below the oceans that connects the different countries. They say they have been there for many years. Maybe from just after the second world war. Point. If there is tunnels between Russia and America than is everything after the 2nd world war (the cold war ) an agreement between these 2 countries ? Is it the freemasons that controled the events of the cold war ? Who controls the freemasons ?

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-17-2012 3:31 PM@oduodu. I used to work for a man who was a freemason, he ran a business importing tyres from Germany, an wholesale tyre company, supplying to garages all over England that me and somebody else used to deliver. Anyway that's beside the point. He was a really good man! He was always doing things for charities and his circle of friends were good lads who would help you out if you were stuck and you could have a good laugh with him. There seems to be another branch of the freemasons who dabble in this kind of satanic worship thing and when you reach a certain level, you are exposed to a few secrets. Alot of people who reach this level and are exposed to this "branch" of it, leave because they realise what it really is!
Now, we all know that Weyland cares about nothing and no-one except himself! In Alien, we get the feeling that Weyland and the company are evil, right? "Evil" meaning that they don't care a jot about human life, that they're too concerned with their own progression and don't care about the lives that they destroy trying to achieving it!
Btw, "who controls the freemasons" NOW that's a question!!!
Weyland maybe? Passed down through generations?
The poster was good though!

AdminPraetorianSep-17-2012 5:53 PMI just always wondered where Weyland got the idea that the Engineers could grant him eternal life/extended life. I mean, no one even knew about them until Shaw and Holloway discovered the cave paintings and even then they were not sure until they found the one live Engineer that the race was still alive. Unless Weyland had contact beforehand....

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-17-2012 6:19 PM@Svanya. I don't know but it makes me wonder what he did know! He seemed to be obsessed with mythology and also the 'thus spake zarathustra' thingy. From what i took from reading about Zarathustra or Zoroaster, he is basically a man who was looking for god and found satan. I think that that is Weylands bible and when he discovers through Shaw that they may have found the where abouts of our gods, he automatically assumes that they will grant him eternal life, because his ego is such that he thinks he is the lord of mankind, the ubbermensch (superman). He is obviously far from it. Infact, that might be why he strokes Davids head before ripping it off? Because, maybe the engineer is thinking 'Aww, you're close to being a superman but you're synthetic'? But that also punches a massive hole in the 'robot god' thingy. So i don't know. *head scratch!*
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 8:04 PMVery interesting necronom, good catch on the triple 6's. Those numbers have to be there for a reason all those times. Even the 616 161 616 brings up the other number of the beast: 616. small details like the numbers may be planned out before shooting, so it probably means something with all the fallen angels, satan, lucifer, christ, and anti-christ themes brought up by members of the forum. I'm thinking there's no way all those 6's were randomly put in.
I'm not saying Weyland or Ridley is a mason or anything. That could be the case but I doubt it now for a few reasons. I think it's exactly like you said. That it's symbolic of Weyland (and by extension David) being presented as evil and deceptive. Although, I've changed my views on David recently. I think he'll be half and half later on: Only doing harmful things once free of Weyland's control, because he perceives the things he does as logical towards some greater good, like a necessary evil. Tricking himself into being able to continue with things that may be harmful to humans on his own accord. And could have an evil streak for a while; followed by him becoming a necessary ally (turns out semi-good in the end and has to make multiple sacrifices).
I know the masons are very real and have an interest in the subject, so it is interesting to think about. I still can't say for sure that this has a connection to them, but definitely to things they're interested in at the higher degrees. I think it could go either way with this film, but I won't go too far with that train of thought.
Why do all secret societies and intelligence agencies have to be evil? Granted the one we're talking about, the freemasons, do seem a little on the dark side of things after looking at what they believe/are introduced to after the third degree (know your enemy type stuff). But there's so much mythology around the secret society conspiracy theories that it is itself propaganda to a certain extent. Some of the myth works to create the illusion of power. When really power is divided among many factions, and there's a constant struggle between groups who believe things scarier than masons and recruit from beyond the 33rd degree. You probably know it doesn't stop at 33, it switches to titles. A myth for the members in a way because it tricks them into thinking the grandmaster is the end of the power structure.
It works like steps in an invisible pyramid... where each ascending step becomes less visible. We're supposed to know about the illuminati, the freemasons, groups like the golden dawn/ the satanists are up to etc. The "secret" societies we know of are only the base... If ppl knew that there are those who've found ways to exploit their own system and use it against them by infiltrating and pretending to be members then ppl wouldn't be so freaked about things. They also might not understand why some groups have to appear in-line with the rest. But this would also mean that all the work over the years of letting those who wish to enslave us think they were winning will not pay off. it's too late for anyone who thinks they have power or pretends they have power, takes over the political structure to gain power and uses presidents and prime ministers against the countries own intelligence agencies that are full of these types and barely operational.
Things had to go quiet on the good guy front for a while.
And the good guys have to fight fire with fire and manipulate too in this day and age. They had to adopt the enemy's tactics.
Ridley could be making a different point entirely. Instead of perpetuating a power myth about the freemasons controlling everything, he indirectly exposes their weakness through his storytelling and characterization of Weyland as almost one of these theoretical types of people who control everything. At the same time it may have been warning about them, or too them that their reign is over... Even attempting to popularize ancient alien theory even more because of some urge to work against them that Ridley has because of what he chooses to believe.
He may feel trapped like David, which is where the story starts to take terrible twists.
From there my theory gets even stranger and crosses over too into other areas and even touchier subject matter.
Any honest intelligence agencies wouldn't believe in or justify mass sacrifice, and sacrificing human lives in fake wars etc. However, if any still exist they've been pushed so far underground most haven't heard about them or think they're just another "evil" society because of the way in which they operate against the others to maintain some form of control. The good guys don't advertise much, again because of the way they operate under actual secrecy for the most part. Now it's too late. Nolan knew there was a certain storm coming too and that it could go either way, because those at the top have a say in how the world goes due to their money and influence.
You've heard the crazy ass theory that Elvis was an alien I suppose? Well if aliens are us as Ridley portrays, then it's possible they made a slightly shorter Engineer wear a wig or grow hair or something. I mean that one doesn't sound AS ludicrous when u put it in that context. However, I tend to lean more to towards corrupt undercover gov't agent. One of many who pretended to be rock stars, gods, the kings (lizard king morrison), when they've had so much help along the way. A cult got to Morrison, Mr Mojo Risin (anagram of his name; gives power in magickal beliefs); and the only one who seemed to have actually been good was Kobain. The guy who was kind of singing about bad stuff, but in a catchy way that wasn't too vulgar all the time etc.
This is coming from someone who does care about ppl but has become very jaded. So some of the so-called "secret" societies get more publicity, and groups get smeared more in the BS from untrustworthy alternative news reporters like Jones.
Aren't there any good guys left out there that would see all their not-so hidden symbols that do exist in other movies, and see this going on in the media, in movies, all around us... once learning their ancient codes. And be able to put it all together to help unravel some of the things even ordinary citizens have noticed. These guys don't need to create the illusion of power. Too busy fighting unseen wars. They're the ones trying to maintain some sort of control over what's going on in the hidden power structures of the world.
This is why I believe that king David's war, after he turns good, has to remain behind the scenes of Alien, and occur parallel to it. A hidden story only some in the company know and the real reason for why the company wants the bioweapon, or that the secret societies want to topple the economy and some groups are going along with it because the others will only weaken themselves in the end. And it's too late to stop their own demise now.
They will all die out eventually like Weyland does, leaving himself exposed to his servant David who subtly manipulates things to ensure Weyland's demise to attain freedom...
Weyland and Holloway have been believing things that are slightly off.
If Weyland has prior knowledge I "believe" Holloway does too. As he comes in with a bias on the other side: that they are not gods.
"Gods don't build in straight lines". They are only men portraying themselves as gods, and some of their devoted puppets (who they thought were only puppets) are prepared to turn against them at any moment.
They have no idea how fucked they are. How deep this goes. How going through with their plans will ensure their demise, and even speed it along.
I may be acting on emotion a little as David does.
Weyland had to pay for portraying himself as a god, or all powerful like certain groups do, controlling his subjects and manipulating them. Forcing David to do his evil bidding.
All kings will inevitably die, even ones who think they can be immortal or all powerful.
However, after David's reign ends the company goes back to following Weyland's earlier chaotic lead in a different way. So that later on none of the company even knew about the massive amount of destruction that went on, and what happened to all the Davids.

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 8:34 PMI think it's also reasonable to suggest Weyland was maybe a wee bit off his rocker.

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 8:50 PMUgh can't spell today. Cobain*.
Basically in my conspiracy theorist view Ridley could be saying that the secret societies only have their reign as wannabe kings of the Earth for now, and it will soon be over because of their foolish/evil/selfish mission. Then Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 become a pessimistic story where the company is doomed to repeat its mistakes by trying to use the bioweapon/fire in a negative way for war and to control their own subjects. Manipulating their subjects by claiming to be or presenting themselves as something they are not, and having the androids portray themselves as humans. With one android portraying himself as the head of the company in the version of Alien 3 where it pretends to be the real bishop. It pretends to be human, or the leader, or the true creator of Bishop/the company at that time, and attempts to manipulate Ripley because of their knowledge about Ripley's time with Bishop 1 and how it appears he saved her. The androids/leaders/kings/gods are liars and were not the true founders/creators, and we'll find out more about this. In happens in history numerous times, new kings/pharoahs associate with the image or lineage of a previous king to manipulate the subjects, and members of the board/company to maintain a system/image similar to a previous king. This is what secret societies do by perpetuating the myths about ALL of their bloodlines dating so far back, when in reality they are not really all descendants of the so-called god-kings. That's just more of the power myth to make them seem immortal. To rule us with fear, our/their differing interpretations of the unknowns, and manipulation based on what they believe...
Bishop II is portraying him self as the "head" of the company, as the current god-king of the Weyland kingdom, and creator of Bishop and rightful heir to the throne... So it becomes a warning about worshiping or believing in false idols, false kings, deceivers, and some of the lies of the androids.
I think Ridley thought way ahead, wanted to make some jabs, and the way some of this is planned out worried some of the other groups in a big way. However, you can't kill or threaten a golden goose that wants to keep putting its eggs out. The golden goose is being exploited for its services as just another part of the machine at the same time as being fed and housed, manipulated as well. The second he chose to do a movie on this subject he drew unwanted attention and left himself open to making many mistakes. I think his hidden message were of primary concern and he was working like Davinci. Hiding things n the artwork that the church/powers that be wouldn't agree with. Yet the goose just keeps laying eggs for them and hopes that some will end up somewhere else other than in the hands of its greedy masters. Only someone figured out the plan and took it out on Ridley in a way that involves manipulation he may not be aware of and a drug being popularized now with the nickname Devil's breath. As much as i wanna keep typing this isn't the place for a full discussion on that. I might end up doing something I don't actually want to.

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 9:08 PMIt's all tied into how the Engineers are also more like ancient kings and are not the true gods, or gods at all. They only portray themselves that way because of their advanced technology and culture, as well as to maintain their position in the hierarchy and do battle with the true gods, while ruling us like gods would... returning to punish us when we misbehave, but we're really their younger brothers, and they hate the father like David does. They may have seemed like gods at first, but Holloway had his suspicions the entire time that they were going to meet a culture of semi-human beings because of the way the archaeological data points and his view being different than Shaw's.
It's which mythological culture they are, Holloway's own beliefs, and Holloway being right that may just form the basis for much of Paradise.
Holloway may have been an ass, but I'm almost 99.9% sure by the end of all this he'll be the most correct. Once we're let in on his full thesis, free of David's obscuring of the ambiguous facts towards his own narrative.
On one level this is all about getting inside of David's head and trying to figure out what David is thinking, which very well could come to represent something Ridley identifies with: being against unfair rulers, or forced by Hollywood to portray things a certain way and only go so far with his anti-establishment themes. Now, however, I think some things have had an effect on Ridley and he'll likely continue this way, instead of submitting. Which is something i don't see him doing if i am correct about a personal link to where David's story is going.
Lindelof stated a few times that this movie would be from the "robot's perspective", and that it would really get inside the "robot's head". We did see a bit of that on the surface I suppose. Maybe more when an extended edition is actually released.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 2:16 AMMala'kak,
I always think of David and Goliath. The boy stone-caster who brought down the MIGHTY OVERLORDs.
So, this 'freemasonic' tack might not be too far off - the death of Ridley's brother Tony in such bizarre circumstances (in the [u]same month[/u] that Prometheus 2 was announced for 2014-15) certainly leaves the whole project in potential disarray, for me, Zarathustrically-speaking.
Anyway, it might be [url=]much worse[/url] than some 'alien tech'.
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